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Character Information
Truth-Anne is a student at the Limitless Frontier Horizons school.
When students at the Limitless Frontier Horizons started feuding with the students at Springfield Elementary School in Boblox, Principal Skinner and Bart went to see Sandra, the principal of the school, to try and get them to stop. However, it turned out that Truth-Anne was actually the one in charge of the school. Truth-Anne explained how the students at the school believed that they could succeed at anything they set their minds to. Bart, realizing that the students at Springfield Elementary stood no chance against them, decided to make a deal with Truth-Anne where they would split the territory they were feuding over equally. Truth-Anne accepted, but Skinner refused since he wanted all the money they were making, not half.
The feud between the two schools kept going until Skinner tried to drive a bulldozer through the Limitless Frontier Horizons computer room. Truth-Anne was shocked by this as she had never experienced anything like it. After Bart talked Skinner down, Sandra tried to come up with a lesson about what happened, and Truth-Anne fired her.
Truth-Anne's father was a director for The Wire.[1]
Truth-Anne went to Little Vest Park with her emotional support chicken, Gwyneth Poultry, when Lisa and Snowball II went there. While Truth-Anne was explaining that the park was for emotional support animals, with the red vests, Snowball jumped out of the pushchair he was in and attacked Gwyneth Poultry. Gwyneth Poultry was then taken to Tweeters Sinai Bird Hospital, where she was treated by the veterinarian, who then gave the medical bill to the Simpson family.[2]
Truth-Anne was a passenger on the Convenience Airways Springfield to Pile Ridge, Louisiana flight. She had Gwyneth Poultr with her as her emotional support pet.[3]
Episode – "Game Done Changed"
Episode – "Homer's Adventures Through the Windshield Glass" (opening sequence)
Episode – "Night of the Living Wage"
Episode – "Convenience Airways"
[show] The Simpsons characters