Mobile Homer
"Mobile Homer" is the thirteenth episode of The Simpsons' sixteenth season; it first aired in the US on March 20, 2005.
THe Episode starts off with Marge Bart and Lisa are on a sunday drive around Springfield.they then spot a angry KrustyTrying to drink his coffee telling marge to get the hell away from him. after that Bart asks how did Homer luck out on this lingering sunday drive.Marge tells him that Homer is cleaning the Garage.marge pictures it falsely with homer with huge byceps and a hat with the words hunk on it and Homer lost 50 pounds.the next scene goes to Homer with tons of clutter around him.but instead of cleanig it up hes getting drunk off his ass.but wasting even more space then there was before.after his version of clening out the garage he then reads the next thing on his list.that is to kill all the spiders at first Homer dosent know of any spiders til he sees a spider has made a web around his armpits. he tries to kill the spider with his shoes he seems confident when the spider hides under a box.as soon as he lifts up the box a dozen spiders fall on his head he then tries to find a way to get them off he then find spider poison on the christmas shelf he spray it on his head not knowing the dangers of the poison. while in a temperarly blinded state Homer trips on barts old skateboard an falls to the edge of the garage on the ground Homer sees the same spider that attacked him.he finds a old TV guide and throws it at the spider,the spider dodges the book but the book hits the garge door button and starts crushing Homers neck over and over again.luckily for Homer Marge comes home just in time. while Marge trys to save Homer,Bart whispers to Lisa that she can open the eonvalope that he gave her before the sunday drive. the depicts Homers being crushed by the garage door.Once Marge stopped the Garage door from killing Homer,Lisa gives her father CPR once lisa relizes that its not working fast enough she orders Bart to comprese his chest.Homer then awakens coughing up a dozen spiders.and starts speaking in gibberish.Marge is relievd that Homer is alive.
That night Homer is stil speaking in gibberish until Marge starts talking to him.And says she is worried about him having so many near fatal accidents and says that they should get life insurance.Homer reassures Marge telling her that if he dies she will marry Lenny Lenord or Moe Syzlack the winner would be determind by a card game that he invented.but Marge says that his near fatal accidents have almost become apart of his everyday life.Marge pulls out the vecaiton photos to prove how serious she is.she tells him to buy some life insurance immedatly Homer tells Marge that a near fatal accident will never happen to him again.but seconds later homers neck is caught in between the window sill.the life insurance company asks Homer a few questions Homer lies about 3 of them.the lady puts the form in the paper shreder Homer attemps to sign the paper but his hand is caught in the paper shreder. Homer is now uninsurable by every life Insurance company in the united states.Marge tries not to worry about the insurance problem. but after watching a movie about a woman who loses her husband to a tennis accident and since the husband was uninsured she was now homless.that completly convinced marge that she needed to save up every penny.
The next morning instead of bart gettin krust O,s he gets a make it yourself ceraeal.and even worse bart and lia have to wear clothes from the good will corp.and homer can no longer buy beer at moes. Homer is very upset a marge for her exetreme penny pinching Homer and marge have a big fight.the next morning Marge wakes up to find out that the nest egg money has been stolen and has been used to by a RV.
the next scene goes to Homer talking to bart and lisa about what happend Marge seems very angry at homer for aalso winning over the kids.while pumping gas at the gas staition homer meets a eledrly man who also owns a RV Homer lets the old man and several other RV owners stay in his back yard but Marge is so mad she forces the Rv owners to leave her home immedatly.that night Homer and marge have the biggest argument ever.Bart suggest that they take the RV back to the dealer so thaey can have a normal life again. after Homer and marge read the letter that Bart and lisa wrote they save the kids and there lives are back to normal
- Cowboy Bob and his Bob's RV Round-Up, from "The Call of the Simpsons", return; however, Cowboy Bob was not voiced by Albert Brooks this time. Also returning is the Merry Widow Insurance Company from "Homer's Triple Bypass".
- The first of two episodes this season to make a home-Homer pun.
- In the Spanish (from Spain) dubbed version, when Lisa reads Homer's Flinstones map, she says, "Dino, abreviatura de dinosaurio; consultarlo en la Wikipedia" (Dino, abbreviation of Dinosaur; search for it in Wikipedia). In the original English, she said "Dino, short for Dinosaur? Remember to Ask Jeeves"
- Among the vacation disasters: Homer impaled by a baquette in France, Homer being punched by Mickey Mouse and Goofy, and Homer stuck up Lincoln's nose on Mount Rushmore.
- This is the third time that Welcome to the jungle was on The Simpsons. First in Marge on the Lam, second in Eight Misbehavin'. Making it the most played song in pop culture on The Simpsons.
Cultural References
- Songs in this episode: "Vacation" by The Go-Gos, "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N' Roses, "I've Been Everywhere" by Johnny Cash, and "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)" by They Might Be Giants.
- The spider poison is called "Charlotte's Dead", an obvious parody of the childrens book Charlotte's Web.
- Nelson: (pointing to T-shirts Bart and Lisa are forced to wear) Haw haw! People died in those shirts! audio clip
- Marge: (discussing the "Budget-O's" cereal) It's much less expensive than the leading clown-based cereal. You just have to assemble it yourself.
- Marge: Oh no! The road's blocked by SUVs!
Homer: Don't worry, there's a gentle curve ahead.
(SUVs skid on corner and roll off road) - Marge: (during a long argument with Homer) And stop telling that story of the time you found an onion ring in your French fries! It was twenty years ago!!
Homer: That was my Woodstock! - Announcer:(at the end of the Lifetime movie, over a freeze frame)The real Brenda went to Harvard Medical School...AS A CADAVER
- Homer: Don't worry, Marge. If I croak, you'll marry Lenny. Or Moe. The winner will be determined by a card game I invented.
- Homer: My back yard makes my front yard look like an idiot.
- Homer: While you lounge around here doing laundry and putting up drywall, I'm at working busting my hump!
Marge: Oh, please! From what I hear, you waltz in there at 10:30, take a nap on the toilet, then sit around Googling your own name until lunch!
Homer: (screams in fear) Who told you that?!?
Marge: You shouted it while we were making love!