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Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk/Quotes

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< Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk
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Season 3 Episode Quotes
045 "Flaming Moe's"
"Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk"
"I Married Marge" 047

[Restaurant meeting.]
Burns: Der Sauerbraten schmeckt koestlich. (The Sauerbraten is excellent.)
Smithers: Oh, you never cease to amaze me, sir.
Burns: Mein Kriecher sagte mir, dass ich bin nie aufhoere, zu erstaunen. (My lickspittle told me I never cease to amaze him.)
Fritz: Wir denken, wir haben ein sehr gutes Angebot. (We think we have a very generous offer.)
Burns: Du verspielst deine Zeit! (You are wasting your time!)

[German owners are attempting rapport with plant employees.]
Horst: Good morning. I am Horst. My superiors have selected me to speak to you because they believe I am the friendliest looking. Perhaps I remind you of the lovable Sergeant Schultz from Hogan's Heroes.
[Plant employees mutter amongst themselves in agreement.]
Horst: First, we need to deal with substance abuse. Are there any alcoholics here?
Man #1: Me.
Man #2: Me too. In fact, I am drunk at this moment.
Horst: Very well. You will be on convalescent leave for six weeks at an detoxification center in Hawaii, and will then return with back pay.
Homer: [talking to himself] Doh! Lucky drunks!
[Radioactive waste drips into a bucket.]
Horst: We would like to have a talk with your safety inspector.
Homer: Sock it to him, Horst!
[Homer lacks the situational awareness to see he wears a nameplate that says "Homer Simpson, Safety Inspector".]
Carl: Hey Homer, are you not the safety inspector?
Homer: D'oh!

[Last lines of episode. Mr. Burns has reclaimed ownership of the SNPP, but still has yet to clean up toys from his office, which the Germans had converted into a nursery. He brandishes a letter opener.]
Burns: Who was that man who insulted me in the blue-collar bar?
Smithers: Homer Simpson, sir. He was laid off under the German ownership.
Burns: Simpson, eh? As for him, many years will pass, where he will remain unaware the Sword of Damocles is dangling over him. And when he least expects it...
[Mr. Burns uses letter opener to stab a toy pig, which makes a squeal.]
[Simpson residence. Homer is on the phone while entire family listens in.]
Homer: WOO HOO! I got my job back!

Moe: [answering a prank call from Bart] Bea O'Problem? Come on, guys. Do I have as B.O. Problem here?
Barney: You sure do!
Season 3 Quotes
Stark Raving Dad Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington When Flanders Failed Bart the Murderer Homer Defined Like Father, Like Clown Treehouse of Horror II Lisa's Pony Saturdays of Thunder Flaming Moe's Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk I Married Marge Radio Bart Lisa the Greek Homer Alone Bart the Lover Homer at the Bat Separate Vocations Dog of Death Colonel Homer Black Widower The Otto Show Bart's Friend Falls in Love Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?