Episode number
Episode name
"Three Men and a Comic Book"
Martin loses one of his Klingon ears at the "Close Encounter of the Comic Book Kind" Convention. The lost and found also has Tricorders.
"Like Father, Like Clown"
When Krusty the Clown is revealed to be Jewish, Homer dismisses the idea of a "Jewish entertainer". Lisa then lists several celebrity entertainers who are Jewish, among them William Shatner.
"Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie"
The family sees a trailer and clips from the latest Original Series film, Star Trek XII: So Very Tired, which depicts an elderly and senile cast. Captain Kirk complains about poor sleeping habits and everyone else's indifference to his complaining, while Scotty has grown so fat he cannot fire the phasers because his gargantuan stomach is in the way of the control panel.
"Marge vs. the Monorail"
Leonard Nimoy is present to give a celebration speech for the new monorail. He jokes that this vessel "could do at least Warp 5", a reference to Warp speed in 'Star Trek'. Mayor Quimby then makes a reference to Star Wars, which annoys Nimoy and it turns out the major thinks he was one of The Little Rascals. In the same episode Nimoy looks through his monorail window making philosophical observations in the same style as Spock. However, the man next to him asks if anyone else wants to change seats? At the end of the story Nimoy looks back at the events and says: "My work is done here." Barney Gumble then points out that he hasn't done anything, whereupon Nimoy states: "Haven't I?" and dissolves in the same beam effect as in 'Star Trek'.
"Homer Goes to College"
Benjamin, Doug and Gary get into an online argument with students of the Massachussets Institute of Technology whether Captain Kirk (from Star Trek: The Original Series) is better than Captain Picard (from Star Trek: The Next Generation)?
"Deep Space Homer"
The title is a reference to the 'Star Trek' spin-off 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine'. As part of his NASA training, Homer fights Barney in the Triskelion arena while the classic "Star Trek fight music" plays in the background. Dr. Babcock bets "400 quatloos on the newcomer".
"Bart of Darkness"
The Itchy and Scratchy cartoon in this episode is a parody of "The Cage", "The Menagerie, Part I", and "The Menagerie, Part II", with the "future mice" resembling the aliens from Talos IV and possessing strong telepathic and telekenetic abilities.
"Itchy & Scratchy Land"
The couch gag for this episode shows the Simpson family being beamed on the couch the same way people are beamed onto the Enterprise.
"Bart's Girlfriend"
Abe Simpson confesses to being the one who cancelled Star Trek.
"And Maggie Makes Three"
Homer claims that the dawn of the internet showed the average person "what some nerd thought of Star Trek."
"A Star Is Burns"
William Shatner is one of the actors auditioning for the role of Montgomery Burns dressed in a Starfleet uniform and speaking in his "Kirk voice" ("Ex-cell-ENT!").
"Lisa's Wedding"
In this episode, Hugh Parkfield's watch makes identical noises to a TOS communicator, Troy McClure's uniform is identical to the TOS uniforms, and the nuclear power plant resembles and makes the same noises as the Enterprise.
"Two Dozen and One Greyhounds"
A clerk at a pet store performs a "human-dog mind meld" on Santa's Little Helper. He recommends that the Simpsons buy a lot of his merchandise to help calm the dog. Apparently it worked as the next scene depicts the family driving home with a car full of dog-related goods.
"The Homer They Fall"
Comic Book Guy reflects on winning a high-tech belt from a Star Trek trivia costume, and is upset that its medium size is too small for most Star Trek fans.
"The Springfield Files"
Leonard Nimoy appears again, and is addressed as "Spock" by a hot dog vendor.
"Das Bus"
When Comic Book Guy starts to download a nude picture of Captain Janeway, he says, "Lace ... the final brassiere", referencing the line "Space ... the final frontier" from the show's introductory narrative.
"Simpson Tide"
Homer ends up as captain of a military submarine and refers to helmsman Moe as "Mr. Moe". A "Mr. Sulu" is also part of the crew and mentions Rigel VII while setting a course.
"Mayored to the Mob"
Vina's theme from "The Cage" is heard when Comic Book Guy is entranced by a nerdy young Comic Book Gal.
"Viva Ned Flanders"
Comic Book Guy has a bumper sticker which says "I Brake For Tribbles". Tribbles are creatures which appeared several times in the original Star Trek series, debuting in the Star Trek episode "The Trouble With Tribbles". Most of the other bumper stickers are Star Trek references while the license plate is the same as the registry number for the Starship Enterprise.
"They Saved Lisa's Brain"
Comic Book Guy dresses in a costume resembling the Star Fleet uniform worn in Star Trek.
"Treehouse of Horror X"
Comic Book Guy holds Bart and Lisa at bay with "the only working phaser ever built" which was "fired once to keep William Shatner from releasing another album."
Leonard Nimoy as Spock was one of the celebrities that The Collector had captured.
