Location Information
The R.O.C.C., or Remote On-site Correctional Center, is a detention center at Springfield Elementary School.
Since the school could no longer afford any after school activities, they outsourced detention to Misbehavior Solutions, run by Lindsey Naegle. Lisa and several other students were put in detention here. When Nelson questioned the name of the facility, asking how it could be both remote and on-site, he was put into the H.O.L.E., the Holistic Obstinance Lessening Environment, where there was only a toilet and three Goosebumps books.
Eventually, more and more students were put into detention for minor infractions, such as Milhouse using the metric side of his ruler and Database wearing swimming shorts in the showers. The students eventually found out that this was because they were being forced to create kiddie license plates. Not agreeing with this, Lisa called the other students to go on strike.
Lindsey Naegle went to Principal Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers as she had a deal with the school and needed more license plates. The teachers of the school were then paid to make the license plates.