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Weekend at Burnsie's/References

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Season 13 Episode References
284 "Blame It on Lisa"
"Weekend at Burnsie's"
"Gump Roast" 286

Cultural references[edit]

  • Some elements of the episode, as well as its title, parody Weekend at Bernie's.
  • Before building a scarecrow, Marge comments that to get rid of the crows she had tried "heckling them," and "jeckling them." This is a reference to the cartoon characters Heckle and Jeckle.
  • Dr. Hibbert's line "I'm talkin' about medicinal marijuana. Prescription pot. Texas T-H-C." is a reference to The Beverly Hillbillies opening song line "...when up from the gound came a bubbling crude. Oil that is. Black gold. Texas tea."
  • When the family first finds out Homer is using marijuana, he is singing "Smoke on the Water" by Deep Purple.
  • The music used while Homer is getting stoned on his first joint is "Incense and Peppermints" by Strawberry Alarm Clock.
  • "Wear Your Love Like Heaven" by Donovan plays in the montage of a stoned Homer getting ready for work.
  • Homer's car during his hallucination as he's getting ready for work looks like Benny the Cab from Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
  • When Marge is making the scarecrow for her vegetable patch, pop-ups appear on the screen in the style of VH1's Pop-Up Video.
  • The song Phish are singing is "Run Like an Antelope". Later, Phish plays the opening limb of the Simpsons theme song, something Phish actually did in their real-life concerts.
  • When Homer smokes pot, he says that it (marijuana) can "make anything funny. Even that show that follows Friends." This is possibly a reference to Frasier, which did follow Friends at the time of this episodes original air-date but is more likely a reference to the numerous—and usually short-lived—series scheduled after Friends for many years.
  • When Homer is stoned and talks to Ned Flanders he cites his own example of the Omnipotence paradox: Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?"
  • When Marge puts together a scarecrow, the music in the background is the Scarecrow's song "If I Only Had a Brain" from The Wizard of Oz.
  • At the pro-medical marijuana rally, Homer says "Whether you suffer from glaucoma, or you just rented The Matrix, medical marijuana can make things fabulous. Medically."
  • Homer's names for the crows are references to famous people:
  • The colors and the scenes of the "hallucinated journey" that Homer takes with his car to go to work, is very similar to the final part of the cartoon Yellow Submarine by The Beatles




  • Marge goes into the back garden with the clothes for the scarecrow through a door that looks like the front door to the Simpsons House rather than the back door. The scarecrow later magically appears in the front garden as Homer comes home.
  • Bart's jockey pants weren't used in "Saddlesore Galactica", Bart used his Krusty Pajamas for a jockey outfit.
Season 13 References
Treehouse of Horror XII The Parent Rap Homer the Moe A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love The Blunder Years She of Little Faith Brawl in the Family Sweets and Sour Marge Jaws Wired Shut Half-Decent Proposal The Bart Wants What It Wants The Lastest Gun in the West The Old Man and the Key Tales from the Public Domain Blame It on Lisa Weekend at Burnsie's Gump Roast I Am Furious (Yellow) The Sweetest Apu Little Girl in the Big Ten The Frying Game Poppa's Got a Brand New Badge