New article from the Springfield Shopper: Season 36 News: Information on “The Past and the Furious”, which releases on February 12, have been released!

Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play/Quotes

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Season 17 Episode Quotes
377 "The Monkey Suit"
"Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play"
"The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer" 379

Homer: Nothing beats a day at the ballpark with my family. Tickets, tickets, who needs tickets?
Marge: Homer, we need those tickets to get in!
Homer: Don't worry, I'll use the money I make to buy tickets from a scalper. Then I'll sell those tickets, and we'll be rich! Rich! We did it, baby! We made it through the rain!

Bart: S'okay, Buck! Bad hop, bad hop!
Lisa: Shake it off, Buck!
[Buck messes up again]
Bart: You suck!
Lisa: I concur!

Carl Carlson: Yeah, Homer! Suck that face!
Lenny Leonard: Remember when we used to kiss like that, Carl? With our respective girlfriends?
Carl: Yeah, I wonder where Jill and Kelly are now...
Lenny: I heard Jill died. Kelly, I think, is a prostitute.

Homer: What a game! I got on the kiss-cam, I participated in "the wave," and I got to pee in a trough! Marge, can we get a trough?
Marge: For the last time, no!

Marge: Homie, I don't think our marriage is so Jim Dandy that we should be counseling others.
Homer: Hey, we've gone through more hardships than the Jews and Charlie Brown put together.

Lisa: [to Bart] Isn't it weird that our parents are giving marital advice? They're always fighting—if you listen closely, you can hear them arguing right now.
Homer: [in the distance] And I say a monkey can mow our lawn!

Tabitha Vixx: You make me laugh, Homer.
Homer: [defensive] Why, 'cause I'm fat?

Homer: Like I always say: compromise is the key.
Marge: I always say that.
Homer: Let's compromise and say nobody said it.

Homer: Oh, you're so hot. If only I'd seen you before I met my wife.
Tabitha: Oh Homer, you're sweet, but... oh, you're talking to the chicken.
Homer: [whispering] Don't tell the hamburger in my car.

Homer: It's working! Buck's buying my fake message! And you said it would never work.
Duffman 1: No, I said "Duffman will do what you want. Stop kicking and punching Duffman."

Buck Mitchell: Tabitha? Tabitha? Oh, this is the worst blimp crash ever!
Grampa: Too soon!

Duffman 2: Duffman gives the people what they want.
Marge: Weren't you just tied up in the blimp?
Duffman 2: Three Duffmen are workin' the game tonight.
Duffman 3: Don't tell the children. It's disillusioning.
Duffmen: Duffman! Duffman! Duffman! Duffman! Duffman!

Buck: Ain't love grand, Tito?
Tito: I don't care. Bandits just kidnapped my mother! Just found out.
Season 17 Quotes
The Bonfire of the Manatees The Girl Who Slept Too Little Milhouse of Sand and Fog Treehouse of Horror XVI Marge's Son Poisoning See Homer Run The Last of the Red Hat Mamas The Italian Bob Simpsons Christmas Stories Homer's Paternity Coot We're on the Road to D'ohwhere My Fair Laddy The Seemingly Never-Ending Story Bart Has Two Mommies Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife Million-Dollar Abie Kiss Kiss Bang Bangalore The Wettest Stories Ever Told Girls Just Want to Have Sums Regarding Margie The Monkey Suit Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play