The Cool Moms is a group of four women (including Marge) who all have boys around Bart's age. Marge left the group while the boys were still small. Seven years later, she reunited with the group, but soon left again.
First Version
When the group first formed, Marge and the other three women would have conversation and coffee at
The Coffee Cafe while the four boys all played in
Toddlin' Town. Marge left the group after a while because she felt that the other three boys were a bad influence on Bart, but for a long time was unable to recall a specific reason.
The New Cool Moms
Seven years later, Marge reunited with the other three women, re-forming the group. It started when Bart and a 5th Grader noticed that they had identical sword-shaped scars on their hands. This led to their figuring out that their moms had once been friends, which in turn led to The Cool Moms getting back together.
The women resumed their old pattern of coffee and conversation (this time in the living rooms of each other's houses) while their husbands hung out together and the boys played together. Marge had a good time with the other women. Bart found out that all four boys had sword-shaped scars, but got uncomfortable with the crazy things the other boys dared him to do and wanted the moms' group to break up so he wouldn't have to hang out with the boys anymore. Meanwhile, the husbands were totally uninterested in hanging out together and either sat in silence or the other three would gang up on
Homer and be cruel to him. It got so bad that at one point Homer was overjoyed to see
Ned Flanders.
Second Breakup
Bart learned the story behind the four boys' sword scars, which revealed the explanation behind the first breakup and led to the second breakup. Bart found out from Comic Book Guy that when he and the other three boys were small, The Cool Moms and their families attended a community picnic. Comic Book Guy was running a fireworks display while eating a large sandwich that was held together by four sword-shaped toothpicks. The boys watched Comic Book Guy launching the fireworks one at a time. When he turned away to eat his sandwich, the boys set off all the fireworks at once. The resulting explosion caused a panic and one firework hit Comic Book Guy's sandwich, burning it up and sending the four toothpicks (now on fire) flying through the air. One toothpick landed on the back of the hand of each boy, giving them their scars.
Figuring that since one fireworks explosion had broken up The Cool Moms seven years ago, another one could do it again, Bart decided to blow up a bunch of fireworks in the garage. When Marge caught him, he confessed what he was up to and told her he wanted the group to break up. Unmoved, Marge went to visit with The Cool Moms and told them what Bart had done, saying that they wouldn't believe it. To Marge's surpise, the other three women said they did believe her, because (they said) Bart was "the bad apple of the bunch". Angry at the accusation against Bart, Marge remembered that was why she had left the group in the first place, and told the women that was why she was leaving now. She then walked out.
As soon as the door closed behind Marge, the other three women started a make-out session, with two of them kissing and fondling each other while the third eagerly watched.