
The Simpsons: Tapped Out Black Friday 2015 content update

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Revision as of 04:08, November 30, 2015 by LetsPlayNintendoITA (talk | contribs) (Deals)
"Thanksgiving 2015"
"Black Friday 2015"
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Taps app icon.png The game is officially closed and can no longer be accessed.
Tapped Out World's Largest Toilet.png This article contains unreleased content(s).
Due to the final update being released, this content will sadly never be released.
One Panel.
"Get all the fun of Black Friday without any of the misery of getting off the couch! Check out our hourly, weekend-long, promotions starting Friday!
Splurge on man’s best friend! Get a deal on Santa’s Little Helper tomorrow at 12 AM PST or 12 PM PST! He knows all the tricks – sit, stay, and tap!
―Update description on Facebook

The Simpsons: Tapped Out Black Friday 2015 content update was released November 26, 2015 and is the one hundred and twelfth content update. It was teased by EA on their Facebook Page November 25 and 26, 2015. Its the game's second Black Friday update, after Black Friday 2014.


Image Name Cost Build time Task Notes
Kwik-E-Mart Central Office.png Kwik-E-Mart Central Office Donut145 6s Marking Up Global Prices Provides no points to Conform-O-Meter.
Available from November 30th at 8am GMT
to December 2nd at 8am GMT.


The Black Friday deals launches on November 27, 2015 at 8am GMT. There will be an offer to buy the Kwik-E-Mart Central Office on Cyber Monday, November 30, 2015.

Gil, upon entering your town and if there is a new rebate offer, spawned and said: "Check out our newest rebate offer!", at which point he appeared with the TO Clock Bubble.png over his head, which upon tapping lead to the Black Friday menu, and he disappeared (In Krustyland, this lead to the "Characters" menu). On Cyber Monday, Gil appeared with Cyber Monday 2015 Icon.png over his head.

If you buy a character that requires a higher level then yours, a system message will appear saying "'character' comes with a premium quest line which will unlock at level 'level'!". The character is playable but you won't unlock his questline till you reach the level.

