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Character Information
Eddie is one of the two cops who aids Chief Wiggum on every mission. Unlike Lou he is unintellegent but not as dumb as Wiggum. He is voiced by Harry Shearer.
Role in The Simpsons
Primary Role
Eddie rarely speaks, though he is always there at every case with Lou and Chief Wiggum. There has also been a joke on this in Treehouse of Horror XV in which Wiggum is discovered to be a so-called Muttonchop Murderer and Wiggum says "why can't you be more like Eddie", Lou then replies with "Because you cut his tongue out."To which Eddie says,"He's right chief",with much difficulty in pronouncing the words without his tongue.
In his first appearance he goes into Moe's Tavern to get a drink with Lou. Also, in Seperate Vocations he gives Bart a ride in the police car and tries to solve a case which Bart helps out with. Also, in Pranksta Rap he is promoted to Lou's position and asks Wiggum who will take his position and Wiggum replies with a simple nobody. He is also seen storming the graveyard with Wiggum and Lou in The Girl Who Slept Too Little and is seen as a robo-cop along with Lou and Wiggum as well in Future-Drama.
In "Separate Vocations", Eddie admits he loves being a cop because it makes him feel like he is "making a difference". One episode implied Eddie was gay, due to his unusual body movements and Chief Wiggum's comment of "It's a wonder why he can't get a girlfriend". Eddie is yellow with lines of hair going down, and Lou is Dark Brown, but in early seasons he was yellow too.
Episode Appearances