Lemon of Troy/References
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Cultural references[edit]
- The episode's title is a reference to Helen of Troy.
- In the couch gag, the Simpson family is wearing Mickey Mouse gloves.
- When Milhouse makes peace with his Shelbyville counterpart, he says, "So this is what it feels like when doves cry", which is a reference to the song "When Doves Cry" by Prince.
- Bart's plan to have the Shelbyvillians tow Ned's RV into the impound lot is reminiscent of the Trojan Horse strategy by which the Greeks defeated Troy in the Trojan War. In fact, while sneaking out of the RV, Homer states, "I bet no one else in history has thought of something this clever!"
- "Hark to the Tale of Nelson", the song which Martin sings after Nelson stops a Shelbyville boy from beating him up, is sung to the tune of the theme from the Western TV series The Rifleman, which aired from 1958 to 1963.
- When Bart tries to escape the tiger pit, he remembers his class on Roman numerals by adding II (2) to V (5) by thinking of Rocky and its sequels. He imagines a nonexistent "Rocky VII: Adrian's Revenge". There have so far only been six Rocky movies made and then 3 movies made from its spin-off Creed.
- While uncover, Bart is asked by two Shelbyvillian boys on how come he isn't seen at their school. One boy asks him what "Two plus two," Bart answers, "Five," which convinces the boy. This is a reference to the work 1984, and that Winston Smith was forced to accept the concept.
- Bart trying to fly using aerosol cans is a reference to the TV show My Secret Identity.
- Lisa's remark on town pride for Springfield "been going downhill ever since the lake caught fire" is a reference to 1969 when a oil slick on Lake Erie (more specifically the Cuyahoga River) caught fire just southeast of downtown Cleveland, Ohio. The national attention lead to amendments extending the Clean Water Act and the creation of the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
- The episode may be a reference to the Troy Lemon law firm in Ohio.
- After Bart labels Todd the "Quiet religious guy who ends up going crazy," Todd can be seen looking at the fourth wall nervously.
- When Database questions going into Shelbyville, Todd's colors change, making him resemble Lewis Clark.
- At the end, Bart, Martin and Milhouse are among the kids listening to Grampa tell the story of the voyage into Shelbyville, even though they were three of the people who recaptured the lemon tree.
- When Bart assembles the boys and tells them how it went, he forgets to tell Database about his role.
- The green spray paint on Bart's shoes disappear when he takes one of the Shelbyville kids' skateboard, and again when he goes on it.