Burger Kings/References
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Cultural references[edit]
- Mr. Burns and the hamburger reenact "draw me like one of your French girls" and the scene on the raft from Titanic.
- Mr. Burns mentions no-one living forever, except Dick Cheney, wondering what his deal is.
- When Mr. Burns takes a bite of the meatless burger, he smiles like the Grinch in How the Grinch Stole Christmas!.
- "Yes Ve-Gan" is a parody of Barack Obama's 2008 campaign slogan/chant,, "Yes We Can."
- Mr. Burns mentions Thomas Edison, and the night he invented the electric chair, while Smithers mentions him inventing the light bulb.
- A statue of Mr. Burns resembling Big Boy is seen outside the model of the X-Cell-Ent Burger restaurant chain.
- Portraits of Mr. Burns resembling the fast food mascots Colonel Sanders, Jack Box, The Burger King, Wendy and Mayor McCheese are seen.
- The book that Daphne Burns is reading, Lady Chatterly's Banker, is a parody of Lady Chatterley's Lover by D. H. Lawrence.
- Homer having a hamburger on a beam with the city in the background is a reference to the photo Lunch atop a Skyscraper.
- Marge uses Amazon Alexa and mentions Siri. Alexa fakes switching to Siri and gets angry, shooting her in the hair with a laser beam.
- Smithers and Burns mention Sully Sullenberger and Rudolf Hess.
- Homer reads the book Harry Potter and the Apologizing Author, a reference to the Harry Potter franchise and the controversies around J. K. Rowling's anti-trans views.
- The song that plays during the "Burger Wars" animation is "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" by Patrick Gilmore.
- Pachelbel's Canon can be heard when Mr. Burns arrives to the Beloved Billionaires Club.
- People at the Beloved Billionaires Club are Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.
- Mark Zuckerberg is seen throwing rocks at the club and divulges information on the person managing the club, referencing the accusations of stealing information on his platform Facebook.
- Facelook is a parody of Facebook.
- A Demogorgon chases and then eat the kids from Stranger Things. The theme song is seen as they appear on screen.
- The man killing the plants is Anton Chigurh, a character from the 2007 film No Country for Old Men who was played by Javier Bardem.
- Lisa uses Oogle, a parody of Google, to look for the endangered Amazon rainforest plants.
- The TV program Crazy Cash is a parody of Mad Money.
- Marge reads the Wall Street Journal, Barron's and has a E-Trade mug.
- The song "Pure Imagination" by Gene Wilder, from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, plays during Homer's dream.
- The mascots in Homer's dream include: Colonel Sanders, The Burger King, Jack Box, Wendy, Little Caesar, Bob's Big Boy and Cheesy McMayor.
- Beethoven's "Symphony No. 5" plays at the end of Homer's dream.
- Mr. Burns mentions Chick-fil-A as the only franchise Jesus may have owned, a reference to its founder's Christian beliefs.
- The protesters call it "Jesus Chicken".
- Mr. Burns weighs 42 pounds, which is triple his usual weight. This would put him at 14 pounds normally.
- Thomas Edison did not invent the electric chair, but he was largely responsible for its use in the first execution of a person.
- In the scene of the people cheering about Burns dying, Principal Skinner's hair is brown rather than grey.