Episode number
Episode name
"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire"
During the Christmas program at Springfield Elementary School, Bart's class sings "Jingle Bells". When it comes time for the chorus, Bart pulls a prank and loudly sings the "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells" parody lyrics and is swiftly yanked off of the stage by Principal Skinner.
"Bart the Daredevil"
When Bart tried to become a daredevil, Dr. Hibbert showed him a boy that broke his leg when he tried to fly like Superman.
"Three Men and a Comic Book"
A utility belt was in the lost and found. Lisa bought a Super Lois comic book, while Bart dresses up as Bartman, an obvious take on Batman. After the children had visited a comic expo, Homer said "Give me Wonder Woman" and made an erotic growl after he said that he never knew what Superman saw in Lois Lane. In the same episode Radioactive Man and Fallout Boy are introduced, both parodies of Batman and Robin.
"Black Widower"
When The Simpsons decide to rescue Selma Bouvier from being murdered by Sideshow Bob Homer yells: "To the Simpsons mobile!", in reference to the phrase: "To the Bat mobile!" This is followed by a montage parodying the Batmobile montage from the 1960s Batman show.
"Mr. Plow"
Adam West, the actor of Batman in the 1960s Batman TV series, is guest star. Homer introduces him to Bart and Lisa as "Batman", but they claim it's not him. This prompts West to start bickering how they probably only know Michael Keaton and Michelle Pfeiffer (who played Batman and Catwoman in Tim Burton's film versions). He claims that Lee Meriwether, Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt are the only real Catwoman and tries to show off by doing the Batdance. This creeps out Homer too and he leads his children away. Later in the episode West hired both Mr. Plow and Plow King, but since the Plow King was first West took his services instead. With the snow on his driveaway out of the way West quickly gets in his car while the music from the Batman TV series plays, to mimick similar scenes whenever Batman jumped into his Batmobile. Here, however, West's car just slowly chugs away at not-all-that-spectacular speed. As he drives away Barney yells: "Your secret is safe with me, Superman!"
"Marge vs. the Monorail"
When Lyle Lanley promotes the Monorail during a visit to Lisa's class a kid asks him if the Springfield Monorail could outrun The Flash, which Lanley confirms. Then, out of nowhere, another kid wonders whether Superman could outrun The Flash, which baffles Lanley, since it has nothing to do with his monorail project. So he just confirms it to move on to another question.
"$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)"
In revenge for being kicked out of Mr. Burns' Casino, Bart tricks Robert Goulet (who had been booked into Burns' casino) into coming to his treehouse instead. Goulet performs a jazz version of "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells".
"Lisa's Rival"
When the two beekeepers decide to find out why all their bees have left, one of them yells: "To the bee mobile!", whereupon his colleague asks: "You mean: your Chevy?" and he mutters: "Yes." This is again a reference to the phrase: "To the Bat mobile!" Hank Azaria, who voiced the beekeeper, deliberately patterned his speech pattern after Adam West.
"Homer vs. Patty and Selma"
When Bart is uncomfortable wearing tights, his ballet instructor points out that Batman is willing to wear tights.
"The PTA Disbands"
Bart tells Principal Skinner that Edna Krabappel claimed he would fold "faster than Superman on laundry day."
"Radioactive Man"
One of the comic titles Bart and Millhouse pass through in Comic Book Guy's store is titled Batchick, in reference to Batgirl and Batwoman. The film makers want the Radioactive Man film to be different from the campy 1970s version, which is a reference to the fact that the makers of Batman (1989) also wanted the film to be darker in tone than the 1960s Batman TV series. The 1970s Radioactive Man version is a parody of the TV series Batman, complete with tilted camera shots, onomatopeia appearing on the screen during fight scenes, a cartoonishly portrayed villain (The Scout Master) and Radioactive Man doing a dance similar to the Batdance.
"Bart the Fink"
When Bart opens a checking account, the banker claims that filling out the forms will be more exciting than a weekend with Batman..
"El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer"
When Bart and Lisa see Homer's silhouette projected into the sky because he is standing in front of the lantern of the lighthouse, Bart wonders whether it's Homer and Lisa says, "Either that, or Batman's really let himself go", referencing the Bat-Signal.
"Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious"
When Shary Bobbins leaves, Barney Gumble mistakes her for Superman.
"Lisa's Sax"
Bart sings a playground rhyme named "Buttman" to the tune of the theme song from the TV show Batman.
"Treehouse of Horror VIII"
Right before the atomic attack destroys Springfield Comic Book Guy is reading an Aquaman comic book: "But Aquaman, you cannot marry a woman without gills. You're from two different worlds." As he notices the bomb heading towards him he mutters: "Ow, I've wasted my life..."
"Realty Bites"
As Bart and Lisa pretend to be homebuyers for Marge, Bart introduces himself as Superman.
"The Joy of Sect"
Homer sings variations of the 1960s Batman theme song throughout the episode. The Movementarians use a version of the theme song replacing Batman's name with "leader" to picque Homer's interest.
"Lost Our Lisa"
When stuck in a cherry picker, Homer prays for Superman to save him.
"Mayored to the Mob"
Mark Hamill knocks over a cardboard cutout of Wonder Woman.
"Beyond Blunderdome"
The Batmobile is seen in the Hollywood Auto Museum.
"Faith Off"
Homer draws a picture of Superman fighting Godzilla.
"Saddlesore Galactica"
The fire extinguisher Marge bought at the State Fair was endorsed by both Lynda Carter (who is dressed as Wonder Woman) and George Foreman.
"New Kids on the Blecch"
Comic Book Guy participates in the Springfield Marathon dressed as The Flash. After boasting that nobody can outrun The Flash, he falls into an open manhole.
"I Am Furious (Yellow)"
Stan Lee asks Comic Book Guy whether he is the guy "who was stalking Lynda Carter (Lynda Carter played Wonder Woman in the 1970s TV series)? Comic Book Guy claims he is merely "courting" her. Later in the episode Lee jams a The Thing figure into Database's Batmobile toy.
"Treehouse of Horror XIII"
Grandpa tells the story of Superman challenging President Roosevelt to a race around the world.
"Large Marge"
Bart and Milhouse watch an episode of Batman where Krusty plays the part of the guest villain, ClownFace.

