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Character Information
- "Calls? ... Oh, calls. The Supreme Court called again. They need your help on some freedom thing."
- ―Della
Della is a secretary. She works for Lionel Hutz.
Della is either a poor secretary, or Hutz does a poor job of giving her work to do. When Homer went to Hutz's law office to see about suing Mr. Burns, Della was deeply absorbed in reading a magazine, Popular Secretary, and hardly seemed to notice Homer. The only thing Hutz had Della do during Homer's visit was say (in Homer's hearing) that the Supreme Court had called again, and she just barely remembered what she was supposed to do.[1]
Della also worked as the clerk at Shotgun Pete's 24-Hour Wedding Chapel when Homer and Marge got married there. She gave them their marriage license and a card which could be punched at every visit to the chapel so that the tenth wedding would be free. When Homer and Marge walked down the aisle to the minister, Della played "Here Comes the Bride" on a synthesizer.[2]
Behind the Laughter
- Della's name may be a reference to Della Street, Perry Mason's secretary.
Episode – "Bart Gets Hit by a Car"
Episode – "I Married Marge"
Episode – "Hurricane Neddy"
Episode – "The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson"