Cecil Terwilliger
Cecil Underdunk Terwilliger
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Character Information
Cecil Terwilliger is the younger brother of Robert Underdunk Terwilliger (Sideshow Bob).
Early life
When he was young, Cecil was ignored by his parents compared to Bob, similar to the rest of his life.[1] Cecil's dream since a child was to become Krusty the Clown's sidekick on The Krusty the Clown Show.[2] Cecil spent, according to Bob, "four years at clown college", to which Cecil replies, "I'd thank you not to refer to Princeton that way". Krusty and the producers of his show rejected Cecil during his audition. Cecil offered to perform his prepared "pie-in-the-face take" before he was ushered off-stage, but this did not change the producers' minds. It was then that Krusty spotted Robert, standing to the side in a fine suit. Krusty ordered a pie-in-the-face for him, the resulting impact knocking off Robert's top hat and causing his hair to spring up from under it. Krusty hired Robert as his sidekick. Cecil resented and was jealous of his brother. His birthday is also in May 18th 1973.
Springfield Dam Plot
When Sideshow Bob was released from prison, Cecil hired him to work for his company building a new hydroelectric dam along the river, proudly telling him that he was Springfield's "Chief Hydrological and Hydrodynamical Engineer". Cecil's true intentions, however, were to skim money from the dam project's contract, build a poor quality dam, and frame his brother for the resulting destruction. Cecil's plot was discovered by Bart and Lisa Simpson. Despite Bob's innocence, both brothers were sent to prison, since Chief Wiggum did not believe that Sideshow Bob was innocent, despite testimonies from Bart and Lisa.[2]
Prison and Release
Unpopular compared to his brother, and being compared to by a new prisoner as like Tito Jackson. Cecil was also forgotten by the Police force for a parole hearing as he was apparently never checked in to prison, as Bob was also arrested at the same time, and so Cecil was released. Cecil rented a hideout. Meanwhile Lisa Simpson was also being overshadowed by her brother. Wanting to be different from Bob, Cecil decided to destroy Lisa for thwarting his plan to destroy the dam. Lisa received a death threat and Marge thinking that it was from Sideshow Bob, called the jail, where he was still, his parole hearing failing. Cecil got a seat on the School Board and as part of a money saving plan, got Lisa's favorite lesson, music canceled and her saxophone marked as a "dangerous instrument". He also joined the Friends of the Library Committee and got the Library's books replaced with graphic novels. He also threatened Krusty with pictures from his Bangkok vacation, so he would stop showing Itchy and Scratchy, which was replaced with Jeeves and Wooster and gets her school permanently closed. Comparing the death threats, Lisa notices the different, yet similar handwriting, just as a wrecking ball smashed through the wall. Gary, Doug and Benjamin trace the IP for Lisa, which leads them to the Warehouse District. However, Cecil was already their and caught them, as the nerds where working with Cecil. However, the wrecking ball was from the Construction Workers Union, as Homer ate their lunch. Cecil planned to freeze Bart and Lisa in Liquid Nitrogen, like he had some door-to-door salesman. At that moment however, the police arrested Cecil.
Third Appearance
He made his third appearance in Funeral for a Fiend where Sideshow Bob was put on trial for trying to kill The Simpsons family and there his father says Sideshow Bob has a rare heart condition which was caused by his many failed attempts to kill Bart. It was then revealed he had to take medication to keep himself healthy but Bart throws it out the window thinking it's a bomb and Sideshow Bob drops dead. Cecil then invites Bart to Bob's cremation and Bart decides to go to change the way he acted during Bob's funeral, however it is just a trap and Sideshow Bob is not dead but is alive and came out of his coffin to kill Bart by putting him in it and getting burned. But Bob's family's plan is yet foiled again and he, Cecil, Robert Sr., Francesca, and Bob's mother are all sent to jail for 87 years while Bob is stuck in a straight coat, and most of his family is playing poker.His line when he auditioned was "Hello meet me it's sideshow Cecil"
Fourth Appearance
He made is 4th appearance in oh brother where Bart thou? in Barts dream about brothers in which he and Bob are flying kites together.
Behind the Scenes
Cecil, voiced by David Hyde Pierce, and Robert, voiced by Kelsey Grammer, have a relationship similar to that of Niles Crane and Frasier Crane, whom the actors played on the sitcom Frasier. His mannerisms are similar to that of his Fraiser counterpart.