Miami Dolphins
The Miami Dolphins are an American Football team.
When Bret ask Smooth Jimmy Apollo if any thoughts on Miami-Cincinnati. He tell then at he has and hereby declare Miami to be Smooth Jimmy's 'Lock of the Week.' Homer tell then at that's a big lock but he just don't trust that guy. Homer change then channel and a guy tell then at In the Cincinnati-Miami game he declare Cincinnati his 'Shoe-in of the Week.' Homer said then at they both make a good case. They show then Professor Frink work with his computer and tell the viewers at after evaluating millions of pieces of data in the blink of an eye the Gamble-Tron 2000 says the winner is Cincinnati by 200 points. Frink becoms then mad on the computer. Homer saw then an ad for a phone service that said they know which the winners is Homer call then to the Coach's Hot line. Where they slowly said at In the game of Miami vs. Cincinnati they must consider many things as the wind is blowing out of the west at five knots. Homer hung up the phonen then and ask Lisa, who do she think, the Bengals or the Dolphins. Lisa said at she don't know but said, maybe it's the Dolphins. Homer call then to Moe and bet $50 on the Miami Dolphins.
When the Dolphins did a touchdown, Dolphins was Homer happy, and yelled out 50 big ones. Lisa wonder then what he mean with 50 big ones. Homer tell then to her at daddy's friend Moe promised to give him $50 if the Dolphins won. Homer tell then why he did a bet and Lisa understand.
- Miami Dolphins ders are real American football teams.
Episode – "Lisa the Greek" (mentioned)
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