Boyz N the Highlands/Quotes
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719 "Boyz N the Highlands"
- Groundskeeper Willie: Listen up, ya pukes.
- Nelson Muntz: You're only calling us that 'cause we puked in the van.
- Dolph Shapiro: Nice backpack, Simpson.
- Nelson: What do you got in there, ladies' underwear?
- Willie: Lovely, you've already isolated the weak one.
- Lisa: I would like you to spend the entire weekend focusing only on me.
- Homer: No.
- Marge: Homer!
- Bart: It's a baby goat. In a cage.
- Dolph: Yeah, okay, okay. The best thing to do is just kick it and leave.
- Nelson: We got to take the goat with us back to Ankle Rock.
- Dolph: Hell no—I don't trust that thing. Look at those frog-ass eyes. Which way is he even supposed to be looking?
- Dolph: I think those skull-heads were Satanists.
- Nelson: Ah, great, we finally meet someone cool, and they want to chop us in half.
- Nelson: I'm allowed to change my mind. I contain multitudes, dingus.
- Lisa: We're way behind on my list of only-child activities.
- Homer: Hmm, "stuffed animal high tea, toenail painting party?" Do I even have toenails?
- Bart: Just because we both like this goat doesn't mean I like you. I mean, come on, you're a loser nerd and I'm King Stink. We have nothing in common, and we can never be friends.
- Bart: Just pretend to like stuff regular kids like. Dial down the dork a little bit.
- Martin Prince: You think it's that easy? You don't know the hell I'm living in! My parents have me in a pressure cooker! Classical Greek club, waltzing lessons. I'm going to explode. And I have problems, Bart—scary problems! I see two therapists! They email each other about me. And I'm on drugs-- Focusyn to help me focus, Somnicrank to help me sleep!
- Bart: I hope you take those with food.
- Martin: And don't forget Intriginol to lift my spirits. Because they're low, Bart. Ever so low.
- Martin: I broke into that pharmacy to steal more drugs, because I still wasn't focused enough to please my parents. Never enough focus for Gareth and Gloria.
- Bart: Whoa, you may not be cool, but you're psycho, and that makes you kind of awesome.
- Bart: I don't need that stupid Martin. I can make it to Ankle Rock on my own. Compass, which way do I go? Compass? Must not be getting a signal.
- Bart: They're not Satanists, they're... [shudders] ...film students.
- Nelson: Ha ha. The only thing worse than nerds are film nerds.
- Madison: It's okay, it's okay, we can make this work. We can just add the kid corpses in post.
- Madison: My footage, my beautiful faked found footage! I can't go back to selling essential oils on Facebook. No one knows what they are.
- Willie: I was sure you'd get lost and eat the wee fat one, but you made it. And that earns you the greatest of all treasures. And it's right behind you. It's the land you traversed, the journey you made, and the character you built.
- Nelson: Are you freaking kidding me?
- Dolph: That's not treasure, that's garbage. Nature is garbage.
- Gareth Prince: Step away from those bad kids, Martin. You'll be late for your violin lesson. By the way, you play that now.
- Martin: Yeah, they are bad kids. Just like me. And bad kids ride in the van. If it makes you nervous, take a pill.