Episode number
Episode name
Mathematical Reference
"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire"
Homer said to Bart that 99 times 13 equals Merry Christmas![1] *In Reality, 99 times 13 equals 1287
"Bart the Genius"
Bart reads a mathematics word problem out loud, and daydreams about it. Bart trade a weight of a bowling ball on the eighth moon of Jupiter for his lunch and for the weight of a feather on the second moon of Neptune from his lunch. He also trade 1000 picoliters of his milk for 4 gills of his. He also had problem to solve y = r^3/3.[2]
"Call of the Simpsons"
Math was seen on a blackboard in a lab where Homer was.[3]
"Bart Gets an "F""
Martin once found out that the potential for mischief varies inversely with one's proximity to the authority figure, which is M \propto 1/P.[4]
"Dead Putting Society"
Lisa was studying for a math fair. Ned said to Homer that he is fraid so infinity plus one to bet at a miniature golf. Lisa helped Bart with geometry when he learned to play miniature golf.[5]
"The Way We Was"
Marge said that she does not deserve to earn just as much as a man if she has to do heavy lifting or maths.[6]
"Bart's Dog Gets an "F""
Edna Krabappel erases a long division from the chalkboard. When Lisa told Dr. Hibbert that arithmetic is her favorite subject he answered her that before she knows it, she will be back among her polygons, her hypotenuse and her Euclidean algorithms. Lisa has assignments on functions as her homework.[7]
"Brush with Greatness"
Professor Lombardo teached Marge how to use geometric shapes to paint.[8]
"Lisa's Substitute"
When Principal Skinner fills in briefly for Ms. Hoover the class was studying subtraction.[9]
"Three Men and a Comic Book"
Bart, Milhouse and Martin determined how to share Radioactive Man #1 by using the numer 0-9.[10]
"Blood Feud"
Lisa showed Maggie what a dodecahedron is.[11]
"Stark Raving Dad"
When Homer asked Floyd what 5 times 9 is and he answered 45.[12]
"Bart the Murderer"
When Santa's Little Helper spits out Bart's chewed-up homework – it reads 9x9=100.[13]
"Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk"
Homer stold his stock in Springfield Power Plant to early which gave him only 25 cents instead of 5200 dollar.[14]

"I Married Marge"
Homer has attends a Million$ for Nothing seminar which was not a pyramid schemes it was a trapezoid.[15]
"Radio Bart"
In Bart’s classroom was a long division on the board. The girls in the school was singing one plus one plus three is five.[16]
"Lisa the Greek"
Smooth Jimmy Apollo has right 52% of the time, and wrong 48% of the time.[17]
"Homer at the Bat"
Homer planed to do three thousand home run under a bat by couniting they play thirty games and ten at-bats a game. The hypnotized asked the softball player to giver 110% and the player answer him at that's impossible for No one can give more than one hundred percent by definition, that is the most anyone can give.[18]
"Homer Defined"
When Homer read US of A Today he saw an article which said at SAT scores are declining at a slower rate.[19]
"Dog of Death"
The state lottery has the odds one in 380,000,000 odds of winning. The one big winner in the lottery is the state school system. Principal Skinner wanted with money buy math books that don't have that base six crap in them.[20]
"Colonel Homer"
A movie theaters is named Springfield Googolplex Theatres.[21]
"Bart's Friend Falls in Love"
Kent Brockman said in Smartline at thirty-four million Americans are obese, and taken together, that excess blubber could fill the Grand Canyon two-fifths of the way up. Bart said to Milhouse at he cry when he doing long division. Martin's sheets have math on them.[22]
"Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?"
Under a physical exam at the nuclear power plant had Homer 104% body fat. When Herb tried to understand Maggie he said at the amplitude of the sine wave is insufficient for Burp Me. and this sawtooth formation is something.[23]
"Kamp Krusty"
Bart gave back to Edna his math book before the summer. Bart has said at Krusty's calculator didn't have a seven or an eight,[24]
"Marge Gets a Job"
Homer and Edna is doing arithmetic.[25]
"Selma's Choice"
When Homer think what are the odds of getting sick on a Saturday he reaches it's thousand to one.[26]
"Whacking Day"
When Homer asking Lisa what he learned in school she answer at she learned how many drams in a pennyweight. When Marge was home-schools Bart he appears puzzled by the multiplication problem 4x4 on the board.[27]
"Marge in Chains"
Apu has said at he can recite pi to 40,000 places. The 40,000th digit is 1.[28]
Barney the Dinosaur has reperating singning at two plus two is four.[29]

