Girls Just Shauna Have Fun/Quotes
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725 "Girls Just Shauna Have Fun"
- Principal Skinner: I come bearing an important communiqué. It's from the marching band director at Springfield High.
- Dewey Largo: Oh, did he get his swollen head stuck in a French horn?
- Principal Skinner: Uh, there's no mention of that.
- Lisa: Shauna! I didn't know you played drums.
- Shauna Chalmers: And I didn't know some tiny band dork was gonna talk to me.
- Bart: No fair. Lisa gets to go to high school? I was supposed to be King of the Burnouts before she even got there.
- Lisa: Shauna!
- Shauna: [panicked] I'm Shauna!
- Lisa: Did you stay late to practice?
- Shauna: No way. As if. You're practicing. Being stupid.
- Superintendent Chalmers: Oh, hello, Lisa Simpson. And how are you this fine evening?
- Shauna: Dad, stop interrogating people, you fascist!
- Superintendent Chalmers: I've been hand-rolling gnocchi all day.
- Shauna: Stop touching my food. Food-toucher.
- Superintendent Chalmers: Eh, tell me something, Simpson, do you like beer?
- Homer: Hmm, I never thought about it. [chugs a beer]
- Homer: This is the most delicious drink I ever drank that could get me drunk.
- Marge: Hmm, I'm not sure Shauna's the best influence. She always seems like she's so over it. Even when "it" is something nice.
- Homer: Anyway, I'm off to 'Mers.
- Marge: Don't you mean Moe's?
- Homer: No, Chalmers. Now there's a different sad, old man getting me drunk.
- Superintendent Chalmers: See, that's what I like about home brewing. You're there when it enters the world, so full of promise. And you know that if you pour your heart and hard work into it, it won't tell you it's pregnant just to mess with you.
- Lisa: Wow, Shauna, you're so good! I've been thinking, you should try out for lead drummer.
- Shauna: They would never give that to me. Even if I wanted it, which I don't. Why won't you shut up about this?
- Trevor McBride: Um, Shauna, I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm Trevor McBride, star quarterback.
- Shauna: Cool bio, Jock Cousteau.
- Superintendent Chalmers: Today, you have truly become my padre from another madre.
- Shauna: Daddy? I know I've been kind of a B-word lately. That stands for Brenda. She's this total bitch I know.
- Superintendent Chalmers: Our homebrewed beer is inebriating these minors.
- Homer: We have to go save them. The beers I mean, from those awful teens!
- Lou: It's worse than we thought, Chief. This party's not just epic. It's legendary.
- Lou: Chief? I just breathalyzed all these teens. They're all blowing 0.0.
- Chief Wiggum: Dear God, they're already dead!
- Chief Wiggum: Attention teens, you are not drunk. Repeat... not drunk. Please examine your outrageous behavior through a lens of new found self-awareness. Please use this experience to better understand the pressures you're all under, and have more compassion for your friends, teachers, parents, and most of all, yourselves. Over.
- Lisa: Oh, hello. You look... well.
- Shauna: Thanks. I thought I might see you here at the house you live in.