Simpsons Bible Stories/References
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[hide]Cultural references[edit]
Marge's Dream[edit]
- Marge's Dream is a retelling of the creation myth with Homer portraying Adam and Marge portraying Eve. Ned Flanders portrays God and Snake Jailbird portrays the Temptation Serpent.
- God hands Eve a stack of People magazines, a real magazine.
Lisa's Dream[edit]
- Lisa's Dream is a retelling of the Book of Exodus with Milhouse Van Houten portraying Moses.
- The segment borrows many elements from the film The Ten Commandments directed by Cecil B. DeMille.
- Sherri and Terri's skipping song mentions Abraham, who begat Isaac, who begat Jacob.
- Mrs. Krabapatra is a reference to Cleopatra.
- After eating the frogs, the Pharaoh says that Ra has rewarded his cruelty to the slaves.
- After throwing Moses and Lisa into a tomb, Clancy Wiggum tells them to give his regards to the British Museum.
Homer's Dream[edit]
- Homer's Dream is a retelling of the story of Solomon, with Homer portraying King Solomon.
- One of Solomon's cases is Jesus Christ vs. Checker Chariot, a reference to Checker Taxi.
Bart's Dream[edit]
- Bart's Dream is a retelling of David and Goliath with Bart portraying King David and Nelson Muntz portraying Goliath II. Abraham Simpson portrays Methuselah.
- Krusty the Clown mentions Jezebel and her moving to Sodom.
- Goliath II is a reference to the Disney film Goliath II.
- Santa's Little Helper speaks to King David in a similar voice as Goliath from the children's animated show Davey and Goliath.
- King David cuts off Goliath II's hair and says that he no longer possesses his strength. Goliath II then says that was Samson.
- King David's training montage is a reference to the film Over the Top. The song "Winner Takes It All" by Sammy Hagar plays during the montage, like it did in the film.
- Jonah from the story of Jonah and the Whale is seen inside the whale skeleton that Goliath II throws out of the Tower of Babel.
- "Night on Bald Mountain" by Modest Mussorgsky plays when Goliath II gets up again after being defeated. The scene mimics the scene where Tchernobog the Devil throws his hands in the air in the "Night at Bald Mountain" segment of Fantasia.
- "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC plays at the end of the episode.
- Whilst God usually has four fingers and a thumb, Ned Flanders portraying God in Marge's Dream has the usual Simpsons three fingers and a thumb.
- In Lisa's Dream, Bart's chalkboard punishment says "I will not deface".
- When Goliath II (Nelson) is eating, he throws a whale carcass out the window of his tower which lands in front of David (Bart). He then throws out a corn cob which is surprisingly the same size as the whale carcass.
- In church, Charlie has dark gray hair instead of his usual dirty blond hair.
- In the second segment, when Moses and Lisa are trapped in the Egyptian tomb, the Orb of Isis is sitting on a pedastel. ("Lost Our Lisa")