"Treehouse of Horror XIV"
Batman and Rhoda and Superman vs. Patty Hearst comics are seen.
"Today I Am a Clown"
In the couch gag, the Simpson family are in the Bat Cave dressed in Batman costumes. Homer is Batman, Marge, Lisa and Maggie seem to be Batgirl and Bart is Robin.
"A Star Is Torn"
When the scene changes to the family eating vegetables, the transition is a parody of the transitions from the TV show Batman.
"The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer"
When Bart decided to start going into the bootleg DVD business, he showed off a copy of Batman Begins.
"Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em"
Comic Book Guy says that Bart found Skinner's Kryptonite. Comic Book Guy then explains that it's Superman's greatest weakness.
Bart was seen reading Aquaman and Superman.
"I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"
When Homer waited for the Student of the Millennium Awards to start he started to write a Superman novel.
"Husbands and Knives"
When looking through comics at the Android's Dungeon, Bart came across Death of Superman and Death of Aquaman. The first comic book is a real-life Superman title. As Comic Book Guy discovers there's another comics store across the street he exclaims: "This cannot be. It's as if Superman would move to Gotham City". Martin Prince, Jr. then points out this comic book actually exists, but Comic Book Guy replies it was just a dream sequence which never happened. When Bart points out that "none of these things ever really happened" Comic Book Guy tells him to leave his store. When Lisa talks with Daniel Clowes how much she liked Ghost World he tells her that he would rather draw Batman comics and starts talking about his utility belt, much to Lisa's disinterest. Milhouse shows Alan Moore a copy of Watchmen Babies in V for Vacation - a juvenile spin-off of Watchmen and V for Vendetta - and asks him to sign it, which outrages him, in reference to his real-life dissatisfaction about media adaptations of his own work. Later when Art Spiegelman, Daniel Clowes and Alan Moore fight onomatopeia flash at the screen, just like in the Batman TV series.
A cardboard cutout of Wonder Woman is the inspiration for Marge to open up Shapes because of Wonder Woman's figure.
"No Loan Again, Naturally"
When Marge tells Homer to invite Ned Flanders to the party, Homer says yes, but only if he can wear the costume he provides, which is that of Wonder Woman.
"Homer the Whopper"
Everyman used an issue of Captain America to have the patriotism to want to save the President's life and an issue of Wonder Woman to give him the boobs to distract the guards.
"Once Upon a Time in Springfield"
Krusty was once married to Eartha Kitt (who voices herself in this episode) for six hours, but slept through five hours of them, which led Kitt to proclaim it a "cat-astrophe", in reference to the fact that she played Catwoman in the original TV series.
"The Bob Next Door"
Bart once wrote as his chalkboard gag "Batman is nothing without his utility belt".
"The Ten-Per-Cent Solution"
Comic Book Guy bought the Batmobile from the Museum of TV and Television.
"Black-Eyed, Please"
After giving Homer a black eye, Ned Flanders asks Homer is he can pray for him. Homer tells him it's okay, as long as he prays to Superman. Ned refuses and Homer starts the prayer himself.

