So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show/Appearances
Ambulance (archival footage)
School Bus (archival footage)
UFO (archival footage)
744 Evergreen Terrace (archival footage)
Bart's treehouse (archival footage)
Dr. Monroe's Family Therapy Center (archival footage)
Earth (archival footage, globe)
Fudgetown (archival footage, dream)
Hawaii (mentioned)
Kwik-E-Mart (archival footage)
The Land of Chocolate (archival footage, dream)
Mt. Splashmore (archival footage)
Slumberland (archival footage, dream)
Springfield Animal Hospital (archival footage)
Springfield Gorge (archival footage)
Springfield National Forest (archival footage)
Springfield Nuclear Power Plant (archival footage)
Springfield War Memorial Stadium (archival footage)
Ye Olde Chocolate Shoppe (archival footage, dream)
The Complete Handyman Bookshelf (archival footage)
The Complete Handyman Bookshelf Vol I Spice Racks (archival footage)
How To (archival footage)
The Itchy & Scratchy Show (archival footage)
Baseball (archival footage)
Christmas (mentioned)
Door-A-Matic (archival footage)
Dry Diapers (archival footage)
Halloween (mentioned)
Radioactive waste (archival footage)
Rake (archival footage)
Springfield Nuclear Power Plant softball team (archival footage)
Superstar Celebrity Microphone (archival footage)