New article from the Springfield Shopper: Season 36 News: The Scheduled air date for “P.S., I Hate You” has been revealed!

Wikisimpsons:Privacy policy

Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
That's the law!

Wikisimpsons takes the privacy of its users very seriously, and as part of our commitment to protecting your privacy, we provide the following information with complete transparency as to how information collected from our users is accessed, stored, and used.

Wikisimpsons collects information on its users for use in two isolated objectives: operational and analytical.

  • Operational information we collect is used only to conduct wiki operations, and is very limited in scope. We use this information to identify users from one another, and if requested, to notify them by email of any changes to pages on their watchlist. Information collected for operational use is limited to a user's username, encrypted password hash, email address, and the IP addresses used while editing the site. Registered users of the site are only identified publicly by their username, and all other information collected is only viewable by authorized staff members. Logged out users are publicly identified by their IP address when editing pages and no other operational information is collected.
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The staff of Wikisimpsons pledges to moderate these pages to the best of its abilities and ensure inappropriate content and opinions are not displayed on the website, as our intentions are to be a web site suitable for people of all ages. In a similar fashion, we cannot be held responsible or directly associated with the advertisements shown at our site, as they are served through a third party network. We will, however, do everything in our power to limit these ads to those which are suitable for people of all ages and, in the event that Wikisimpsons is informed of inappropriate advertising, certainly bring such an issue up with the advertising companies that sponsor it.

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If you have any questions regarding Wikisimpsons's privacy policies, please use the administrators page to get in touch with one of Wikisimpsons's many knowledgeable team members, who will be more than happy to answer them for you.

Your usage of this site constitutes agreement to these terms as outlined above. If you do not agree with these terms, you must immediately cease usage of this website. This privacy policy is effective as of May 26th, 2018.