Note: You require the original amount of DonutDonuts to purchase the item, but you'll recieve back the rebate donuts.
Hour (Times are GMT) Item Costs Rebate Final
November 27th
8am Santa's Little Helper Donut150 Donut75 Donut75
9am French Waiter Donut50 Donut10 Donut40
10am Duff Party Liner Donut100 Donut30 Donut70
11am Lugash's Gym w/Lugash Donut175 Donut40 Donut135
12pm Stiletto Sculpture Donut40 Donut8 Donut32
1pm The Mayflower Donut100 Donut30 Donut70
2pm Tetherball Donut20 Donut3 Donut17
3pm Krustylu Studios w/Sideshow Mel Donut140 Donut35 Donut105
4pm Funzo Bundle w/Blue Funzo, Pink Funzo and Purple Funzo
Can't be obtained if one of them has already been bought.
Donut180 Donut75 Donut105
5pm Lard Lad Donuts Donut110 Donut30 Donut80
6pm Shiva Statue Donut40 Donut8 Donut32
7pm Springfield YMCA w/Coach Krupt Donut120 Donut35 Donut85
8pm Santa's Little Helper Donut150 Donut75 Donut75
9pm French Waiter Donut50 Donut10 Donut40
10pm Duff Party Liner Donut100 Donut30 Donut70
11pm Lugash's Gym w/Lugash Donut175 Donut40 Donut135
November 28th
12am Stiletto Sculpture Donut40 Donut8 Donut32
1am The Mayflower Donut100 Donut30 Donut70
2am Tetherball Donut20 Donut3 Donut17
3am Krustylu Studios w/Sideshow Mel Donut140 Donut35 Donut105
4am Funzo Bundle w/Blue Funzo, Pink Funzo and Purple Funzo
Can't be obtained if one of them has already been bought.
Donut180 Donut75 Donut105
5am Lard Lad Donuts Donut110 Donut30 Donut80
6am Shiva Statue Donut40 Donut8 Donut32
7am Springfield YMCA w/Coach Krupt Donut120 Donut35 Donut85
8am Unfinished Shed w/Chester Dupree Donut150 Donut75 Donut75
9am Apple Tree Donut15 Donut5 Donut10
10am Juggler Donut60 Donut30 Donut30
11am Whale Donut300 Donut90 Donut210
12pm Ferris Wheel Donut120 Donut35 Donut85
1pm Cracker Factory w/Luann Donut150 Donut40 Donut110
2pm Springfield Sign Donut170 Donut40 Donut130
3pm Boardwalk Fountain Donut75 Donut15 Donut60
4pm BBQ Pig Donut60 Donut12 Donut48
5pm Powell Mansion Donut120 Donut35 Donut85
6pm Lisa Lionheart Display Donut50 Donut10 Donut40
7pm Rocket Car w/Lampwick Donut120 Donut35 Donut85
8pm Unfinished Shed w/Chester Dupree Donut150 Donut75 Donut75
9pm Orange Tree Donut15 Donut5 Donut10
10pm Juggler Donut60 Donut30 Donut30
11pm Whale Donut300 Donut90 Donut210
November 29th
12am Ferris Wheel Donut120 Donut35 Donut85
1am Cracker Factory w/Luann Donut150 Donut40 Donut110
2am Springfield Sign Donut170 Donut40 Donut130
3am Boardwalk Fountain Donut75 Donut15 Donut60
4am BBQ Pig Donut60 Donut12 Donut48
5am Powell Mansion Donut120 Donut35 Donut85
6am Lisa Lionheart Display Donut50 Donut10 Donut40
7am Rocket Car w/Lampwick Donut120 Donut35 Donut85
8am Stu's Disco w/Disco Stu Donut180 Donut75 Donut105
9am Itchy and Scracthy Billboard Donut40 Donut8 Donut32
10am DMV Limo Donut50 Donut12 Donut38
11am Dr. Nick Donut90 Donut25 Donut65
12pm Mount Carlmore Donut120 Donut35 Donut85
1pm Rancho Relaxo w/Don Vittorio Donut130 Donut35 Donut95
2pm Film Set w/McBain Donut120 Donut35 Donut85
3pm Sherri and Terri Donut150 Donut40 Donut110
4pm Hot Tub Donut60 Donut12 Donut48
5pm Springfield Clamphitheater Donut145 Donut40 Donut105
6pm Murderpuss Donut30 Donut8 Donut22
7pm The Happy Sumo w/Akira Donut100 Donut30 Donut70
8pm Stu's Disco w/Disco Stu Donut180 Donut75 Donut105
9pm Itchy and Scratchy Billboard Donut40 Donut8 Donut32
10pm DMV Limo Donut50 Donut12 Donut38
11pm Dr. Nick Donut90 Donut25 Donut65
November 30th
12am Mount Carlmore Donut120 Donut35 Donut85
1am Rancho Relaxo w/Don Vittorio Donut130 Donut35 Donut95
2am Film Set w/McBain Donut120 Donut35 Donut85
3am Sherri and Terri Donut150 Donut40 Donut110
4am Hot Tub Donut60 Donut12 Donut48
5am Springfield Clamphitheater Donut145 Donut40 Donut105
6am Murderpuss Donut30 Donut8 Donut22
7am The Happy Sumo w/Akira Donut100 Donut30 Donut70
8am (till December 2nd at 8am) Kwik-E-Mart Central Office Donut145 Donut0 Donut145
8am Teleporters w/Teleporter Alpha and Teleporter Omega Donut50 Donut20 Donut30
11am Cremo Bot Donut30 Donut8 Donut22
2pm Super Collider
(Doesn't include the Black Hole!)
Donut70 Donut15 Donut55
5pm Frinkosonic MHV Donut35 Donut6 Donut29
8pm Jet Engine Bike Donut30 Donut8 Donut22
11pm Frink's Robot Dog Donut60 Donut15 Donut45
December 1st
2am Springfield Observatory Donut75 Donut15 Donut60
5am Robby The Automaton Donut40 Donut8 Donut32