"Treehouse of Horror XXIV"
Marge, several other women of Springfield and Comic Book Guy all dress up as Catwoman for Halloween.
"Married to the Blob"
Commissioner Sweeney is a parody of Commissioner Gordon.

Clocks for Krypton, Superman's home planet and Bizarro Earth are seen.
In Comic Book Guy's song, he has a Lois Lane comic for the wedding special between Lois Lane and Superman.
The Just Us League is a reference to the Justice League. A parody of Wonder Woman appears on the poster.
Strawberry is dressed as the Mad Hatter. Strawberry and Milo's child is dressed as Catwoman.
Comic Book Guy says that at last they will be in the same bed, just like Batman and Robin.
Marge says the mental hospital Diggs is staying at is an Arkham Asylum type of place.
"What to Expect When Bart's Expecting"
Sex in the Batmobile is a reference to the Batmobile

Several people are dressed as DC Comics characters:
"Brick Like Me"
Bart's giant LEGO robot is made partially out of a Batmobile.
Bloc-Quaman is a parody of Aquaman.
"Treehouse of Horror XXVI"
A poster for Green Hornet vs. Green Lantern is seen, with a special appearance by Green Arrow.
"Fland Canyon"
During the title screen gag Mr. Burns flies by, dressed as Batman.
"Springfield Splendor"
A person is cosplaying Aquaman, dragging a tank with someone else inside.
"The Old Blue Mayor She Ain't What She Used to Be"
Lisa told Marge that "Wonder Woman showed that if you are a goddess with superpowers, there's no limit to what you can do."
"Gone Boy"
Homer mentions that Shaquille O'Neal has a Superman tattoo on his arm.
"Haw-Haw Land"
At the STEM Conference, Database is seen hosting a "The Science of Wonder Woman" booth. He has boxes with the "Golden Lasso" and "Invisible Plane" on the wall behind him.
"Bart's Not Dead"
In this episode, Gal Gadot (who played Wonder Woman in the 2017 DC film adaptation) is special guest voice. When Homer asks Gal Gadot what else she has done since The Fast and the Furious, Gadot asks him: "Did you see Wonder Woman?", whereupon Homer answers he usually immediately falls asleep whenever he sees the DC logo. He then asks her whether he may use her magic lasso to capture Gene Hackman, which Gadot refuses.
"Krusty the Clown"
Several DC shows are seen on the TV screens including: Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and iZombie.
"'Tis the 30th Season"
The sign at the Android's Dungeon & Baseball Card Shop says "Have a Marvel Christmas and a DC New Year".
"101 Mitigations"
Comic Book Guy said that he was not budging, like the door of Superman's Fortress of Solitude when The Beatles tried to visit. Later, in his room, we see a Radioactive Man vs. Muhammad Ali comic book on the foreground, which references the real-life comic book Superman vs. Muhammad Ali.
The owner of Zorbot the Geek has a Wonder Woman logo shirt.
Homer says that he and Comic Book Guy can still be friends, like when Superman teamed up with Lex Luthor. Comic Book Guy then said that was an imaginary story written by Harlan Ellison because he wanted to get fired.
"The Fat Blue Line"
Jason Momoa, who played Aquaman in Aquaman, was a guest at the San Castellaneta Festival. When he came on stage, Patty and Selma referred to him as Aquaman. Momoa also had a trident and conch shell in reference to his role.
"Bart the Bad Guy"
"Warrin' Priests: Part One"
The scene transition when the Lovejoys go to Michigan is a parody of the scene transitions from the 1960s Batman TV series.
"Treehouse of Horror XXXI"
Comic Book Guy told Lisa and Nelson that they had to work together, like Batman and Superman. He then showed an issue of World's Lamest Comics, a parody of World's Finest Comics, which featured the pair working together.

"Three Dreams Denied"
- Phil Muhlstock calls Comic Book Guy the "Snark Knight" and "Mean Lantern", references to Batman's nickname "the Dark Knight" and the Green Lantern.
- Cosplays on the plane include:
- The plane captain mentions Superman.
- Comic Book Guy's question cards mentions and The Joker.
- Cosplayers at the Comicalooza wears costumes of:
- A person at the panel mentions Superman's creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shunster.
"The Dad-Feelings Limited"
In Comic Book Guy's apartment is a figure of Batman.