The Italian Bob/Quotes
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< The Italian Bob
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- Martin: A new car? May I suggest an Oldsmobile?
- [silence]
- Nelson: Mr. Burns sucks!
- [everyone laughs]
- Homer: You're sending me to Italy?
- Burns: Yes.
- Homer: Can I take my family?
- Burns: Sure.
- Homer: Do I have to hang out with them?
- Burns: It would be nice.
- [Homer groans]
- Homer: Why can't you people learn to speak my language? I learned to eat your food! audio clip
- Homer: [sees a man in first class on the plane] Hey, that man has a TV in his seat. I wonder what I got.
- [rips off the top of the armrest]
- Homer: Oh, just a bunch of stupid wires.
- [Homer rips off some of the wires and one of the engines falls off, landing in Cletus' front yard]
- Cletus: Hey, Brandine! The kids just gots themselves a new playpen!
- Brandine: Cletus, you're the most wonderful husband and son I ever had. audio clip
- Bart: [At the airport] What's up with the Canadian sticker on your backpack?
- Lisa: Well, some people in Europe think that America has made some stupid choices for the past, oh, five years. So for the next week, I'm from Canada.
- Bart: Uh, I think Dad may blow your cover.
- Homer: [pushing through the crowd] That flag is mine! [takes an American flag off the conveyor belt and stands on top of suitcases, waving the flag around] Don't mess with Texas! Shock and awe, losers! Shock and awe!
- Marge: Excuse me, Mr. Mayor. They say you speak English.
- Man behind chair: Indeed I do.
- [man turns around to reveal that he is Sideshow Bob]
- Simpsons: Sideshow Bob!
- Bob: The Simpsons!
- [they all scream]
- Homer: Yes, tell us your story. But it better have a beginning, a middle, and an end.
- [Homer gestures like Mussolini on the balcony]
- Lisa: [whispering] Dad, don't act like Mussolini.
- Homer: Ooh, I thought I was doing Donald Trump.
- Bob: This is my bride, Francesca, and my son, Gino.
- Homer: Holy moley! I always thought that you were, you know, out loud and proud.
- Bob: Well, I experimented in college as one does.
- Homer: Yeah. I never went to college.
- Bob: [sarcastically] Stop the presses.
- Marge: (to Francesca) Hello. I'm Marge. This is my husband, Homer, my daughters, Lisa and Maggie, and my son, Bart Simpson.
- Francesca: Bart Simpson? The name Roberto cries when he has the bad dream?
- Gino: [making stabbing motions with his hand] Bart Simpson! Bart Simpson! Bart Simpson! I make-a like my daddy!
- Bob: We are here to honor my old friends, the Simpsons. Tomorrow they return to America, taking with them my gratitude, my friendship, and my heartfelt wish that they never return.
- Marge: [looking in an Italian to English Dictionar]) Vendetta means...vendetta! [all the Simpsons scream] audio clip
- Marge: Boy, that Sideshow Bob goes from zero to murder awfully fast.
- Bart: At least this time it was Lisa who ruined Bob's life.
- Lisa: [groaning] Oh, I feel so sick!
- Homer: [chuckle]) It's called a hangover, sweetie. And it's an unavoidable part of life.
- Bart: Please help us, Krusty. We don't want to be the first Christians to die at the Colosseum!
- Francesca, on sideshow bob: Oh, he makes love like a man who just got out of jail.
- Lisa: Hey, Krusty's in an opera here in Rome! He can save our lives! Come on, let's go!
- Homer: [groans] Opera? They have that here too?
- Lisa: You have to help us! Sideshow Bob has sworn a vendetta against us!
- Krusty: Vendetta? What's that, an Italian vending machine? [the Simpsons stare at him for a few seconds before Krusty bursts into tears] Aw! That's my opening joke! And my closer, and my saver, and my topper! audio clip
- Krusty: Put on these costumes and mix in with the crowd scenes. He won't kill you in front of all those witnesses!
- Homer: Can I be the Phantom of the Opera?
- Lisa: Dad, the Phantom isn't in this.
- Homer: But I do such a great impression of him! [turns around and turns back to them with his hand covering one of his eyes] Ooh, I am the gayest supervillain ever! Beware my scented candles! Ooh, scented!
- Bob: I can't believe what that clown is doing to Leoncavallo! And they call me a murderer!
- Bart: Krusty, you saved us!
- Krusty: Yeah, well, I need someone to help me smuggle antiquities back to America. Take a piece and hide it on your person. Hide it well.
- Lisa: [on an ancient Roman aqueduct; to Homer] Dad! You're driving on an ancient Roman aqueduct!
- Homer: [to Lisa] Well, what am I supposed to do about it? Transport water from distant cities?
- Homer: [about to drive off an end of an unfinished aqueduct] Lazy Romans!
- Bob: [stomping grapes to the tune of "These Boots Are Made for Walking"] "These feet are made for stomping, and that's just what they'll do. One of these days these feet will make Chianti out of you!"
- Marge: We're in a foreign city with no car, being stalked by a killer. I feel like I'm The Bourne Identity.
- Krusty: [talking to the audience at the Colosseum] So, I had this beautiful tour guide, right? And I tell her "I want to see your Naples!" She slaps me! [he laughs but the audience is silent]
- Man from audience: We call it "Napoli"!
- Krusty: Yeah, well it sounds like you're all taking a Napoli! I know you're out there, I can hear you being greasy! audio clip
- [in Venice, the Simpsons take a gondola ride]
- Marge: Oh, Homie, isn't Venice romantic? This gondola ride was a wonderful idea!
- Gondolier: [singing to the tune of That's Amore] When a wife looks like that and her husband's so fat, that's immoral. When she kisses that jerk while I do all the work, that's im...
- Homer: Hey, knock it off!
- Gondolier: Excusi, no speak-an English. [resumes singing] When that big tub of lard... audio clip