Items origins

Item Episode or Location
Duff Party Liner The Simpsons: Tapped Out exclusive
Stiletto Sculpture
Apple Tree
Orange Tree
Unfinished Shed The Simpsons: Tapped Out exclusive (Mentioned in Gone Abie Gone)
Chester Dupree
The Mayflower The Wettest Stories Ever Told
Tetherball Springfield Elementary School playground
Shiva Statue Bye Bye Nerdie
Whale The Squirt and the Whale
Springfield Sign Marge on the Lam, The Simpsons Movie, Gone Maggie Gone, The Fight Before Christmas, Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart, The Princess Guide, The Longest Daycare, The Simpsons Guy
Boardwalk Fountain Squidport
Lisa Lionheart Display Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy, Two Bad Neighbors
Rocket Car The Day the Violence Died
DMV Limo Springfield Department of Motor Vehicles
Mount Carlmore Half-Decent Proposal
Hot Tub The Real Housewives of Fat Tony
Murderpuss I, (Annoyed Grunt)-bot
Cremo Bot Days of Future Future
Frinkosonic MHV To Cur, with Love
Jet Engine Bike At Long Last Leave
Robby The Automaton This Little Wiggy, Lisa the Skeptic, Treehouse of Horror VIII - "Fly Vs. Fly"
Itchy and Scratchy Billboard The Itchy and Scratchy Show
BBQ Pig Lisa the Vegetarian
Powell Mansion Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
Stu's Disco Dumbbell Indemnity, A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
Lugash's Gym Little Girl in the Big Ten
Krustylu Studios The Krusty the Clown Show, The Telltale Head, Krusty Gets Busted, Itchy & Scratchy & Marge, Marge Gets a Job, Krusty Gets Kancelled, Bart Gets Famous, Bart the Fink, The Last Temptation of Krust, The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show, Day of the Jackanapes, I Am Furious (Yellow), All About Lisa, Pranks and Greens, Once Upon a Time in Springfield, Clown in the Dumps, Covercraft, The Musk Who Fell To Earth
Springfield Observatory Bart's Comet, Lisa's Date with Density, 'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky, The Simpsons Movie
Lard Lad Donuts Treehouse of Horror VI, Girly Edition, Sweets and Sour Marge, E Pluribus Wiggum, Gone Maggie Gone, The Blue and the Gray, Labor Pains, I Won't Be Home For Christmas, The Simpsons Guy, The Simpsons Movie
Cracker Factory Bart on the Road, A Milhouse Divided, Skinner's Sense of Snow
The Happy Sumo One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish, Black Widower, In Marge We Trust, Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?
Springfield YMCA Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder, Children of a Lesser Clod
Kwik-E-Mart Central Office Homer and Apu (as Kwik-E-Mart Head Office)
Rancho Relaxo Homer Alone
Film Set (McBain) The Way We Was, Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?, The War of the Simpsons, Saturdays of Thunder, Separate Vocations (mentioned), Last Exit to Springfield, A Star Is Burns, King of the Hill, The Simpsons Guy
Springfield Clamphitheater A Midsummer's Nice Dreams
Teleporter Alpha and Teleporter Omega Treehouse of Horror VIII - "Fly Vs. Fly"
Super Collider Treehouse of Horror XXIII - "The Greatest Story Ever Holed"


November 27th

After the user logs in on November 27:
Marge Yesterday we gave thanks for our many blessings. Today we give thanks for fantastic bargains! It's Black Friday!
Marge Get in the car, everyone. I don't want to miss a minute of fighting other women for the last discount purse.
Homer Oh, I hate that! Some lady always elbows me in the belly.
Bart I feel sorry for the lady who just got her elbow stuck in lard quicksand.
Gil Well, if you hate leaving the house on Black Friday, shop online at Ol' Gil's cyber store!
Gil I've spent all my pharmaceutical trial money collecting a Black Friday grab bag of goodies, and I'm ready to sell them to you. You shop, I ship.
Gil And the cherry on top? Ol' Gil will give you back donuts for every purchase you make!
Black Friday 2015 Deal.png

November 28th

After the user logs in on November 28:
Apu Gil's cyber store will never succeed. People love going to a real store with a friendly clerk.
Apu Hey old man, this is a store, not a retirement home. Buy something or get out!
Apu And come again.

November 29th

After the user logs in on November 29:
Apu Mr. Gunderson, if you think your cyber store can outsell my Kwik-E-Mart, you are sadly mistaken.
Gil Well, I'm feeling pretty good. Care to bet some money on who sells more?
Apu I am not a gambling man.
Apu Actually, my chief source of income is selling lottery scratchers, so perhaps I am. You have a bet!

