The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants/Appearances
- Eleanor Abernathy.png
Eleanor Abernathy (cog in Homer's head)
Patty Bouvier (Bart's fantasy, picture, cog in Homer's head)
Selma Bouvier (Bart's fantasy, picture, cog in Homer's head)
- Montgomery Burns.png
Scott Christian (picture)
Comic Book Guy (cog in Homer's head)
Crappy the Clunk (picture)
- Brandine Del Roy.png
Duffman (cog in Homer's head)
Eddie (cog in Homer's head)
Ned Flanders (cog in Homer's head)
- Lunchlady Doris.png
Doris Freedman (cog in Homer's head)
- Jeremy Freedman.png
Jeremy Freedman (cog in Homer's head)
- Jonathon Frink.png
Jonathan Frink (cog in Homer's head)
- Noimage.jpg
Richard Gere (picture)
Barney Gumble (cog in Homer's head)
Gil Gunderson (cog in Homer's head)
- Doctor Hibbert.png
Ron Howard (picture)
- Lewis.png
Snake Jailbird (cog in Homer's head)
- Krusty The Clown.png
Cookie Kwan (cog in Homer's head)
Dewey Largo (cog in Homer's head)
- Larry.png
Larry (cog in Homer's head)
Lou (cog in Homer's head)
Louie (cog in Homer's head)
Helen Lovejoy (cog in Homer's head)
Timothy Lovejoy (cog in Homer's head)
- LurleenLumpkin.png
Lurleen Lumpkin (cog in Homer's head)
Willie MacDougal (cog in Homer's head)
Otto Mann (cog in Homer's head)
Jack Marley (cog in Homer's head)
- Marty2.jpg
Marty (picture)
- SeaCaptain.png
- Roger Meyers.png
Roger Meyers, Jr. (picture)
Bleeding Gums Murphy (picture)
Lindsey Naegle (cog in Homer's head)
- Party guest.png
- Ruth powers.png
Ruth Powers (cog in Homer's head)
Arnie Pye (cog in Homer's head)
- Rafael.png
- Rich Texan.png
- Sherri Terri.png
Sherri (cog in Homer's head)
- Sherri and Terri's father.png
- Sherri and Terri's mother.png
Abraham Simpson (Bart's fantasy, picture, cog in Homer's head)
Seymour Skinner (cog in Homer's head)
- Waylon Smithers.png
- Cletus.png
- Dolph Starbeam.png
Disco Stu (cog in Homer's head)
- Sherri Terri.png
Terri (cog in Homer's head)
Bob Terwilliger, Jr. (cog in Homer's head)
- JohnnyTightlips.png
Fat Tony (cog in Homer's head)
Betty White (picture)
- Chief Wiggum.png
Clancy Wiggum (cog in Homer's head)
- Weird Al Yankovic.png
"Weird Al" Yankovic (picture)
- 742simphouse.jpg
- Apartment building.jpg
- King Toots.png
- Moes Tavern 2.PNG
- AtomsStadium.PNG
- Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.PNG
- SNPP Executives Building.jpg
- Noimage.jpg
- Diversity Kittens Meltingpot Mountain.jpg
- Krusty the Clown Show.PNG
- Lawn Deere.jpg
- OrangeStationWagon.png
- PinkSedan.png
- Absolut Krusty party.jpg
- Pinot Noir.jpg
- Madam Bunny.jpg