- This article is about the Tapped Out's Winter content update from 2012. For other year's Tapped Out Winter content updates, see TSTO Winter Content Updates.
The game is officially closed and can no longer be accessed.
A promotional image for the update.
Christmas 2012 is the eighth content update for The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was released on December 5, 2012. It was the first Christmas-themed update for the game and also included Level 24.
Holiday Spot was used to advertise the update.
Unlock image
Unlocks in Pin Pals. Unlocks with Barney's Bowlarama.
Character skins
Unlock image
Santa Homer
Unlocks with Santa's Village.
Non-playable characters
Build time
Mapple Store
Putting M's In Front Of Product Names
Unlocks in What's a Myp-Od?
Barney's Bowlarama
Racking Pins
Unlocks in Pin Pals. Unlocks Barney.
Sucking Consumers Dry
Unlocks in You Can Try-N-Save, But You Won't.
Santa's Village
Feeding Reindeer
Unlocks Santa Homer.
Building skins
Each of the holiday skins generated
5 every 24 hours per house type in addition to the building's standard income.
Christmas 2012
Holiday Tree
Unlocks in Christmas Pt. 1 Purchasable after unlock Earns 10 and 10 every 24 hours.
Gil's offers
Santa's Village, Holiday Tree and Santa Homer offer
Once tapping on Gil's "Holiday Tree" speech bubble
Ho-ho-ho, just wait until you see what I've got for you today.
Is it a pony?
Is it a large screen TV? 'Cause I could stop breaking in to the Brown House if I had one of those.
The Santa's Village, Holiday Tree and Santa Homer offer appears, with Gil in the picture saying "Celebrate consumerism with this holiday inspired theme park and tree!". This promotion was supposed to have lasted between December 13, 2012 and December 16, 2012, but Gil was removed from the game presumably because of players being locked out.
Gil was introduced in an update on December 19, 2012, and the offer lasted between December 19, 2012 – December 22, 2012. The offer is that the player can get Santa's Village, the Holiday Tree and Santa Homer for 200 Donuts instead of its 275 Donut Value. Once the offer is up, Gil will disappear from your Springfield.
According to the game files:
If the player accepts the offer
Honey, I made a sale! Tell the kids I'll be home for Christmas! What do you mean I'm not welcome? You got remarried already?!
If the player declines the offer
Hi, honey? I need you to tell the kids Christmas is cancelled again this year.
25% More Donuts offer
Once tapping on Gil's "Donut" speech bubble
Ho-ho-ho boy. Have I got a Christmas miracle for you! To celebrate the season, all donut packages come with 25% more donuts! Which means a dozen is now 15. 50 is the new 40! And that tray of 132 donuts is now... well, Ol Gil's not that good at math. If he was, he wouldn't have to be standing out here in the cold hawking donuts. He's also not that good at grammar, always calling himself he instead of I...
Fine, I'll look at the store. Just shut up already!
Bless you, fat sir.
The offer appears, showing Gil in a Santa Suit picking up a green donut from a plate of white, red and green donuts. On the table is a picture of the Simpsons, but a cut-out of Gil has covered most of them. He is saying "Celebrate the season with even more donuts!".
The "25% More Donuts" offer lasted between December 23, 2012-December 27/28, 2012. The offer was added to the game in an update (released on December 23, 2012). This promotion was supposed to have lasted between December 19, 2012 and January 2, 2013, but Gil was removed from the game presumably because of players being locked out. Once the offer is up, Gil will disappear from your Springfield.
This offer is called "DayOldDonuts" in the game files.
If the player declines the offer
Ah, jeez! Guess the kids will have to go the another Christmas without presents... or electricity.
In the store, the donut pictures have a new Christmas design.
- Dozen Donuts now comes with 3 more donuts
- Stack of 60 Donuts now comes with 15 more donuts
- Tray of 132 Donuts now comes with 33 more donuts
- Truckload of 300 Donuts now comes with 75 more donuts
- Store Full of 900 Donuts now comes with 225 more donuts
- Boatload of 2400 Donuts now comes with 600 more donuts
There were several reports on the Tapped Out forums of a bug which does not allow players to access their Springfield after purchasing donuts with the offer.
If you tap on Gil, these dialogue boxes will appear:
If you're won't buy something, can you at least push me in front of an expensive looking car?
Alright Gil, remember... ABCD: Always Be Closing Donuts!
Oh boy, oh boy, you're back! Come on Gil, don't screw this up again.
Please buy something this time. I'm going to lose my kids!
Please buy something, I can't sell anymore blood. Uwooh...
A second chance? Oh thank you, thank you, thank you.
Just one more sale and I'll finally have that hot plate paid for.
Alright Gil. You can maybe do it this time.
You have no idea how much I need this.
I'm just trying to earn enough money to buy my real eyes back.
Mystery Stockings
Mystery Stockings contain donuts or a reindeer and cost
50. There was an update on January 2, 2013 installing the Mystery Stockings and the dialogue following into the game, but they didn't appear until January 3, 2013. Before this, there were several reports on the Tapped Out forums of Mystery Stockings from players who had jailbroken devices and were able to 'time-travel' to when the Mystery Stockings were available. The stockings contain 1-3 donuts or a Reindeer. The stockings were introduced to allow the players to convert their excess Santa Coins to permanent items, which was opposed to the experience after the Halloween content update, when the surplus of treats just vanished.
Once the player goes into their Springfield
I can't wait till the holidays are over and I can eat all our leftover Santa coins...just like I did with the Halloween candy.
But not all those coins are made of chocolate. Some of them are made of coin.
Doesn't matter. I'm still going to eat them.
How about if instead we use them to buy Mystery Stockings, which contain all sorts of goodies.
And then I can eat those? Lisa, you're a genius!
"Use surplus Santa Coins to buy Mystery Stockings before the Holiday Event ends on January 10th."
Conform-o-meter impact
Mapple Store, Try-N-Save
Vanity Bonus $ and XP
200 0.5%
Holiday Tree
200 0.75%