Charles Heathbar
Charles Heathbar
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Character Information
Charles Heathbar is a man who was Marge's husband on a TV show.
Role in The Simpsons
When Homer went to Lenny's house he saw Lenny's new plasma HD TV and obsessively watched it for 3 days. This then upset Homer and had him enter a contest where the winner wins a plasma HD TV and a few days later Homer wins but wins a contest where the winner takes a visit to the FOX studio. There Homer ends up switching wives with Charles for a TV show and there Homer, Bart, and Lisa are left with Charles' strict wife Verity while Marge is left with Charles and his son. Charles is appearantley an outstanding man who writes songs for Marge and Marge develops a crush on and Verity is strict and continues to dissicipline every single action Bart and Lisa do and she makes homework out of Itchy & Scratchy. Anyway at Charles' house Charles writes a song for Marge and he tells Marge he loves her but this then has Marge spit out the truth and she clearly states she loves Homer. Homer and the kids then get back to Springfield and are excited to see Marge. Afterwards, Verity dumps both Homer and Charles just to marry Patty who were bought together because the two hate Homer. Homer then threatens to vote No on Preposition 38 (Adoption for Same Marriage Sex) but Homer does not vote because the booth is on a slope.
He was voiced by Ricky Gervais who wrote the episode.
Future Appearances
According to various information Ricky Gervais is free to guest star and write Simpsons episodes again.
Popularity of Character
He was on the list of 14 guest stars who should appear in a Simpsons Movie 2.