Episode number
Episode name
"Bart the General"
Among Bart's list of "cool wars" are the U.S. War of Independence, World War II and Star Wars.
"Treehouse of Horror"
As Lisa snoops around the ship, the ship and music bring to mind the halls of the Death Star, and Luke Skywalker's theme from Star Wars: A New Hope.
"Old Money"
Darth Vader (or an actor playing him) is one of the people waiting in line to ask Abraham Simpson for money.
"I Married Marge"
Homer and Marge leave a film theater in 1980 after a showing of The Empire Strikes Back. Homer notes: "Who would have known that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father?", annoying the crowd behind him, still waiting in line to see the film. He later calls Marge as pretty as Princess Leia and as smart as Yoda.
"Lisa the Beauty Queen"
The man that makes Lisa's caricature has on display a caricature of Darth Vader in a bathing suit and surfing.
When Lisa tries different hair styles, one of the hairdos she tries is Princess Leia's.
"Marge vs. the Monorail"
After Leonard Nimoy (Mr. Spock from Star Trek) speaks at the maiden voyage of the monorail, Mayor Quimby says "May the Force be with you", confusing Star Trek with Star Wars.
"Marge Gets a Job"
Mr. Burns is sometimes introduced while the "Imperial March" music, associated with Star Wars villain Darth Vader, plays in the background.
"A Star Is Burns"
"Lisa's Rival"
Ralph Wiggum wins a diorama contest by simply putting some packaged Star Wars action figures, including Chewbacca, Luke and Obi-Wan, into a box. Principal Skinner turns out to be a big Star Wars fan - naming "Chewy" his favorite - and declares Ralph the winner.
"'Round Springfield"
Darth Vader is one of the characters appearing in the sky to talk to Lisa. (The other two are Mufasa from The Lion King and James Earl Jones saying: "This is CNN". The voices of Darth Vader, Mufasa and the CNN voiceover were originally all done by actor Jones. He has guest-starred on the show three times; however, on this occasion the voices are provided by Harry Shearer.)
"The Springfield Connection"
Homer and Marge are attending a concert and the song played is the Main Theme from all six Star Wars episodes. Homer dislikes the performance and states: "John Williams must be rolling in his grave". In reality Williams (composer of the music in Star Wars) is still alive.
"Burns, Baby Burns"
A Darth Vader-like mask is seen in the Springfield Costume Shop
"The Springfield Files"
Chewbacca is one of the aliens in the police line-up. He is later seen singing "Good Morning Starshine" with the rest of Springfield.
"The Last Temptation of Krust"
Java the Hut is a reference to Jabba the Hutt.
"This Little Wiggy"
The logo on the "Mars" part of the Knowledgeum uses the same font as in the Star Wars logo.
"Bart the Mother"
One of the prizes available to be won in the arcade is an X-Wing toy.

"Mayored to the Mob"
There are multiple references to Star Wars in the episode:
Mark Hamill (who plays Luke Skywalker in the film series) guest-stars as himself. He speaks at the Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con and later stars as Nathan Detroit in a local production of the musical Guys and Dolls. To his dismay, Hamill is forced to play the part as Luke Skywalker and sing a song called "Luke, Be a Jedi", a parody of "Luck be a Lady Tonight".
In an advertisement for the Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con, C-3PO and R2-D2 are described as "the gay robots from Star Wars" and shown in a tag-team wrestling match with two Cylons from Battlestar Galactica.
One of the attendees at the 'Con is costumed as a Rebel soldier (from The Empire Strikes Back) riding a Tauntaun.
When Homer fights Louie, Hamill advises him to "Use the forks!", a pun on the tagline "Use the Force" from the Star Wars films.
"Viva Ned Flanders"
Comic Book Guy has a bumper sticker which says "My other car is the Millenium Falcon", given to him by a Harrison Ford look-alike.
"Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?"
The famous Hildebrandt Brothers Star Wars poster of Princess Leia, Luke and his outstretched lightsaber is seen at Planet Springfield.
"Treehouse of Horror X"
The Collector asks Lucy Lawless to call him Obi-Wan. He then battles her using Darth Maul's lightsaber after taking it out of its box.
"E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)"
Among the other films playing at the Springfield Googolplex Theatres is My Dinner with Jar Jar, a pun on the film My Dinner with André and a reference to Jar Jar Binks.
