Domiciles for the Destitute
Domiciles for the Destitute is an organization that builds homes for low-income people. Both individuals and Springfield-based organizations have been seen working on Domiciles projects.
After Lisa won a bet with Homer and got to choose their activity for Daddy-Daughter Day, she chose to spend the day working at a Domiciles for the Destitute building project along with former U.S. Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and George H. W. Bush. Homer spent his time painting and tried to create a similar graffiti alias to Bart's El Barto, but the idea backfired when a Gay Latino man mistook Homer's tag for a declaration of homosexuality.[1]
Homer later took off his wedding ring to avoid getting paint on it. Lindsay Naegle and Cookie Kwan, who were cruising the jobsite looking for eligible men, saw Homer's untanned finger, assumed he was newly divorced and began flirting with him. Homer quickly disabused them of the notion, however, and began giving a dramatic, charade-style, muscle-flexing explanation of how Marge gave birth to Bart. Marge happened to pass by, saw Homer's demonstration, and, since she hadn't seen the whole exchange, concluded that Homer was flirting with Naegle and Kwan. Marge later commiserated with Manjula about being concerned that Homer wasn't interested in her anymore, and on Manjula's advice Marge decided to get liposuction.[1]
As a community service activity, The Pre-Teen Braves took on the project of building a house for Domiciles for the Destitute. The Braves were working on the frame when The Cavalry Kids drove up in a bulldozer, smashing the Braves' house flat while towing their own finished project home onto the foundation in its place. In retaliation, the Braves shot a volley of flaming arrows into the Kids' house, starting a fire which quickly engulfed the house.[2]
Behind the Laughter[edit]
Domiciles for the Destitute is a wordplay on the real-life organization Habitat for Humanity.
Episode – "Large Marge"
Episode – "The Bart of War"
[show] Locations in Springfield