The Land of Chocolate/Quotes
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- [Introduction Cutscene]
- TV Announcer: Grand Theft Scratchy -- buy it! Scratchy!
- Homer: Wow, chocolate. Half price.
- White Chocolate Rabbit: Excuse me? Fatty? You're eating our world.
- Homer: Hey, you're like that rabbit thing from that book about a girl named Alice who goes to Wonderland... What was it called? Oh yeah, "Snow White in Stupidtown."
- White Chocolate Rabbit: For your information, I am the white chocolate rabbit.
- Homer: Hey, white chocolate's not even chocolate. It doesn't even contain cocoa solids.
- White Chocolate Rabbit: Well, if I'm not real chocolate, then you probably wouldn't be interested in eating me. [laughs]
- Homer: Mmm... White chocolate.
- [Homer reacting to the Land of Chocolate]
- Homer: I love Chocolate City!
- Homer: This land is so chocolaty!
- Homer: This place has such a great infrastructure.
- Homer: Why can't Springfield be this delicious?
- Homer: I'd love to meet Mayor Chocula!
- Homer: I am so buying a summer home here!
- Homer: I hope global warming doesn't find out about this place.
- Homer: If this place is a dream, I'll kill myself!
- Homer: This place is way better than Vitamin-tropolis.
- Homer: I hope I don't stain my clothes.
- Homer: This place is completely nutrageous!
- Homer: I hope I don't run into any Oompa Loompas.
- Homer: I wish Lenny could see this.
- Homer: Mmm...Boston cream moving platforms!
- [Homer eating the chocolate chunks]
- Homer: Oh, who knew chocolate melts in your mouth?
- Homer: Mmm, sugar rush!
- Homer: Sugar crash...
- Homer: I'll diet when I'm awake.
- Homer: Yes! Yes! Yes!
- Homer: This chocolate needs more chocolate.
- Homer: That gave me goosebumps. I mean chocobumps.
- Homer: I could do this all night!
- Homer: I could go all night!
- [Homer attacking/eating the chocolate bunnies]
- Homer: Chocolate, I'm going to finish you off!
- Homer: Mmm...empty calories.
- Homer: I want your chocolate in my mouth!
- Homer: Die, chocolate!
- Homer: It's going to be a closed wrapper funeral!
- Homer: I want to pat the bunny!
- Homer: Oh, you're going to get such an eating!
- Homer: Just let me bite off an ear.
- Homer: Chocolate isn't supposed to hop!
- Homer: I'll even eat your candy eyes!
- Homer: Oh, I'm gonna lick you all over!
- Homer: You should've stayed in your egg!
- Homer: Smash the bunny!
- Homer: Aw, you're going to pieces!
- Homer: Mind if I break off your ear?
- Homer: I beat the chocolate!
- Homer: Say goodnight, chocolate!
- Homer: The tail is the best part!
- Homer: Let's see how you hop without a head!
- Homer: Now who's the idiot?!
- Homer: You won't see your next Easter!
- Homer: Easter came early this year!
- Homer: Thank goodness this isn't a dream!
- Homer: You don't even bleed!
- Homer: Judo chop chop!
- [The White Chocolate Rabbit taunting Homer]
- White Chocolate Rabbit: Why so slow, fatty? Eat too many of my relatives?
- White Chocolate Rabbit: Maybe you'd do better in a turn-based RPG.
- White Chocolate Rabbit: If you can't do the tutorial, you're really in trouble!
- White Chocolate Rabbit: Haha, I've never seen anyone wet their pants while jumping.
- White Chocolate Rabbit: Leap, jumbo, leap!
- [Chocolate Bunnies]
- Chocolate Bunnies: Blood sugar getting low?!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You're a special dork!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Ha, Your back fat is sweating!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You need lipo -- stat!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Lenny is way cooler than you.
- Chocolate Bunnies: You can't even dream right!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You're dumber than a bag of hair.
- Chocolate Bunnies: Lick my tail!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Your son is below-average!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Eat my fudge!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Go suck a carrot!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Why don't you not bite me?!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You smell like meat!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You couldn't tell caramel from nougat!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Your subconscious is taunting you, moron!
- Chocolate Bunnies: 1989 called, it wants its fashion sense back!
- Chocolate Bunnies: I did it with Marge!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You want a piece of this?!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Bart hates you!
- Chocolate Bunnies: I say! You suck!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Indubitably, you are an ass!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You eat out of compulsion, not pleasure!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You confuse food with love!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You self-medicate with food!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You're morbidly obese -- and I mean morbidly!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You stink of garlic and fish!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Everyone knows you're bald!
- Chocolate Bunnies: That comb-over's not fooling anyone!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Eating is cheating! Eating is cheating!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You disgust this chocolate rabbit!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Why won't you wake up!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Your eyes look like boobs!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You've ruined our utopia!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Tell my chocolate children I loved them!
- Chocolate Bunnies: You, sir, are a monster!
- Chocolate Bunnies: I challenge you to a chocolate duel!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Your mouth is a serial killer!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Ow! You ate my ears!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Goodbye, brown world!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Please don't eat me!
- Chocolate Bunnies: I don't want to go to chocolate bunny hell!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Pain pain pain pain!
- Chocolate Bunnies: I'm being chomped -- chomped!
- Chocolate Bunnies: (BLOODCURDLING SCREAM)
- Chocolate Bunnies: I'll talk! I'll talk!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Oh, God! I'm a freak! A freak!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Have you no heart, sir?!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Ow! Damn my chocolate nerves!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Why couldn't I melt away in my sleep?!
- Chocolate Bunnies: I hope you choke on me!
- Chocolate Bunnies: Holy crap! I'm hollow.
- [Homer reacting to the giant cake]
- Homer: It's not even my birthday!
- Homer: Wow! It's even bigger than Marge's butt!
- Homer: Wow! That's enough cake for TWO birthdays!
- Homer: Please don't be full of dancing girls.
- [Homer reacting to the White Chocolate Rabbit]
- Homer: What a nerd!
- Homer: I hate know-it-all chocolate!
- [Homer inside the giant cake]
- Homer: Whee! Look at me! I'm a big, fat, funny ball, and I can eat and eat and never get full! This is like a dream come true! Thank goodness I'm not dreaming!
- Homer: Flatten under my girth, bunnies! Flatten! (CRAZY LAUGHTER)
- Homer: Die, bunnies, die! Woo-haha! (CRAZY LAUGHTER)
- Homer: This is the happiest, and saddest, moment of my entire life!
- Homer: Not Dreaming! Not Dreaming! Not Dreaming!
- [Ending Cutscene]
- Homer: Not dreaming! Not dreaming! Not dreaming! Not dreaming... not dreaming... not dreaming, not... Wha, dammit! I was dreaming! Why is life so unfair? All I want is the ability to eat everything in sight and turn into a giant ball. Is that too much to ask? Damn you, reality!