Annie Dubinsky
Character Information
Annie Dubinsky is the agent of Krusty the Clown and is an actress.
When Dubinsky started out as an agent in the mid-60s, she went to The Village Id, a comedy club, where she saw Krusty on stage. She then transformed Herschel Krustofsky into Krusty the Clown. She and Krusty entered into a relationship, staying at The Clown Plaza Hotel. Krusty later ditched her and ran away, leaving her to hate him. She didn't have sex with a clown for five months.
Years later, she ran into the Simpson family at the Museum of TV and Television, where Homer asked her if he could get a role on TV. After Krusty lost his agent, they took him to see Annie, unaware of their past. Annie decided to forgive Krusty and became his agent again.
She then secured him a new show for adults, The Krusty the Clown Show Retro Reboot! After the show, she and Krusty started making out again. She later got him onto a new network, HBOWTIME. Krusty made Annie his producer. She began making demands of the crew and became uncontrollable, so the network executives ordered Krusty to fire her. He refused and stayed by her. Both she and Krusty starred in the movie Sex Over Sixty.
She was also formerly Fatso Flanagan's agent.