"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge"
Patty says to Lisa, "the bitterness is strong in this one", a reference to the line "the Force is strong in this one".
"Worst Episode Ever"
Martha Prince shows Comic Book Guy a box containing Star Wars memorabilia, including a handwritten script for Star Wars by George Lucas, Princess Leia's anti-jiggle breast tape, and a film reel labeled "Alternate ending: Luke's Father is Chewbacca". Comic Book Guy, exploiting the fact that Martha is ignorant of the items' worth, offers five dollars, but Bart and Milhouse warn her that he's ripping her off.
"Treehouse of Horror XII"
Yoda performs the wedding ceremony when the Leprechaun and the Gypsy get married.
"Brawl in the Family"
When the family are forced to stay indoors because of acid rain, they play Monopoly, and one of the versions of the game they own is Star Wars Monopoly.
"Half-Decent Proposal"
Comic Book Guy's bedroom is bristling with Star Wars items, including a picture of Yoda, signed portraits of Mark Hamill in both Star Wars: A New Hope and Return of the Jedi outfits, Star Wars bedding, Chewbacca pajamas, and a Jar Jar Binks doll which he clutches in bed and tells "Oh Jar Jar, everyone hates you but me."
"Gump Roast"
Julius Hibbert is arrested for wearing a Darth Vader costume, thus violating a local ordinance against impersonating movie characters. Also, the Imperial March plays when Mr. Burns is introduced on stage during the roast of Homer Simpson.
"Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge"
Homer says: "I've trick or treated at many of your homes. Last year I was Jar Jar Binks."
"C.E. D'oh"
While Homer tries to figure out how to take over the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, he starts marking down all the hazards as Lenny and Carl begin fighting with radioactive Plutonium rods, using them like lightsabers (complete with sound effects). Lenny proclaims, "The Phantom Menace sucked more!" While Carl argues, "Attack of the Clones sucked more!"
"Treehouse of Horror XIV"
In the "Frinkenstein" segment, Comic Book Guy tells Jonathan Frink, Sr. that he can keep his butt, but he wants him to return his Jabba the Butt tattoo.
In the "Stop the World, I Want to Goof Off" segment, Comic Book Guy chases after Bart and Milhouse, and later Martin, with a lightsaber.
"The Regina Monologues"
In Bart's fantasy, he fantasizes about R2-D2 playing the bass.

"Co-Dependent's Day"

"My Big Fat Geek Wedding"
The Simpsons family tries to stop Comic Book Guy's Klingon wedding (in this case a Star Trek reference) with Edna Krabappel at a Sci-Fi convention, where we can see three fans wearing Star Wars costumes: Chewbacca, C-3PO and Darth Vader. Also, R2-D2 and C-3PO figures are seen. People wearing Boba Fett and Gamorrean costumes are also seen.
"Catch 'Em If You Can"
At Lackluster Video, Homer asked the Squeaky-voiced teen to look up the movie Chocolate Star Wars, which Homer was then told didn't exist.
"Treehouse of Horror XVI"
Apu is dressed as R2-D2.
Don Payne is credited as "Darth Pain".
"Homer's Paternity Coot"
Ralph says that he is C3-D2, referencing both C-3PO and R2-D2.
"Bart Has Two Mommies"
Marge makes a Darth Vader mask and claims to be "Star Wars".
"Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em"
Bart and Principal Skinner have a fight, parodying the lighsaber duels in Star Wars. Bart's weapon is a peanut on a stick and Skinner's is a shrimp on a stick (taking advantage of each other's allergies). As they duel, the music playing is "Duel of the Fates", a recurring song used in the Star Wars prequel trilogy.
"Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Three Times"
The episode is dedicated to everyone who died in the Star Wars films.
- Darth Vader
- Darth Maul
- Greedo
- Uncle Owen
- Storm Trooper Number 5
- Jango Fett
- General Grievous (DROID)
- Storm Trooper Number 22
- Dak
- Obi Wan (Ben) Kenobi
- Whoever Jimmy Smits Played
- Hutt, Jabba the
- Sy Snoodles
- Unfortunately, Not Jar-Jar Binks
- Everyone On Both Death Stars When They Blew up
"Little Big Girl"
The Springfield Multicultural Center has a picture of Darth Vader's helmet on the wall.