"The Last Temptation of Homer"
The Advanced Calculus book falls out of Bart’s locker onces. Some Quadratic formula and other various mathematics is on the board.[30]
"$pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling)"
After Homer putting on Henry Kissinger's glasses he said at the sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side. A man then tell him that’s a right triangle.[31]
"Homer the Vigilante"
In Smartline asking Kent Brockman to Homer how he respond to the charges that petty vandalism such as graffiti is down eighty percent, while heavy sack-beatings are up a shocking 900%. Homer defend him by saying at people can come up with statistics to prove anything and fourfty percent of all people know that.[32]
"Homer and Apu"
When Lisa told Homer that India is over 10,000 miles away she added that that's over 16,000 kilometers.[33]
"Deep Space Homer"
In a space launcher was a mathematician, a different kind of mathematician, and a statistician onboard.[34]
"Bart Gets an Elephant"
When Homer wanted more then the four dollars from Milhouse's parents he tell Kirk at their bill comes to a total of seven hundred dollars and because they already paid me four dollars, so that's just six hundred and ninety-six dollars more that they are owe me.[35]
"Itchy & Scratchy Land"
Professor Frink has said at elementary chaos theory tells us that all robots will eventually turn against their masters and run amok in an orgy of blood and kicking and the biting with the metal teeth and the hurting and shoving. They asking him how much time they had then. He answer them at according his calculations, the robots won't go berserk for at least 24 hours.[36]
"Bart's Girlfriend"
Rev. Lovejoy has asking Bart was six times five is.[37]
"Lisa on Ice"
A Weatherman has said at he calls for a 75 percent chance of hilarity for the Springfield Laff 'n' Brew.[38]
"Bart's Comet"
When Bart had did a weather balloon picturing Seymour Skinner he tell the students at whoever brings down that balloon doesn't have to learn fractions.[39]
"A Star Is Burns"
When Lisa said at people will start to avoid Springfield asking Homer what he can do for he is just one man. Marge wanted switching to the metric system. Grampa didn't like it for the metric system is the tool of the devil! His car gets 40 rods to the hogshead, and that’s the way he likes it. When Homer starting to thinking a cut-away view of Homer’s brain is showing with chimps in caps and gowns study calculus at a blackboard.[40]
"Lisa's Wedding"
In "Pepsi Presents Addition And Subtraction" asking Troy McClure and if you have three Pepsis and drink one, how much more refreshed are you. A redhead in the Chicago school system answer its Pepsi. Troy answer then at it's partial credit.[41]
"The PTA Disbands"
Lisa had a math book when she starting to eath lunch. A teacher carries a picket sign reading, "2+2/A Raise Is Due". Professor Frink was a substitute teacher for the preschoolers, demonstrates a popcorn lawnmower toy. He demonstrate it by saying at the compression and expansion of the longitudinal waves cause the erratic oscillation.[42]
"Lemon of Troy"
Edna traied to learn the class roman numerals. When Bart was in Shelbyville he was asking what 2+2 is. He answer it's 5. Bart was later trying to count roman numerals and made it by taking help from Rocky.[43]
"Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part One)"
After Mr. Burns used a 1000 gram anvil he said he can’t make hide nor hair of these metric boobytraps.[44]
"Treehouse of Horror VI"
Professor Frink using the word hyperbolic topology, square, three-dimensional and cube. When Homer is in the 3rd dimension is math seeing. In the same segment (Homer³), the equation 178212 + 184112 = 192212 can be seen, and it is an example of Fermat's Last Theorem.[45]
"You Only Move Twice"
A teacher asking Bart if he know the multiplication table and long division.[46]
"The Twisted World of Marge Simpson"
Disco Stu told Homer at disco record sales were up 400% for the year ending 1976.[47]
"Mountain of Madness"
When Waylon Smithers asking Bart what the clock is has he trouble to see it.[48]
"The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show"
Poochie is a half Joe Camel and a third Fonzarelli.[49]
"Grade School Confidential"
The Mathemagician was visiting Martin on his birthday.[50]
"The Old Man and the Lisa"
After Mr. Burns offers Lisa a check for 10% of the $120,000,000 and Lisa din't wnat it had Homer an heart attack. Homer later said at he wanted that $12,000 correct Lisa him at ten percent of $120,000,000 isn't $12,000.[51]
"The Secret War of Lisa Simpson"
In a film about the moon tells the narrator at you’ll weigh only a small percentage of what you weigh on earth.[52]

"The Yellow Badge of Cowardge"
In a nightmare that Bart has because He didn't help Milhouse, He sees Milhouse asking him for help in different situations; one of the situations had Milhouse with a sheet of paper with 3x3 written on it. Bart writes 8.[53]