Item bought

After the user buys an item:
Gil Enjoy your purchase, sir or madam…
Gil ...or child playing on their parent's phone.

Cyber Monday

After the user logs in on November 30:
Gil Boy, it's Cyber Monday, and I've got a whole heap of tech doodads for sale at my cyber store.
Gil Apu doesn't have a chance of winning our bet about who sells more.
Apu You are wrong! The Kwik-E-Mart Central Office is announcing unbeatable deals.
Apu Everything is on sale at our brick and mortar stores, including the bricks and mortar.
Apu In fact, even the Central Office is on sale. Lovely building, Himalayan location, sherpa parking.
Gil If Apu sells that Central Office I'll lose our bet for sure. And I already made a down payment on a cardboard box to sleep in.
Gil I've got to stop it. Luckily, no one is better at blowing a sale than Ol' Gil.
Cyber Monday 2015 Deal.png

Offer declined

Gil You didn't buy the mountain thing! I won my bet with Apu!
Gil I'm gonna buy some ten-dollar shoes and take Sally from Accounting out for a slice of banana cream pie!
Gil You got lucky this time, Gil. And as every good gambler knows, you've got to keep pushing your luck until it collapses in disaster!

Offer accepted

Gil Aw, you bought the Central Office. That means I lose my bet with Apu.
Gil So long, money. So much for me taking Cindy from Shipping out for cheeseburgers and malted milks.
Gil I wonder if that Central Office is hiring?

Premium Gameplay

Characters Unlock Messages

Item System Message
The Happy Sumo w/Akira Akira comes with a premium quest line which will unlock at level 27!
Unfinished Shed w/Chester Dupree Chester Dupree comes with a premium quest line which will unlock at level 24!
Rocket Car w/Lampwick Chester Lampwick comes with a premium quest line which will unlock at level 15!
Stu's Disco w/Disco Stu Disco Stu comes with a premium quest line which will unlock at level 15!
Rancho Relaxo w/Don Vittorio Don Vittorio comes with a premium quest line which will unlock at level 17!
French Waiter French Waiter comes with a premium quest line which will unlock at level 19!
Cracker Factory w/Luann Luann comes with a premium quest line which will unlock at level 8!
Lugash's Gym w/Lugash Lugash comes with a premium quest line which will unlock at level 29!
Sherri and Terri Sherri and Terri come with a premium quest line which will unlock at level 12!

Rocky Mountain Why

Rocky Mountain Why Pt. 1

After tapping on Apu's exclamation mark:
Manjula Apu! It's time you showed some ambition in your career.
Manjula I want you to apply for a promotion to management in the Kwik-E-Mart Central Office.
Apu But dearest wife, think of the commute. It's a seven-hour mountain trek each way!
Apu I'll never have time to see you or the children.
Apu Okay, putting it that way, I'll definitely apply.
Task: Make Apu Apply for a Promotion (2h, Kwik-E-Mart Central Office)
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10
Notes: Ned has a new premium 8h job at the Kwik-E-Mart Central Office: Go Mountaineering.
Hank Scorpio has a new premium 8h job at the Kwik-E-Mart Central Office: Scout a New Mountain Lair.
Apu has a new premium 12h job at the Kwik-E-Mart Central Office: Work At The Central Office.

Rocky Mountain Why Pt. 2

After tapping on Apu's exclamation mark:
Apu My dream has come true! I have been promoted to management in the Central Office!
Gil Welcome aboard! Or should I say “aloft?”
Apu You're working here, too?!
Gil You betcha. They had just the job for me, based on my previous work experience.
Gil The “Complaints” Department.
Apu I thought the Kwik-E-Mart corporation hated handling complaints.
Gil They do. Why do you think we're on top of a mountain?
Task: Make Apu Manage Complaints Department (1h, Kwik-E-Mart Central Office)
Note: Manjula can be sent too.
Task: Make Springfielders Hike Up a Mountain to Complain [x10] (1h, Kwik-E-Mart Central Office)
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Rocky Mountain Why Pt. 3