"Bart to the Future"
When the audience at Nelson's Crab Shack are displeased with the performance of Captain Bart and the Tequila Mockingbirds, they boo and start throwing things at the stage. A laser grid quickly activates and disintegrates all of the thrown objects, thus protecting the performers. However, the barrage continues and threatens to overload the grid. Willie, who is running the grid, panics and exclaims "We need more power! The shield won't hold much longer!", echoing a couple of Scotty's catchphrases from the original series.
"Worst Episode Ever"
As Comic Book Guy goes to a class about making friends, he says, "Human contact: the final frontier", referencing the show's introductory narrative ("Space: the final frontier").
"I'm Goin' to Praiseland"
When Comic Book Guy hallucinates he imagines himself to be part of the cast of Star Trek: The Original Series and is seduced by Colonel Uhura before he suddenly wakes up.
"Sweets and Sour Marge"
Comic Book Guy bought the books I Am Not Spock, I Am Spock and I Am Also Scotty by Leonard Nimoy. The first two books are actual real-life autobiographies by Nimoy.
"Old Yeller-Belly"
Comic Book Guy goes to Springfield Dry Cleaners to get his disguises of Spock, Batman and Spider-Man.
"Simple Simpson"
Nichelle Nichols from Star Trek visits Comic Book Guy's shop while his face is covered in pie.
"Homer the Whopper"
The Maltese Vulcan's name is a reference to the detective novel The Maltese Falcon and Vulcans.
"Stealing First Base"
When Bart hallucinates many famous pop culture kisses, one of them is Spock being kissed by Uhura, from the 2009 Star Trek reboot movie.
"The Ten-Per-Cent Solution"
A model of the Enterprise is seen.

"Holidays of Future Passed"
In the future:
- The most common method of travel is the teleport, which resmbles the transporters in Star Trek.
- Dr. Hibbert now wears a VISOR, like Geordi La Forge.
- Homer reads a book titled The Hardy Borgs, a reference to the Borg and the unrelated novel series The Hardy Boys.
- One of the ships Homer bottled is the Star Trek Enterprise.
The alien that Homer fights is a Gorn from the episode "Arena".
"White Christmas Blues"
Jingle Bell Spock is a reference to "Jingle Bell Rock" and stars Spock.
"Married to the Blob"
A clock for Vulcan is seen.
Comic Book Guy is seen dressed up in a Star Trek outfit.
"The Man Who Came to Be Dinner"
Homer makes an entry to the "Captain's Log" on the journey away from Rigel VII.
As the family receives a transmission from an unknown source, theme music that accompanied the Klingons in the Star Trek film series played.

The end credits parody Star Trek and its theme music plays.
- Marge appears as Vina, in Orion form, from the episodes 'The Cagel / The Menagerie'.
- Homer is seen as Captain Kirk fighting the Gorn from 'Arena'.
- Akira Kurosawa appears as a topless fencer, referencing Sulu in the episode 'The Naked Time'.
- Lisa is depicted as the Borg Queen.
- The episode 'The Trouble with Tribbles' is spoofed with Crazy Cat Lady standing in for Kirk, Principal Skinner as Spock, Professor Frink as Mr. Lurry and Superintendent Chalmers as Nilz Baris.
- Bart appears as Scotty working in a Jefferies tube.
- Lokai and Bele from 'Let That Be Your Last Battlefield' appears with faces which mix Lenny and Carl and Lou and Eddie.
- Homer reappears as Kirk in the next shot, talking to the Triskelion Providers from 'The Gamesters of Triskelion'.
- Milhouse is seen as a Quark from 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine'.
- Barney appears as Harry Mudd and Patty and Selma as his wives in 'I, Mudd'.
- The closing shot shows Mr. Burns as Balok from 'The Corbomite Maneuver'.
"Lisa with an "S""
In the couch gag the Simpsons live in a donut-version of the Enterprise, which is then shot down by couches.
"Springfield Splendor"
A stall for "Klorrgh and Thracck Attorneys at Law", specializing in Klingon divorce, is seen at Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con.
"Krusty the Clown"
Star Trek: Discovery is one of the shows shown on the TV screens.
"101 Mitigations"
Comic Book Guy said that he gave Homer the U.S.S. Enterprise and that he returned with The Orville, a reference to Star Trek and The Orville respectively.
The owner of Zorbot the Geek says that German is Earth's closest language to Klingon.
Displays at the Comic Con include Klingon Treasures and Star Trek Uniforms.
"Treehouse of Horror XXXI"
When talking about time loops in film, Comic Book Guy showed Lisa and Nelson a picture from Star Trek Four.
"Do PizzaBots Dream of Electric Guitars?"
The Bad Robot security guard is dressed like a Star Trek character.
"A Made Maggie"
Comic Book Guy mentions worshiping the Klingon faith of Ba-a-a-a.