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- Lisa: You're gay for Moleman!
- Bart: No, YOU'RE gay for Moleman!
- Moleman: [sadly] Nobody's gay for Moleman.
- Kearney: Okay, I want a nice clean prom. That means no booze, kick, puff, doze, max, stim, or turb. Remember, stim kills!
- Skinner: It's what turned Superintendent Chalmers into a vegetable.
- Chalmers: [going around in a circle in an electronic wheelchair] Skinner! Skinner! Skinner! Skinner! Skinner! Skinner!
- Moe: [MoeClone drops a beer mug] You moron! Oh, why did I think I ever needed a clone?
- MoeClone: Hey, I'm not the clone! You're the clone!
- Moe: Oh, please, not this again. audio clip
- [Moe and MoeClone are watching Homer and Krusty strangle each other]
- Moe(?): Once they destroy each other...
- MoeClone(?): ...then we make our move.[a spider with Moe's head lowers himself down]
- MoeSpiderClone: Yes, we make our move.
[camera zooms in on SpiderClone and both Moes look at him] - MoeSpiderClone: What? A spider got into the cloning machine.
- [In the future, Teenage Lisa strangling Teenage Bart after finding out he took the Yale scholarship)
- Teenage Lisa: You've wrecked my life!
- [In the present, Lisa is also strangling Bart)
- Lisa: You're gonna wreck my life!
- [Homer puts on a wig and leads Bart to the airlock in his underwater home]
- Homer: Come on, boy! We're hitting the town!
- [They sit in the decompression chamber. Homer reaches for a knob]
- Homer: After decompressing, of course.
- [Homer turns the knob which begins a countdown of three hours as well as the hissing noise of decompression. By the end of this dialogue, only eleven seconds tick by]
- Bart: [beat] So...what do ya do to kill time in here?
- Homer: There's a DVD player, but it doesn't work.
- [Milhouse gets stuck between two trees]
- Milhouse: Lenny, Carl, can you pull me out?
- Lenny: Sorry, we're ghosts now.
- Carl: Our spirits live in those two trees.
- Lenny: Or maybe we're alive and feel like jerking you around!
Carl: Or maybe we're one of each! - [Lenny and Carl chuckle as they leave, complete with eerie alien-style music]audio clip
- Bart: This blows! I wanna see Vice President Cletus!
- [changes machine screen to VP Cletus]
- Vice President Cletus: [on phone] You want me to attend the funeral of the Sultan of Brunei? Well, I would consider it my honor. [yelling] Hey, Brandine! Pack my evenin' britches! We goin' to Brunei! audio clip
- Lisa: How did you know we were coming?
- Prof. Frink: Because I have mastered the one true science...[dramatic pose] astrology!
- Lisa: Don't you mean 'astronomy'?
- Prof. Frink: No, my dear, I said [goes back to dramatic pose] astrology!
- [Homer and Bart pass through a mountain using a portal/tunnel, coming out of the other side with Bender in the car]
- Bender: Alright! You guys are my new best friends!
- Homer: You wish, loser! audio clip
- Snake: Don't move, Teenage Bart! I've got you covered with my phaser-slash-cell phone.
- [the phone begins playing The Entertainer) (talking into phone]
- Snake:Dude, this is totally not the time to call me...I don't know, some kind of pasta...look, just get me what you're having...ew, not that!
- [Bart knocks Snake out]
- Snake:(semi-delirious) What soups do they have? (passes out) audio clip
- [at the high school prom, it's time for slow dance. Martin and his date, Childlike-Humanoid-Urban-Muchacho {or C.H.U.M., which he invented in Fat Man and Little Boy} are dancing]
- Martin: So, any plans after graduation?
- C.H.U.M.: Travel.
- Martin: Do you need a traveling companion per chance?
- C.H.U.M.: Travel cancelled!
- Ralph: [to a girl at prom]I can use the potty now.
- Lisa: [Bart is watching a hologram of the prom, Martin is dancing with his robot date] Is that robot break dancing?
- Bart: No, he just activated his self-destruct mechanism.
- [the robot explodes]
- Homer: Hey Moe. Hey MoeClone.
- Moe: Hey ya, Homer.
- MoeClone: Hey, Homer.
- Moe: Hey hey hey hey. I don't pay you to socialize.
- MoeClone: Oh right. You're the 'people person'!
- Moe: Watch with the attitude, mister! You came from my back fat.
- Otto: (runs nude from the limo he was driving) I can fly! I can fly! :(runs toward a cliff while flapping his arms, but stops before he reaches the edge]
- Otto Mann:Just kidding. I know I can't fly. I can glide though! [runs off the edge and falls to his death]
- [Bart is cleaning the Kwik-E-Mart floor.]
- Anoop: [Spits on floor.] You missed a spot! Do it again!
- Bart: Yes, Mr Gheet.
- Anoop: "I'm Anoop, you racist cracker! "[Kicks Bart.]