
The Simpsons: Tapped Out Black History content update

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193 "Holidays of Future Past"
"Black History"
"Share the Magic" 195
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"To avoid being canceled, Mayor Quimby gonna do what he does best - PANDER! Celebrate Black History Month with Dr. Hibbert, Carl, & Lou."
―Event description

Black History is the one hundred and ninety-fourth content update for The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It started on February 5, 2020 and ended on March 12, 2020.


Yearbook Mystery Box.png All items with this icon on the last column of the table are also available for just Donut30 in the Yearbook Mystery Box!


Image Name Cost Unlock image Notes
Clarissa Wellington.png Clarissa Wellington Clarissa Wellington Unlock.png Unlocks after completing No Laughing Matter Pt. 5.
Opal.png Opal Opal Unlock.png Unlocks after completing Fair-Weather Father Pt. 3.
Abraham Simpson I.png Abraham Simpson I Abraham Simpson I Unlock.png Unlocks after completing Fair-Weather Father Pt. 5.
Chester (bully).png Bully Boss Bully Boss Unlock.png Unlocks after completing In the Lukewarm of the Twilight Pt. 5.
Virgil Simpson.png Virgil Simpson Virgil Simpson Unlock.png Unlocks after completing From the Mouth of Abes Pt. 5.
DrHibbert's dad.png Hibbert's Father Donut150 Hibbert's Father Unlock.png Unlocks with MovingOn.
Stogie.png Stogie Stogie Unlock.png Unlocks with Hard Lad Nightclub.
The Patriarch.png The Patriarch The Patriarch Unlock.png Unlocks with Mega Church.
Mabel Simpson.png Mabel Simpson Mabel Simpson Unlock.png Unlocks with Canadian Border.


Image Name Cost Unlock image Notes Yearbook MB
Lewis Clark.png Lewis Clark Donut165 Lewis Clark Unlock.png Unlocks with Practice Rink.
Also available in the Black History Month Mystery Box.
Jay G.png Jay G Jay G Unlock.png Unlocks with Jay G's Mansion.
Unlocks in Jay G Bundle.
Yearbook Mystery Box.png



Image Name Cost Unlock image Notes Yearbook MB
Goosius.png Goosius Goosius Unlock.png Unlocks with Jay G's Mansion.
Unlocks in Jay G Bundle.
Yearbook Mystery Box.png


Image Name Cost Build time Task Notes
TSTO Cretaceous Park.png Cretaceous Park 4h Feeding Dinosaurs Unruly Guests Unlocks after completing In the Lukewarm of the Twilight Pt. 3.
TSTO MovingOn.png MovingOn Donut150 6s Numbing Your Pain Unlocks Hibbert's Father.
Hard Lad Nightclub.png Hard Lad Nightclub Getting Down But Never Back Up Unlocks Stogie.
Mega Church.png Mega Church Converting Casual Churchgoers Unlocks The Patriarch.
Canadian Border.png Canadian Border Rejecting Everyone Who Dislikes Our Bacon Unlocks Mabel Simpson.


Image Name Cost Build time Task Notes Yearbook MB
Springfield University.png Springfield University Donut25 6s Indenturing Students for Life
Original Brown House.png Original Brown House Donut150 Consuming Souls
TSTO Golden Goose Realty.png Golden Goose Realty Income Tax Earns Free Land Token.png1 every 12 hours while all land isn't unlocked.
Jay G's Mansion Tapped Out.png Jay G's Mansion Laying Golden Records Unlocks Jay G and Goosius.
Unlocks in Jay G Bundle.
Yearbook Mystery Box.png

Building skins[edit]

Image Name Cost Notes
Springfield Elementary Black History Month Sign.png Springfield Elementary Black History Month Sign Unlocks after completing No Laughing Matter Pt. 1.


Image Name Cost Notes
Adult Skateboards.png Adult Skateboards Unlocks after completing No Laughing Matter Pt. 2.
Crowd of Persidential Kids.png Crowd of Presidential Kids Unlocks after completing Fair-Weather Father Pt. 2.
Crowd of Bullies.png Crowd of Bullies Donut10 Unlocks after completing In The Lukewarm of the Twilight Pt. 1.
Purchasable after unlock.
Bully Bus.png Bully Bus Unlocks after completing In The Lukewarm of the Twilight Pt. 2.
Traveling Circus.png Traveling Circus Unlocks after completing From the Mouth of Abes Pt. 1.
Tapped Out Crematorium Bot.png Crematorium Bot Unlocks after completing From the Mouth of Abes Pt. 2.
Mabel's Wagon.png Mabel's Wagon Unlocks after completing From the Mouth of Abes Pt. 3.


Image Name Cost Notes Yearbook MB
Pageant Stage.png Pageant Stage Unlocks after completing No Laughing Matter Pt. 5.
Practice Rink.png Practice Rink Donut165 Unlocks Lewis Clark.
Also available in the Black History Month Mystery Box.
Jay G's Pool.png Jay G's Pool Unlocks in Jay G Bundle. Yearbook Mystery Box.png


Image Name Cost Notes Contents
Jay G Bundle.png Jay G Bundle Donut225 Also available in the Black History Month Mystery Box. Jay G's Mansion w/ Jay G and Goosius, and Jay G's Pool
University Nerds Bundle 2.png University Nerds Possible prize in the Black History Month Mystery Box. Benjamin, Doug, and Gary


