The Rich Texan
The Rich Texan
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Character Information
The Rich Texan is a stereotypical rich, selfish, callous, but gregarious, business owner. He is an active member of the Springfield Republican Party and speaks with a heavy Texas drawl. In Season 5's "$pringfield" (the Rich Texan's debut), Homer addresses the Rich Texan as "Senator," although this was never again referenced. The Rich Texan wears a tan suit with a bolo tie and a white cowboy hat. He is also obsessive-compulsive, as revealed in "The Seemingly Never-Ending Story."
He has gray hair. He is 70 years old. His occupation is a business owner. He has a gay grandson, as revealed in the episode, "Million Dollar Abie" and a daughter named Paris Texan (who looks and acts like Paris Hilton, and whose name is a play on Paris, Texas), according to "Homerazzi." His first appearance was in "$pringfield."
He has stated in the episode, "Marge's Son Poisoning" that he enjoys moonlight walks on the beach; in the same episode, he held Homer and Moe at gunpoint, while forcing them to walk along with him after being tricked by the two. He is well known for pulling out a pair of revolvers and firing them into the air while yelling, "Yee-haw!" whenever he is happy or excited, and once in "Pray Anything," he went over the top and lost his mind after doing something generous for Ned. In "Midnight Towboy," he revealed that he suffers from pogonophobia (the fear of beards and mustaches); he then promptly shoots at least one man dressed as Santa Claus. In the episode, "Revenge is a Dish Best Served Three Times," it is revealed that he is originally from Connecticut, a likely reference to George Bush, who was born in Connecticut, but raised in Texas and uses Texas iconography. He is voiced by Dan Castellaneta.
Character History
He is an active member of the Springfield Republican Party and speaks with western slang words and phrases. In the fifth season episode “$pringfield(Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)”, Homer addresses the Rich Texan as Senator, although this was never mentioned again. The Rich Texan sports a bolo tie and a white cowboy hat. He is also obsessive-compulsive, as revealed in "The Seemingly Never-Ending Story." In this episode Mr. Burns also refers to him as Shady Bird Johnson. In "Marge's Son Poisoning," he states that he enjoys moonlight walks on the beach; in the same episode, he holds Homer and Moe at gunpoint while forcing them to walk along with him after being conned by the two. He is well known for pulling out a pair of revolvers and firing them into the air while yelling "Yee Haw!" whenever he is happy or excited. In "Pray Anything," he goes over the top and loes his mind after doing something generous for Ned Flanders. He has been to jail at least once when one of his stray bullets hit a Texas Ranger $pringfield. The police made him switch to blanks, but he noted that "They just don't feel the same". In "Midnight Towboy", he revealed he suffers from pogonophobia (the fear of beards and moustaches); he then promptly shoots a man dressed as Santa Claus. He has a gay grandson, as revealed in "Million Dollar Abie", a possible reference to US Vice President Dick Cheney's homosexual daughter. He has a daughter named Paris Texan, a play on Paris Hilton and Paris, Texas. In the episode" Revenge is a Dish Best Served Three Times," it is revealed that he is from Connecticut. This may be a possible reference to George Bush, as he was also born in Connecticut, but acts as though he was born and raised in Texas. He is oftern mistaken with Antoine Tex O'Hara. In The Simpsons HD intro, Rich Texan appears while Bart is skateboarding through town and shoots his pistols at Bart, but fails.
The Simpsons Beyond Forever Biography
- Who he is: Greedy philanthropist.
- Proud owner of: Omni-Pave Construction, portions of the Springfield Forest, and the lucky hat he wore the day Kennedy was shot.
- His fondest dream: To build the world's first drive-through humidor.
- Strange behavior: Breaks into a giddy dance while shouting, "Yee-Haw" and "Yippie-ki-yi-yay, little doggies!"
- Surest indication of character: The license plate on his limo reads "NO SHAME" [1].