A Star Is Torn/References
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Cultural references
- This is the third episode with the title parodying the film A Star Is Born, the other two being "A Star Is Burns" and "A Star Is Born Again".
- The couch gag is a parody of the opening of the television sitcom Get Smart
- When Bart hits Lisa with a chicken bone, Bart says "Praise the Lord!", in a Martin Luther King style.
- Li'l Starmaker is a parody of American Idol and this is even referenced in the episode ("Not affiliated with American Idol; we've never even heard of American Idol").
- This episode seems to draw heavily from Al Jolson's The Jazz Singer.
- The city Sideshow Mel asks about during "I'm Talkin' Springfield" is Jacksonville.
- Homer's line "Everything I did, I did for you" is a reference to a song from Gypsy, a musical about a vicious stage parent.
- Cameron's character could be seen as a parody of the American Idol contestant Clay Aiken.
- When Milhouse sings his first line "When a man loves a woman", Lenny and Carl questions his sexuality, causing Milhouse to walk off.
- Homer once again shows his talents as a musician (he use to be a part of the Be Sharps).
- Lurleen Lumpkin, Ugolin, Dr. Foster and Cooder can be seen standing in the mall audience.
- The song "I'm Talkin' Springfield" makes references to "Bart Mangled Banner", "The Regina Monologues" and "Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo".
- There are not enough lines on Lisa's note paper to cover the entire of the lyrics to the song "I'm Talkin' Springfield".
- In many scenes various characters have the wrong colors.
- In one shot of the crowd cheering Clarissa, Roger Meyers, Jr. has Fat Tony's colors.
- In the last shot of the crowd cheering Clarissa, Mayor Quimby has black hair.
- When Krusty walks on stage after Clarissa's performance, Mrs. Glick has Helen Lovejoy's colors.
- When the crowd at the mall cheers for Lisa, Agnes Skinner's head is pale yellow, Helen Lovejoy has blond hair, Mayor Quimby has light brown hair, Mrs. Glick has black hair and Roger Meyers, Jr. has gray hair.
- When Milhouse walks on stage, Mayor Quimby has gray hair.
- When Lisa says "Did I forget to mention you?", Mrs. Glick has red hair.
- When the crowd goes silent after Krusty's joke, Roger Meyers, Jr. has Gil's colors, one of Quimby's bodyguards gains blond hair, Mrs. Glick's hair becomes brown and Charlie's hair goes from black to blue.
- At the second Lil' Starmakers finals, Luann Van Houten has brown hair, Arnie Pye has gray hair and Jack Marley has black skin.
- When the crowd applauds Lisa, Mr. Largo has brown hair and Lenny and Carl have gray hair.
- When the crowd boos Cameron, Dr. Nick has Principal Skinner's colors and Fat Tony has white or blond hair.
- When Apu and Snake hug, Mona Simpson can be seen standing behind them despite being on the run at the time.