Homer has a cologne bottle called Scent of a Wookiee. Additionally, it says it is from the Star Wars collection. The bottle features Chewbacca on it.
"Sex, Pies and Idiot Scrapes"
In the couch gag, the Simpsons get frozen into Carbonite, and Boba Fett carries them away.
"Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words"
One clue in a crossword that Lisa did was "Obi-Wan Kenobi, for one".
"Lisa the Drama Queen"
When Nelson sees Lisa playing with Juliet Hobbes, he says that girls are so lame and starts to play with his headless Darth Vader, who misses his girlfriend, armless Malibu Stacy wrapped in hockey tape. After that he makes the two of them kiss.
"Take My Life, Please
When Homer ran for school president in high school, he made a poster saying that he had support from Jaws and Star Wars.
"Homer the Whopper"
A film poster is seen for Star Wars Episode VII: The Apology. In real life, there is an Episode VII, but is called The Force Awakens.
"Rednecks and Broomsticks"
A hillbilly says to Moe that he suppose he thinks all space is Star Wars.
"Once Upon a Time in Springfield"
Ralph Wiggum, dressed as Princess Leia for "Inspirational Woman Day" states "I'm a Star Wars".
"The Blue and the Gray"
Homer tells Marge that he is a wingman, just like Wedge Antilles in Star Wars.
"Angry Dad: The Movie"
Ben Stiller, dressed as Iron Man, and Jack Black, dressed as The Hulk, were having a fight with lightsabers as part an act.
The character in The Adventures of Parody Man has a Darth Vader helmet on.
"Replaceable You"
Santa's Little Helper wears a Darth Vader mask and Homer refers to him as "Lord Vader".
"The Food Wife"
At E4, Blocko Cosmic Wars appears, with Blocko versions of Darth Maul and Yoda.
On The Android's Luncheon's main page features several references, including:
"Holidays of Future Passed"
In her room on the Ultranet, Zia Simpson has a poster of Empress Zimzam, who bears a strong resemblance to Padmé Amidala in The Phantom Menace.
"The D'oh-cial Network"
Blocko Cosmic Wars appears again. The set Chubba the Shedd's Dust Palace is a parody of Jabba the Hutt's Sand Palace.
"Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart"
On the news, Chief Wiggum says that whoever vandalised Springfield has made themself into a combination of Robin Hood, Luke Skywalker and every rapper ever.
"Them, Robot"
Mr. Burns says "you are so not the heartless automatons I was looking for", a reference to Obi-Wan Kenobi's line "These aren't the droids you're looking for" from the Star Wars movie Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
"A Totally Fun Thing Bart Will Never Do Again"
"Sith training with certified Sith Lord" is seen on the Fun Schedule.
"Ned 'n' Edna's Blend Agenda"
Marge asks why Homer would believe some random person on the internet, and he says "because his avatar is Darth Maul, the second coolest Darth".
"Lisa Goes Gaga"
During the song "Monster" that Lady Gaga sings, she looks in a mirror and looks like a Jawa from Star Wars. The word "Jawa" was said at the same time in the song.
"Adventures in Baby-Getting"
Comic Book Guy mentions that the sinkhole is larger than the Sarlacc Pit which swallowed Boba Fett but is smaller than the Geonosis Battle Arena where Jango Fett was beheaded by Mace Windu, all references to Star Wars.
"The Day the Earth Stood Cool"
Terrence says that his pet armadillo is Mexican Chuey, not Star Wars Chewie. Homer then says that Star Wars Chewie is a man in a suit so he is not scary.
"Love Is a Many-Splintered Thing"
A caricature of Bart as Yoda is seen with the caption "Leave Me Why Did She?"
"Gorgeous Grampa"
During the song "High to Be Loathed", Mr. Burns mentions Darth Vader, and makes his shadow, among lots of other villains.
"Steal This Episode"
The text in Cosmic Wars Episode VII: A New Take says that due to a rift in the space-time continuum, episodes I, II and III never happened. This is a reference to many fans of Star Wars disliking the prequel trilogy. The film is also a reference to the unreleased seventh Star Wars film.