Image Name Content Cost Notes Screen
Black History Month Mystery Box Token.png Black History Month Mystery Box Token Black History Month Mystery Box Token1 Unlocks after completing No Laughing Matter Pt. 4
Fair-Weather Father Pt. 4
In the Lukewarm of the Twilight Pt. 4
From the Mouth of Abes Pt. 4
Dozen Donuts.png Dozen Donuts Donut12 Black History Month Mystery Box Token1
Black History Month Mystery Box.png Black History Month Mystery Box Alcatraaaz's Mansion w/ Alcatraaaz, ESBN Sports Desk w/ Anger Watkins, The Jazz Hole w/ Bleeding Gums Murphy, Brother Faith Van w/ Brother Faith, Unfinished Shed w/ Chester Dupree, Springfield Coliseum w/ Drederick Tatum, Nerds Bundle, Klub Krusty Adult Retreat w/ Sideshow Raheem, Practice Rink w/ Lewis Clark, Lucius Sweet, Report Card, Rita LaFleur Black History Month Mystery Box Token1 Black History Month Mystery Box Screen.png
Truckload of 300 Donuts.png Truckload of 300 Donuts + Bonus Donut375 Truckload of 300 Donuts


Black History Guide.pngBlack History Act 1 Prizes.pngBlack History Act 2 Prizes.pngBlack History Act 3 Prizes.pngBlack History Act 4 Prizes.pngBlack History End Screen.png

No Laughing Matter[edit]

Image Name Unlock
Springfield Elementary Black History Month Sign.png Springfield Elementary Black History Month Sign No Laughing Matter Pt. 1
Adult Skateboards.png Adult Skateboards No Laughing Matter Pt. 2
Tapped Out Martin Present History Project.png Martin's Present History Project animated job No Laughing Matter Pt. 3
Black History Month Mystery Box Token.png Black History Month Mystery Box Token1 No Laughing Matter Pt. 4
Clarissa Wellington.png Clarissa Wellington No Laughing Matter Pt. 5
Pageant Stage.png Pageant Stage

Fair-Weather Father[edit]

Image Name Unlock
Tapped Out Carl Spend Time With Dad.png Carl's Spend Time with Dad animated job Fair-Weather Father Pt. 1
Crowd of Persidential Kids.png Crowd of Presidential Kids Fair-Weather Father Pt. 2
Opal.png Opal Fair-Weather Father Pt. 3
Black History Month Mystery Box Token.png Black History Month Mystery Box Token1 Fair-Weather Father Pt. 4
Abraham Simpson I.png Abraham Simpson I Fair-Weather Father Pt. 5

In the Lukewarm of the Twilight[edit]

Image Name Unlock
Crowd of Bullies.png Crowd of Bullies In the Lukewarm of the Twilight Pt. 1
Bully Bus.png Bully Bus In the Lukewarm of the Twilight Pt. 2
TSTO Cretaceous Park.png Cretaceous Park In the Lukewarm of the Twilight Pt. 3
Black History Month Mystery Box Token.png Black History Month Mystery Box Token1 In the Lukewarm of the Twilight Pt. 4
Chester (bully).png Bully Boss In the Lukewarm of the Twilight Pt. 5

From the Mouth of Abes[edit]

Image Name Unlock
Traveling Circus.png Traveling Circus From the Mouth of Abes Pt. 1
Tapped Out Crematorium Bot.png Crematorium Bot From the Mouth of Abes Pt. 2
Mabel's Wagon.png Mabel's Wagon From the Mouth of Abes Pt. 3
Black History Month Mystery Box Token.png Black History Month Mystery Box Token1 From the Mouth of Abes Pt. 4
Virgil Simpson.png Virgil Simpson From the Mouth of Abes Pt. 5

Gil Promo[edit]

After tapping on Gil's exclamation mark
Gil Ever since I became a church-goer, things are looking up.
The Patriarch - Annoyed You can’t just come to the breakfasts after service. You have to come to the part where you give money to us as well!
Gil - Selling Help Ol’ Gil pay his tithes and get in good with the deacons. Whaddya say?
Mega Church Gil Deal.png
If the offer is accepted
Gil That's right! Cast your bread upon the water, and it will return to you threefold.
Gil And it will help the Patriarch buy that helicopter that he’s had his eye on.
If the offer is declined
Gil I guess Ol’ Gil's prayers won’t be answered this time. *sigh* Amen.



Date Event
2/5 - 3/12 Event, No Laughing Matter, MovingOn w/ Hibbert's Father, Golden Goose Realty, Practice Rink w/ Lewis Clark, Jay G Bundle, Original Brown House, Springfield University, Black History Mystery Box, Truckload of 300 Donuts + Bonus Donut Promo
2/14 - 3/12 Fair-Weather Father, Hard Lad Nightclub w/ Stogie
2/23 - 3/12 In the Lukewarm of the Twilight, Mega Church w/ The Patriarch
3/3 - 3/12 From the Mouth of Abes, Canadian Border w/ Mabel Simpson

Conform-o-meter impact[edit]

Name Rating Points
Hard Lad Nightclub Gluttony 20
Mega Church Righteousness
MovingOn Socialism
Adult Skateboards, Crowd of Presidential Kids, Crowd of Bullies, Bully Bus, Traveling Circus, Crematorium Bot, Mabel's Wagon Vanity 100
Cretaceous Park 200
Canadian Border 400

Other changes made[edit]

February 5th Update (4.42.0; "4_42_HeroesOfSpringfield")[edit]


  • TOUI favicon.png Overview at Tapped Out - Update Information