After tapping on Apu's exclamation mark:
Gil Don't you just love working up here on top of a mountain, Apu?
Gil The fresh air, the great view, the thrill of stumbling across some mountain climber's frozen corpse.
Apu I suppose. But winter is coming. What if we get snowed in?
Gil It'll be great! We'll have hot chocolate, play cribbage, and talk, talk, talk about our many problems and failures.
Apu Okay, I'm convinced.
Apu I'm going back to my old store right now!
Task: Make Apu Work a 24 Hour Shift (24h, Kwik-E-Mart)
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Conform-o-meter impact

Item Rating Points Bonus $ and XP
Duff Party Liner Vanity 750 2.75%
Stiletto Sculpture 400 2%
The Mayflower 1000 3%
Tetherball 200 0.5%
Shiva Statue 400 2%
Whale 3000 7%
Springfield Sign 1800 4.5%
Boardwalk Fountain 1500 2.75%
Lisa Lionheart Display 500 2.25
Rocket Car 1200 2%
DMV Limo 500 2.25
Mount Carlmore 1200 3.5%
Hot Tub 600 2.5%
Murderpuss 10 1%
Cremo Bot 300 0.75%
Frinkosonic MHV
Jet Engine Bike 400 2%
Robby The Automaton
Itchy and Scratchy Billboard Vanity
Unfinished Shed Indolence 10 2.25%
Apple Tree Tree-hugging 400 0.5%
Orange Tree
BBQ Pig Gluttony 10 2.5%
Powell Mansion Indolence 10
Stu's Disco
Ferris Wheel Consumerism 10
Lugash's Gym Righteousness 10
Krustylu Studios
Springfield Observatory
Lard Lad Donuts Gluttony 10
Cracker Factory
The Happy Sumo
Springfield YMCA NONE NONE
Kwik-E-Mart Central Office
Rancho Relaxo
Film Set
Springfield Clamphitheater
Teleporter Alpha
Teleporter Omega
Super Collider

Other changes made

November 26 Update ("4_17_BlackFriday2015")

  • The BBQ Pig, Krustylu Studios, Robby The Automaton, Hot Tub, Unfinished Shed, Duff Party Liner, The Mayflower and Jet Engine Bike now requires Level 1 to be stored into inventory and can be placed from inventory.
  • The Springfield Observatory, Lugash's Gym, Police Car, Kodos Topiary, Crashed Police Car, Stu's Disco, Rocket Car, Boardwalk Fountain and Film Set now requires Level 1 to be stored into inventory.
  • Sherry and Terri now requires Level 1 to be stored into inventory and can be unlocked from inventory.
  • Dr. Nick, Santa's Little Helper, Blue Funzo, Pink Funzo, Purple Funzo and French Waiter now requires Level 1 to be stored into inventory.
  • Sherri, Terri and Bart's Torment Bart now yields Cash1,114 and XP280 instead of Cash1,680 and XP420.
  • The Trouble With Twins Pt. 2 now requires Level 5 instead of 8.
  • The Trouble With Twins Pt. 3 now requires to Build Van Houten House if Sherri and Terri are unlocked below Level 9.
  • Rancho Relaxo, Powell Mansion, Springfield YMCA and Springfield Clamphitheater can now be built from inventory.
  • The Happy Sumo and Cracker Factory now requires Level 1 to be stored into inventory and can be built from inventory.
  • Springfield Sign, Apple Tree, Orange Tree, Tetherball, Cremo Bot, Murderpuss, Lisa Lionheart Display, Stiletto Sculpture, Rocket Car, Shiva Statue and Frinksonic MHV can now be placed from inventory.
  • French Waiter's Clean His Tuxedo can now be done at Brown House too.
  • Apu's Set Up The Halloween Display is now temporary.
  • Mr. Burns' Read From the Necronomicon now requires A Little Light Reading to be complete.
  • Coach Krupt's Coach at the YMCA doesn't require Kruption Pt. 5 to be started anymore.
  • Ferris Wheel can now be placed on Grass and Pavement too.

November 27 Update ("4_17_BlackFriday2015_Patch1_PostLaunch")

  • The glitch that made income over buildings disappear once Gil shows up with a new hourly offer was fixed.