"Married to the Blob"
Cosmic Wars: The Crucifixion of Jim Jam Bonks is an audio book and a reference to how many fans hated Jar Jar Binks, featuring the character Jim-Jam Bonks.
"Days of Future Future"
When the bullies are attempting to mug Lisa and Milhouse, Jimbo pulls out a miniature red lightsaber.
Empress Zimzam is seen on Bart's Little Black eBook.
Jim Jam Cereal, featuring Jar Jar Binks parody Jim-Jam Bonks is seen.

"What to Expect When Bart's Expecting"
An unnamed man is seen dressed up as a Sith and Gil is dressed as Lando Calrissian.
"Brick Like Me"
Bart's giant LEGO robot uses "lightsaber barf", complete with lightsaber sound effects.

"I Won't Be Home for Christmas"
Comic Book Guy and Kumiko watch Cosmic Wars: Holiday Special. In it are parodies of C-3PO and R2-D2 (C-3PO parody unnamed and R3), who work in a soup kitchen. A parody of Darth Vader thencuts a turkey (with a lightsaber) for his family.
"The Man Who Came to Be Dinner"
Cosmic Wars was mentioned to have been bought out by Dizz-Nee, a reference to Star Wars being bought out by Disney. Several attractions were at Dizz-Nee Land, including Jim-Jam Bonk's Wild Ride and Jabba the Tiki Hut. Yoda also made an appearance.
Homer uses a device similar to a lightsaber to chop off his hand and uses another setting to restore his hand. He then uses this device on Marge's hair and gives her a hand in her hair instead.
"The Musk Who Fell to Earth"
Elon Musk gives Bart a fully functioning lightsaber, which he uses to destroy a tree.
"Walking Big & Tall"
In the list of names Homer tells his friends they can't call him is Opies Want Canoli, referring to Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"Treehouse of Horror XXVI"
At the premiere of 'Zilla, Comic Book Guy says he didn't buy the ticket to see the film, he wanted to save a seat for the next Star Wars film.
"The Great Phatsby: Part Two"
Smithers comes out of a horse's corpse ala Luke Skywalker and continues forth trying to bring home some ice for Burns.
"Springfield Splendor"
There is a statue of Krusty in carbonite in The Android's Dungeon & Baseball Card Shop.
At Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con, there is an advert for a Cosmic Wars panel at 2PM in Hall J.
"Grampy Can Ya Hear Me"
After Bart and Lisa break into the school, Bart steals a package of Chewbacco nicotine gum from Miss Hoover's desk. In addition to being a portmanteau of "chew" and tobacco", the gum's name could be construed as a pun on Chewbacca.
"Mr. Lisa's Opus"
In the song "Those Were the Days", Homer and Marge sing the lyrics "And we had real heroes then, Like Jar Jar Binks and Qui-Gon Jinn."
"Throw Grampa from the Dane"
Bart mentioned that Disney created Star Wars.
"'Tis the 30th Season"
In the Couch gag, Marge, Lisa, Maggie and Bart are upside down on the ceiling. When wampa-Homer comes to attack them, Bart uses the force to grab the light saber and cut its hand. This scene is a reference to the scene in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, where Luke Skywalker, to save himself from the wampa, grabs the light saber with the force and cuts its hand with it, just like Bart.
At the church, on the way back to Springfield, the wind caused by them passing by removes the letters from the marquee, making it "New Star Wars". People then run into the church, only to be disappointed.
"I'm Dancing as Fat as I Can"
In Hello Krusty, Bart and Milhouse see a display of toys from Solo: A Star Wars Story and scream.
"101 Mitigations"
Lisa says that Comic Book Guy's favorite thing is Star Wars, and he hates Star Wars.
Milhouse calls Comic Book Guy "Blobba the Hutt", a reference to Jabba the Hutt.
Comic Book Guy has mugs of Cosmic Wars characters Jim-Jam Bonks, a Yoda parody and a C-3PO parody.
At the Comic Con, someone is dressed as a person riding a Tauntaun.
"Bart vs. Itchy & Scratchy"
At the Springfield Convention Center, at Krusty Kon, a statue of Krusty in carbonite is shown, a reference to Han Solo being encased in carbonite.
Bart mentions Boba Fett. Homer and Bart then have an argument about Boba Fett. Lisa then asked why every discussion about feminism turns into an argument about Star Wars.