Episode number
Episode name
"Principal Charming"
When Marge asks Homer to help find a husband for Selma, Homer evaluates the single men he knows. As he does so, facts about the men appear on-screen, similar to the Terminator's heads-up display.
"Homer Alone"
A morning of the family being increasingly demanding (and stressing out Marge) gets even worse when Bart and Lisa miss the bus and Marge has to take them to school. The kids keep bickering all through the drive. When they arrive at school, Marge glares at them and tells them to "GET! OUT!", in a manner reminiscent of the Terminator in the first movie and of the T-1000 in Terminator 2.
"I Love Lisa"
During the Presidents' Day Pageant at Springfield Elementary School, Bart plays the role of John Wilkes Booth assassinating Abraham Lincoln (played by Milhouse). Bart plays the part as the Terminator, however, and as he shoots, he says, "Hasta la vista, Abey", referencing one of the Terminator's catchphrases.
"Boy-Scoutz 'N the Hood"
A Terminator video game is seen at the Noiseland Video Arcade.

"Homer Loves Flanders"
When Homer visits Ned, he morphs through the hedge, similar to the T-1000 morphing its way through the locked gate in the mental hospital scene of Terminator 2. Ned then quickly loads his family into his car and drives away. However, Homer pursues, catches up, and uses two golf clubs to latch onto the back of the car, also similar to the T-1000. Finally, the music playing as Ned gets away from Homer is similar to the music from the movie's chase scenes.

"Itchy & Scratchy Land"
As the Itchy & Scratchy robots look at park visitors and each other, information about what they see appears on a display, similar to the Terminator.
"Treehouse of Horror V"
During the "Time and Punishment" segment, when Ned Flanders addresses everyone via video, the screen rises up from the kitchen floor, similar to the T-1000's appearance in the mental hospital scene of Terminator 2.
"Two Dozen and One Greyhounds"
Santa's Little Helper's escape from the family car (as well as the scene's music) parody the T-1000 from Terminator 2.
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"Treehouse of Horror VI"
In the "Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace" segment, Groundskeeper Willie morphs into several objects in quick succession as he sinks into the sand, similar to the T-1000's death scene in Terminator 2.
"The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular"
In an outtake from "Burns' Heir", Homer tries to persuade Bart to return home and Mr. Burns sics the Robotic Richard Simmons on him. The robot frightens Homer away, but then turns on Burns, Smithers and Bart. Smithers shoots the robot in the head with a shotgun, inflicting a huge wound that quickly "heals", similar to the T-1000 in the steel mill scene of Terminator 2.
"When You Dish Upon a Star"
Homer tries unsuccessfully to pitch a movie script he has written, titled The Terminizor: An Erotic Thriller. The movie is about "a killer robot driving instructor who goes back in time for some reason".
"Grift of the Magi"
Homer, Bart and Lisa gather up all the Funzo toys in town and throw them into the Springfield Tire Fire. Shortly after that, one of the Funzos rises up from the flames and tries to attack the family, similar to the Terminator at the end of the first movie.
"Day of the Jackanapes"
After Mr. Teeny blows up the network executives, the execs re-form into pools of liquid metal which come together and form human shapes, similar to the T-1000 in Terminator 2.
"I, (Annoyed Grunt)-bot"
One of Killhammad Aieee's previous opponents (in a video that Bart and Homer watch) resembles a Terminator endoskeleton.
"The Heartbroke Kid"
Homer has a brief fantasy about a robotic Marge. The "Marge-bot", as he calls her, looks like the Terminator, and when Homer tells her he's "ready for some lovin'", she quickly opens fire on him with a machine gun.
"Treehouse of Horror XX"
During the segment "Don't Have a Cow, Mankind", the Simpson home is about to be overrun by Munchers when Rainier Wolfcastle bursts through the front door and says "Come with me if you want to live!", echoing one of the franchise's catchphrases.
"To Surveil With Love"
During the video where Nigel Bakerbutcher shows the surveillance network he previously set up in London, Mary Poppins is seen floating down to the ground. After she lands, however, she sheds her human disguise and reveals herself to really be a camera-equipped robot endoskeleton that resembles the Terminator.
"The Falcon and the D'ohman"
When Wayne Slater mentions having flashbacks to a nightmarish past, Homer says he has flash-forwards to a nightmarish future. In the Homer-envisioned future, his and several other people's jobs have been taken by a Robot which resembles a Terminator endoskeleton and carries a minigun-sized raygun, similar to the Terminator who invades the humans' underground hideout in the future in The Terminator. Homer complains about the situation, and when the robot takes aim at him, Homer quickly blames other people, whom the robot blasts with the gun, disintegrating them.
"The Daughter Also Rises"
The stuffed bear that is shot out of a cannon on MythCrackers has the fur come off, revealing a robot skeleton that resembles the Terminator's.
"Gorgeous Grampa"
When Mr. Burns sings "High to Be Loathed", he mentions "Terminators 1, 2 and 3" (referring respectively to the Terminator, the T-1000 and the T-X) and casts their shadows, along with many other famous villain characters.
"Days of Future Future"
After Bart's kids set fire to Homer's robot body, he resembles a Terminator skeleton from Terminator.
"Brick Like Me"
When Lego Bart rebuilds Springfield Elementary School to suit his own taste, among the features he adds are Terminator gym teachers.