New article from the Springfield Shopper: Marge’s “nice-lady” reputation is on the line this April!

Marge Gamer/Quotes

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Season 18 Episode Quotes
394 "Homerazzi"
"Marge Gamer"
"The Boys of Bummer" 396

Principal Skinner: I'm afraid that due to funding cuts, we've had to sell the science department skeleton and replace it with this Halloween costume. [Willie models the costume]
Superintendent Chalmers: Thank you, Willie. Now, please return it to its plastic snap case.
Skinner: [clears throat] Moving on, our class trip to Italy is now Spaghetti Night at Papa John's, and your $1,500 deposit will not be refunded.
Homer: Ooh, Papa John's!

Homer: Oh, Marge, you gotta get on the Net. It's got all the best conspiracy theories. Did you know that Hezbollah owns Little Dolly Snack Cakes? This stuff will rock your world.
Marge: Fine, I'll log onto Wahoo or Yippe or A-OK or Pooka-dooka, or whatever it's called.
Sideshow Mel: Can we move this meeting along? I pay my taxes, I expect my orange drink. (Sips cup) Ambrosia!

Lisa: And this website will tell you the weather.
Marge: [reading] Sunny? [looks out the window] I will never have to look out the window again!

Marge: And all this time I thought Googling yourself meant the other thing.

Marge: The Internet has it all. Today, I found out I have the same birthday as Randy Quaid, I MapQuested a great new route to the armory and I got a list of local houses where I'm not letting you kids trick-or-treat anymore!
Lisa: I'm proud of you, mom. You're like Christopher Columbus! You discovered something millions of people knew about before you.

Portly wizard: Greetings, cleric! Will you undertake a quest on my behalf?
Cleric Marge: Maybe I should run this by my husband first.
Portly wizard: Things are more fun if you answer yes.
Cleric Marge: Then yes, hither me forth on mine arduous quest!
Portly wizard: Once again, just yes.

Marge: What are you kids doing up so late?
Bart: We just got up.
Lisa: It's 7AM.
Marge: [gasps] I was on the computer all night!
Bart: Actually, it's Saturday.
Marge: [gasps] I played a day and a night! [she runs out]
Lisa: Bart, it's not Saturday.
Bart: Shh.

Cleric Marge: How did you get in my game? Are you a virus?
Vendor Apu: Oh no! I too am online playing! That cobra king over there is actually Snake.
Cobra King: The prison guards think I'm getting my online law degree. Ha, ha!

Enchantress Krabappel: This game is a great way to meet eligible men who can afford a computer-
Turkey Skinner: Or have access to one at the school library.
Enchantress Krabappel: It's amazing how you can be a turkey in every reality.
Turkey Skinner: What's important is we're talking.

Troll Moe: I'm Moe. I'm playin' this while I'm on the can.
Cleric Marge: Wow, Moe! You're a troll!
Troll Moe: What? No, my character's supposed to look like me. Why does everyone keep thinking I'm a troll?

Lady Milhouse: Brave sir knight?
Shadow Knight: What is it Lady Milhouse?
Lady Milhouse: I'm not a lady, it's a spell. A spell you said you'd reverse.
Shadow Knight: Yeah, yeah, it's on my list.

Cleric Marge: Why, Milhouse, don't you look pretty?
Lady Milhouse: It's a spell! And thank you.

Shadow Knight: Mom, what are you doing in my game? How would you like it if I suddenly started going shopping with you?
Cleric Marge: I'd like that very much.
Shadow Knight: Argh!

Shadow Knight: You're making me look bad in front of my minions!
Cleric Marge: If they think less of you because of me, then they're not really your minions.
Shadow Knight: Ugh. I am going off to explore the Crevices of Lagrimmar.
Cleric Marge: Great, I'll come with you. Shouldn't you bundle up? Here, let me enchant your pants.
Shadow Knight: Uuuuhhhh!

[Homer walks in on Lisa putting on shin guards]
Homer: Hey, Lisa, self-conscious about your shins? In my days, girls worried about their boobs.
Lisa: Dad, I'm going to play soccer.

Homer: Wait, that's soccer? I always called it human foosball. Would you like me to take you to your game?
Lisa: You already promised you would.
Homer: Aw, do I have to?

Homer: Whatsa matter, buddy? The American flag not good enough for ya?
[he head butts the linesman holding the orange flag]
Girl: That was my father!
Homer: I'm your father now!

Troll Jimbo: It's the Shadow Knight!
Cycloid Dolph: Run!
Troll Kearney: I forget how to do that!
Cycloid Dolph: Ctrl-shift-R.
[Bart slices off the bullies' heads]
Cleric Marge: Thank you, Bart. This frame grab's going on my coffee cup.

Lisa: Dad, I'm impressed, you've become a much better referee.
Homer: Thanks, honey. After what you said to me, I watched hours and hours of soccer. I almost saw a goal!

Helen Lovejoy: You are so blind, even Jesus couldn't heal you!
Timothy Lovejoy, Jr.: Helen, please. Don't drop the "J" bomb.

Cletus Spuckler: Sir, I have sired a dum-dum, a mush-head, a whatsit, a dog boy and somethin' with a human face and fish body what we called Kevin. But my young'uns is not dirty players!
Homer: I don't need a soccer lecture from a hillbilly!
Cletus: That's hill-William to you, sir!
Ronaldo: What about a lecture from me, Ronaldo?
Homer: Ronaldo?! Winner of two World Cups and three FIFA Player of the Year awards?
Ronaldo: Yes, I am what you said. Now, I travel the world exposing floppers. And your daughter is a flopper. Now, Ronaldo away!
[he exits with a bicycle kick]
Brandine Spuckler: You heard Geraldo. What's it gonna be?

Lisa: You can't give me a yellow card! You're my father!
Homer: When I put on these shorts, I'm not your father anymore. And judging by how tight they are, I'm never gonna be anyone else's either.

Shadow Knight: Where's all my stuff?
Cleric Marge: I thought all the swords and severed heads were kind of gory, so I redecorated using the Hello Kitty expansion pack.

Homer: Lisa, honey, I bought you something. A DVD!
Lisa: Not interested.
Homer: It's a documentary... by the BBC... in cooperation with Canal+.
Lisa: [gasps] Gimme, gimme, gimme!

Shadow Knight: Mom, I'm gonna give you life the way I imagine you gave life to me; by pressing alt-F5 repeatedly.

Lisa: You were right to kick me out of that game. Soccer was making me insane, just as it did the continents of Europe and South America.
Homer: Those places are pretty terrible.
Season 18 Quotes
The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer Jazzy and the Pussycats Please Homer, Don't Hammer 'Em Treehouse of Horror XVII G.I. (Annoyed Grunt) Moe'N'a Lisa Ice Cream of Margie (with the Light Blue Hair) The Haw-Hawed Couple Kill Gil, Volumes I & II The Wife Aquatic Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Three Times Little Big Girl Springfield Up Yokel Chords Rome-Old and Juli-Eh Homerazzi Marge Gamer The Boys of Bummer Crook and Ladder Stop, or My Dog Will Shoot! 24 Minutes You Kent Always Say What You Want