Books! Books! And Additional Books!
Books! Books! And Additional Books!
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Books! Books! And Additional Books! is a bookstore located in Springfield.
When Homer and Marge noticed the spice fading from their love life, Marge decided they should buy a book to help them out. The next day, the family went to Books! Books! And Additional Books! The sign out front announced that the daily special was "Michener $1.99 / Lb."
While the kids went shopping on their own, Homer and Marge looked in the "Marital Relations" section. Marge didn't want them to be seen looking at books about sex, so they were embarrassed (and grabbed the first books they found to cover what they'd been looking at) when Bart and Lisa finished their shopping earlier than they had expected and caught them. Marge did reasonably well, albeit a bit awkwardly, ending up with a copy of Tanks of the Third Reich, but Homer wound up with a copy of Mapplethorpe and screamed when he saw the photos in the book.
The family ended up buying the following books from the store:
- Bart bought Unidentified Flying Outrage!, a book about UFOs.
- Lisa bought two books: a biography of Peter Ueberroth which was on sale for 99 cents, and Vice President Al Gore's new book, Sane Planning, Sensible Tomorrow. When the clerk scanned Gore's book at the cash register, a signal traveled to The Pentagon and Gore was notified that someone had finally bought a copy of his book.
- In spite of being interrupted by the kids, Marge and Homer found a book that they liked, and hoped would help with their marriage: Mr. and Mrs. Erotic American, a book on tape by Paul Harvey.