My Little Pony is a long-running toy franchise that has since branched out to include cartoons, films, books, plays, comic books, manga and video games. The series began in 1981 with the release of My Pretty Pony and continues to this day. The series is owned by Hasbro.
References to My Little Pony in The Simpsons
References to The Simpsons in My Little Pony
Episode name
Friendship is Magic
"Baby Cakes"
Pinkie Pie says "Napping, sleeping, and on occasion with permission, as a pretend old-timey western fort", a reference to "The Last Temptation of Homer"
Friendship is Magic
"Magic Duel"
The opening sequence of Trixie going to an antique shop to buy the Alicorn Amulet is a parody of "Treehouse of Horror II"
Friendship is Magic
"Best Gift Ever"
Princess Flurry Heart's wore a star-shaped winter coat similar to the one Maggie wears
Friendship is Magic comic
Fluttershy's LARP clothing is a pale blue muumuu with pink flowers, likely a reference to the episode "King-Size Homer"
Big Boy screamed "The Goggles, They Do Nothing" after Rainbow Dash created an explosion the destroyed the storm he created over Ponyville