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Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
Revision as of 22:03, December 10, 2019 by LetsPlayNintendoITA (talk | contribs)


Taps app icon.png The game is officially closed and can no longer be accessed.

Welcome to the The Simpsons: Tapped Out portal on Wikisimpsons, the wiki about The Simpsons that anyone can edit.

On this wiki, started on September 24, 2005, we are currently working on 47,091 articles.

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The Simpsons: Tapped Out (TSTO) is a free game for iOS and Android, developed and published by Electronic Arts, first released on February 17, 2012. The game consists of the player helping Homer and other characters to rebuild Springfield. The game features the original cast.
The game was removed from the App Store on March 3, 2012, due to connectivity issues primarily caused by the USA release of the game two days before. August and September that year saw the game re-launch in various countries, with January and February 2013 overlooking the game's long-awaited Android launch in various countries.
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Uter is a premium character that can be unlocked upon reaching Level 45. He was added in the Level 45 content update on September 14, 2014.

Üter is a German boy with his huge passion for eating unhealthy food, especially candy, and can often be seen alone eating sweets, both at school and on the school bus. This is shown in the game on his "Enjoy Candy for Breakfast" 8 hours visible job.

His obesity also had been a running gag in The Simpsons. As such, he was whipped with a wet towel by Homer for fun, thinking he had bosoms. This is shown in the game on his "Run While Full Of Chocolate" 24 hours visible job.

Üter once got left behind on the American Civil War field trip and subsequently went missing. He attacked by civil war re-enactors while Principal Skinner thanked his precious permission slips. His parents demanded Skinner to inform them of their missing son's whereabouts. This was used by a user on EA Forum to run his signature with the picture of Uter's parents saying "Quick changing the subject - Where is Uter?" till EA finally released him with Level 45.

He comes with The Hungry Hun, which costs Donut160 to unlock.
Read more about Uter | More featured characters

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Old people are roaming the town!

Check out the Abe's in Toyland update now!

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Walkthroughs for the latest content updates are now available!

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"The heretics have had their time and a new year has been celebrated. As the religious riots settle and the townsfolk get back to their normal lives, what's next for your town? An inaugural incident? A romp around the world? An invasion of bow wielding gnomes?"
Winter 2016 Takedown Teaser description on Amazon Store
"The documents were swapped, the messages decoded, and the world was saved (well most of it)! Now it’s time to put away the shoe phones, pen blow darts, watch cameras, and other mail-order gadgets, and get back to civilian life in Springfield. But what could be next for your town? A face-paint focused collegiate experience? A temporal trip? A quicky wedding? Stay tuned for more characters, buildings and stories coming soon!"
Secret Agents Takedown Teaser description
"Springfield’s festival of music has ended and all that’s left is the tedious hours of cleanup… just kidding! Video games have no consequences! It’s time to hang up those mics and return your townfolk back to their normal lives. But what’s next for your Springfield? Magical maladies and mayhem? A fried food feast? A clash of colliding colors? An all-town alliteration altercation? Stay tuned to find out!"
Homerpalooza Takedown Teaser description.
"It’s time to hang up the heists and wrap up the plots. It’s clear crime doesn’t pay (unless you’re already rich), and Homer and the gang need to get back to the daily grind. But what’s next for Springfield? A brutal build on a failing park? A murder mystery? A preteen road trip? A hidden fourth option so secret that we haven’t created yet? Stay tuned for new characters, buildings and stories coming soon."
Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Three) description.
"Exotic, experimental, and just plain wrong animals are all tucked away in their exhibits, and the townsfolk are finally safe to leave their garbage out unattended once again. But what’s next for your town? Seriously, what’s next? We’ve got nothing. Maybe something with… the census? Oh geeze. Why? Why did we get so many margaritas last night? For Bill’s birthday? Bill sucks! Wait, are you writing that down? Stay tuned for new characters, buildings and stories coming soon!"
Super Powers description.
"The stories have been told, the carols sung, and the snow slush-ified. It’s a new year in Springfield and with it a new adventure. But what will 2019 bring? An elder arrival? A factory field trip? A picture-perfect plot? Who knows! We sure don’t. We were really counting on that apocalypse. Stay tuned for these exciting new updates for Tapped Out!"
Not Yet Spring Cleaning event description.
"Age may be nothing but a number, but it turns out numbers are pretty important – that’s why everyone’s a lot happier to be back to normal. So abandon those babies (generally bad advice) and start preparing for Springfield’s next adventure! Will it be a harvest holiday or a sinister showdown? Maybe the Tapped Out Oracle will come out of her cave and tell us! That is, unless she sees her shadow. Hmm, am I mixing up local legends again? Either way, stay tuned for more Tapped Out!"
Krusty's Last Gasp Online event description.
"The alien plot has failed in all the dimensions. Yes, even that one. Put away those spiderwebs and return your bloody beating heart to your chest because it’s time to get ready for the holidays! Will there be turkey? Ham? Steamed Clams? An entire aurora borealis contained inside a kitchen? Get answers to those questions in our next update (or never, you’re not the boss of us)!"
All American Auction event description.
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"Check it out, Lisa! I'm going to make a snowman."
"Well, I'm going to make a snow angel."
"Darn it! Why didn't I choose the one where you get to lie down?"

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Tapped Out Unlock Brockman.png
  • January 25 2025: The game is no longer accessible.