Emily Dickinson
Emily Dickinson | ||||||||
Character Information
Emily Dickinson was an American poet.
When Lisa was solitude she remember at it never hurt anyone for Emily Dickinson lived alone, and she wrote some of the most beautiful poetry the world has ever known before she went crazy as a loon.[1]
When Mesmerino hypnotizes Homer into believing he is Emily Dickinson he exclaims that he's Angie Dickinson.[2]
When Lisa told about the camp started Grampa reading a poem. Lisa ask after if it was Emily Dickinson but he tell her at he describing his day.[3]
Under Raymond Bird funeral starting Homer read words from Emily Dickinson but short after he starting with it took Santa's Little Helper his note with the words.[4]
Lisa thinks a package to Homer contents might include the works of Emily Dickinson.[5]
Episode – "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson"
Episode – "The Blunder Years"
Episode – "Elementary School Musical"
Episode – "How Munched Is that Birdie in the Window?"
Comic story – Special Delivery