A Made Maggie/Quotes
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- Lisa: Don't worry, Dad. Those are just park employees.
- Homer: Cool! Then they can't hit me back.
- Employee: We're seasonal workers. We can do as we bloody well please.
- Grampa: Hey, Marge, everything is A-okay, which was a popular slogan during Martin Van Buren's election campaign because... Ooh, thank God I'm on my anti-rambling meds. I remember the first day I went on them. That's it.
- Bart: Maggie!
- Lisa: Where are you, Mags?
- Grampa: Ask Grampa, maybe he knows.
- Marge: Grampa, I'm afraid we'll never ask you to babysit again.
- Grampa: Who says I want to? You never even pay me!
- Marge: We have to get Maggie baptized now. Either Patty or Selma could be the godmother.
- Homer: Well, that would insult one of them. But I want to insult both of them.
- Homer: I'm looking for a godfather for my little angel.
- Lenny Leonard: Aw, what a cutie. Let me give her a sip of beer.
- Homer: Okay, you're out.
- Lenny: If I'm out, Carl's out.
- Carl Carlson: I decide who tells me what to do. Moe?
- Moe Szyslak: You're out, Carl.
- Homer: This'll be just like The Godfather.
- Fat Tony: The what?
- Homer: You know, the movie The Godfather.
- Fat Tony: Never heard of it.
- Homer: It's about a guy like you, who does what you do.
- Fat Tony: Which is what?
- Homer: Um, legitimate business.
- Fat Tony: He sounds like quite the fellow, this godfather.
- Marge: Fat Tony can't be godfather. We'd be better off with Mr. Burns.
- Homer: I asked him. He's allergic to new baby smell.
- Luigi Risotto: Is everything okay? Please, please, say it's okay. Why you no answering? I'm a-gonna die! And I've never been-a to Italy!
- Fat Tony: Everything's fine.
- Luigi: Ah, I knew it. Have-a some Parmesan. My hand! It's-a having a heart attack!
- Louie: Boss, Benny down at the liquor store is late on his payment. Again.
- Legs: Let me break his kneecaps.
- Fat Tony: Marone a mi! You never ever talk that way in front of a baby.
- Louie: Uh, uh, okay, uh, what if we give him a boo-boo to the brain? Make him go night-night forever?
- Fat Tony: Disgusting!You give the kiss of death with that mouth?
- Don Castellaneta: Ah, it's-a so sad. Fat Tony has been a very good boss. I have too much respect for him not to kill him.
- Mobster: Eh, what do you think, Johnny Tightlips?
- Johnny Tightlips: I don't want to do nothin' to nobody.
- Willie Whatever: So... you want to do somethin' to somebody.
- Johnny Tightlips: Exactly.
- Fat Tony: Now, what did you want to tell me?
- Homer: I, um, uh, stall, stall... play for time... I wanted to tell you how great you look in that suit.
- Fat Tony: Why, thank you. Why do people have such difficulty telling me how great I am?
- Johnny Tightlips: This is it, Tony. You did the worst thing a mob boss could ever do. Care about somebody else.
- Louie: We'll never turn on Tony! He's my cousin!
- Legs: I thought he was my cousin!
- Louie: Well, he's somebody's cousin. And in this world, that's what counts.
- Legs: I'm not afraid to say it. If this keeps up, I'm calling HR.
- Louie: You mean Harry the Rat? He's buried right over there.