- This article is about the real-world sci-fi film franchise. For the in-universe film, see Planet of the Apes (film).
- For the musical, starring Troy McClure, see Planet of the Apes musical.
Planet of the Apes is a science fiction media franchise. It began with the 1963 novel by French author Pierre Boulle. In 1968, the novel was adapted into an American science fiction film starring Charlton Heston and Kim Hunter, which spawned four sequels, one in each year from 1970 to 1973. Some of the films were adapted into comic books and novels, and the 70s films also spawned two short-lived television series (one live-action, one animated) which appeared in 1974 and 1975.
A remake film directed by Tim Burton appeared in 2001, but didn't generate enough interest to give rise to any sequels. The franchise was rebooted in 2011 with Rise of the Planet of the Apes, with sequels appearing in 2014 and 2017. The Burton film and the 2010s series have spawned video games as well as novels and comics, both adaptions of the films and additional works that expand on the storyline of the movies.
The Planet of the Apes franchise has been referenced several times on The Simpsons, in episodes, special presentations, and comic books.
References to Planet of the Apes in The Simpsons
Episode number
Episode name
At the end of the episode, Mr. Burns is shown in a futuristic setting where apes control the world and have enslaved human beings, among them clones of Homer.
"Deep Space Homer"
During a NASA pre-mission press conference, Homer says he hopes they won't send him and Barney to "that dreaded Planet of the Apes". Then he realizes the plot twist of the movie and mimics Taylor's breakdown (portrayed by Charlton Heston) near the end, by falling to his knees and crying.
"Bart of Darkness"
The title of the Itchy & Scratchy cartoon "Planet of the Aches" is a pun on Planet of the Apes. Also, in the title card image, Scratchy is costumed as a gorilla, riding on horseback and about to lasso Itchy, in a sight gag on a scene from early in the 1968 film where apes on horseback round up and capture humans.
"Bart's Girlfriend"
The opening scene, where the kids are playing Cowboys and Indians and are interrupted by the parents capturing them and dragging them off to assorted family activities, is a parody of the scene from the 1968 film where apes on horseback round up and capture humans. (The 2001 film has a very similar scene, but the episode cannot be construed as a reference to it because the episode first aired in 1994.)
"A Fish Called Selma"
Troy McClure stars in a musical based on Planet of the Apes called Stop the Planet of the Apes I Want to Get Off.
"In Marge We Trust"
The Sunday after Reverend Lovejoy rescues Ned from the "Baboon County USA" exhibit at the Springfield Zoo, the sermon topic at the First Church of Springfield is "Conquest of the County of the Apes", a reference to Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, the fourth film of the 1970s series.
"Simpson Tide"
Planet of the Donuts is a reference to Planet of the Apes. Roddy McDonut is a reference to actor Roddy McDowall who played Cornelius and Caesar.
Back in Moe's "acting days", Helen Morehouse booted him during his audition because he was too ugly. Morehouse wanted "Mary Ann on Gilligan's Island ugly, not Cornelius on The Planet of the Apes ugly."
"Simpson Safari"
One of the pictures in Joan Bushwell's "Serious Research" book is a still from Planet of the Apes.
"My Big Fat Geek Wedding"
One of the attendees at the Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con is dressed as a character from Planet of the Apes.
"Stealing First Base"
The montage of famous kissing scenes, seen when Nikki performs CPR on Bart, includes a scene from Planet of the Apes in which Taylor and Zira kiss.
"Days of Future Future"
In the future, one of the women's pictures in Bart's "Little Black eBook" is of Zira.
"Treehouse of Horror XXVII"
The couch gag, an edited clip from Planet of the Couches, is a parody of Planet of the Apes.
"Springfield Splendor"
Restroom of the Apes is a reference to Planet of the Apes. Also, several people are dressed as characters.
"101 Mitigations"
At the Comic Con, several people are dressed as characters from Planet of the Apes.
Comic issue
Story name

Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror #3
The Immigration of the Body Snatchers
When Springfield is invaded by multiple alien species, it is revealed that apes have also inherited the Earth. An ape then warns everyone that "To Serve Man" is a cookbook (a reference to The Twilight Zone).
Simpsons Comics #41
Bart Simpson and the Krusty Brand Fun Factory
Abraham Simpson is attacked by a group of cyborg monkeys. He says they don't scare him, and "If Chuck Heston can whip your butts, so can I!", referencing Charlton Heston's having played Taylor the astronaut in the 1970s movie series.
Simpsons Comics #54
Tanks for Nothing
When Abe is offered his choice of items in a government warehouse, he looks at a prototype time machine. A bedraggled and disheveled version of Abe appears inside the machine and says, "Trust me, you don't want to try this machine!" Just after that, a gorilla wearing a uniform and carrying a whip appears in the machine. The gorilla grabs the alternate Abe by his shirt and says, "Come along slave!" The gorilla and the alternate Abe then vanish inside the time machine.
Bart Simpson #1
Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind
When Lisa is playing with her dolls, she finds that Bart has pranked Malibu Stacy by switching her head for a monkey's head and exclaims in dismay, "A Planet of the Apes head on Malibu Stacy?"
The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Hoodoo Voodoo Brouhaha
Planet of the Apus
The film advert is a reference to Planet of the Apes.
Comic Book Guy's Best Costumes Ever - Part 2
Comic Book Guy dressed up as Dr. Zaius at Ape-Con 2002.
The Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror #21
The Left Behinders!
When Professor Frink increases the intelligence of apes, they revolt and enslave Springfield.
Chief Wiggum's Felonious Funnies 1
Future Cop!
In his dream of being a cop in the future, Chief Wiggum is partnered with an ape named Officer Cornelius, a reference to Doctor Cornelius from the 1970s film series. Wiggum later disintegrates Cornelius because "He joined the rebel apes and tried to overthrow humanity."
December 10, 2010
Planet of the Apes -- big deal. Let the apes revolt. I can pass for a gorilla.
External links