Episode number
Episode name
"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire"
Bart tells Homer that betting his money on the dog track "could be the miracle that saves the Simpsons' Christmas. If TV has taught me anything, it's that miracles always happen to poor kids at Christmas." One of the examples Bart gives is Tiny Tim, a character from "A Christmas Carol", whom Homer apparently never heard of.
"Burns' Heir"
When Mr. Burns sees Bart outside his window he chooses him as his heir. Full of excitement Burns open his window and shouts at Bart: "You there, young lad. Which day is it today?" To which another child with a British accent says: "Today? Why today, it's Christmas sir?" This is a reference to a similar scene in "A Christmas Carol" where Ebenezer Scrooge asks a little child on the street the same question.
"Two Dozen and One Greyhounds"
Mr. Burns collapsing to the floor in anguish was referencing to how Ebenezer Scrooge collapsed upon the vision of his grave by the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come although Scrooge does not sear to no longer wear any clothing from an animal (that can do an amusing trick), but "to honor Christmas in my heart and keep it there the whole year through."
"Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious"
When Shary Bobbins offers Mr. Burns to fly a kite he dismisses it by saying: "Humbug!", which is famous as Ebenezer Scrooge's catchphrase.
"Grift of the Magi"
Near the end of the story Mr. Burns brings The Simpsons a turkey for Christmas, while the narrator mentions that this change of heart was inspired by Burns being visited "by three ghosts the night before". This is what makes Ebenezer Scrooge have a change of heart in "A Christmas Carol".
"'Tis the Fifteenth Season"
Homer watches Mr. McGrew's Christmas Carol, which is a parody of "Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol", an adaptation of "A Christmas Carol" with the cartoon character Mr. Magoo in the lead role. This holiday special has been shown several times on American television since the 1960s. In the same episode other "Christmas Carol" adaptations are shown on TV too, with a Star Trek and Family Matters episode (starring Ebenezer Urkel)
"Treehouse of Horror XV"
In the second segment, "Four Beheadings and a Funeral", Mr. Burns is named C. Ebenezer Burns, in reference to Ebenezer Scrooge .
"The Heartbroke Kid"
When Tab Spangler and Bart visit the Simpson home and walk through the crowd of German backpackers, Bart asks, "They can't see or hear us, right?" Spangler sarcastically replies, "We're not the Ghost of Christmas Past, Bart", referencing "A Christmas Carol".
"Springfield Up"
When Declan Desmond offers to show Homer the footage of why his life is blessed Homer begs Declan in a parody of Scrooge begging the Ghost of Christmas Present to spare his life in "A Christmas Carol". .
"The Fight Before Christmas"
In the third segment Mr. Burns again mentions that he was visited by three ghosts last night.
"Holidays of Future Passed"
The billboard sign at the start of the episode once again has Mr. Burns wish people: Bah, humbug!.

"White Christmas Blues"
The billboard sign at the start of the episode advertises Krusty the Clown's version of A Christmas Carol. Krusty is Scrooge, Mr. Teeny Tiny Tim and Sideshow Bob is Bob Hatchet. Later in the episode Ebenezer Scrooge appears in a video game where he is killed by Frosty the Snowman. Later in the same episode a video reads The Three Scrooges, instead of The Three Stooges.
"The Nightmare After Krustmas"
During the couch gag Homer is dressed as the Ghost of Christmas Present, Marge as Jacob Marley (chains and all), Lisa as Ghost of Christmas Past, Maggie as the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come and Bart as Tiny Tim. Mr. Burns enters the room dressed as Ebenezer Scrooge.
"O C'mon All Ye Faithful"
During the opening for A Derren Brown Christmas, a picture of Mr. Burns and the hounds confronting the spirits is seen.