New article from the Springfield Shopper: Marge’s “nice-lady” reputation is on the line this April!

Marge in Chains/Quotes

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Season 4 Episode Quotes
079 "Whacking Day"
"Marge in Chains"
"Krusty Gets Kancelled" 081

Mr. Burns: Who the devil are you?
Homer's Brain: Don't panic. Just come up with a good story.
Homer: My name is Mr. Burns!
Homer's Brain: D'oh!

Bart: Who's gonna change Maggie?
Homer: We're going to let her roam free in the backyard and nature will take its course.

Chief Wiggum: All right, come out with your hands up, two cups of coffee, an auto freshener that says 'Capricorn', and something with coconut on it!

Bart: Dad! We're running out of clean clothes!
Lisa: It seems like I've been wearing this same red dress forever!
Homer: Go up to the attic, there's a whole trunk of clothes. [comes down the stairs in a wedding dress humming Here Comes the Bride to himself.]

Crowd: We need a cure! We need a cure!
Dr. Hibbert: Ho ho ho. Why, the only cure is bedrest. Anything I give you would be a placebo.
Woman: [frantic] Where can we get these placebos?
Man: [points at truck] Maybe, there's some in this truck!
[Crowd knock over truck and a box of killer bees from it break out and attack the crowd. A man, thinking the bee is a vaccine, takes it and swallows it.]
Man: I'm cured! I mean,ouch!

Flanders: Oh, the network slogan is true. Watch Fox and be damned for all eternity.

Lisa: Mom, could you bring me more O.J.?
Bart: Mom, could you get me some of those Flintstones chewable morphine?
Marge: There's no such thing!
Homer: Marge, the boy is wasting TV time. Come change the channel and pat my head!
Marge: In a minute!
Homer: But I'll miss Sheriff Lobo!

Chief Wiggum: All right, come out with your hands up, two cups of coffee, an auto freshener that says 'Capricorn', and something with coconut on it!

Lionel Hutz: Now don't you worry, Mrs. Simpson, I- uh-oh. We've drawn Judge Snyder.
Marge: Is that bad?
Lionel Hutz: Well, he's kind of had it in for me, since I accidently ran over his dog. Actually, replace "accidently" with "repeatedly," and replace "dog" with "son."

Lisa: You're a latter-day Clarence Darrow!
Lionel Hutz: Uh, was he the black guy on the Mod Squad?

Homer: Marge, I'm going to miss you so much. And it's not just the sex. It's also the food preparation.

Homer: Now, kids, while your mother's gone, I don't want to have to wash any dishes, so from now on, drink straight from the faucet or milk carton, and we'll eat while standing over the sink or toilet.

Bart: Mr. Hutz, when I grow up, I wanna be a lawyer just like you.
Lionel Hutz: Good for you, son. If there's one thing America needs, it's more lawyers. Could you imagine a world without lawyers?
[Hutz has a vision of a world without lawyers in his head with multicultural people walking and holding hands in a circle happily, causing him to shudder.]

Lionel Hutz: I move for a bad court thingy.
Judge Snyder: You mean a mistrial.
Lionel Hutz: Right!! That's why you're the judge and I'm the law-talking guy.
Judge Snyder: You mean the lawyer?
Lionel Hutz: Right.

Milhouse: [looks at his lunchbox] Alright, baloney and cheese! What have you got, Bart?
Bart: Pack of sugar and a peanut butter sticked on a playing card.
Nelson: Ha-ha! Your mom's a jailbird!
Bart: So's yours.
Nelson: Oh yeah. Let's play.

Marge: Knock, knock. I'm Marge Simpson, your new cellmate.
Phillips: I'm Phillips. They called me that because I killed my husband with a Phillips-head screwdriver.

[Lionel Hutz tries to give Judge Snyder a fake verdict]
Judge Snyder: This verdict is written on a cocktail napkin. And it still says "guilty." And "guilty" is spelled wrong!
Season 4 Quotes
Kamp Krusty A Streetcar Named Marge Homer the Heretic Lisa the Beauty Queen Treehouse of Horror III Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie Marge Gets a Job New Kid on the Block Mr. Plow Lisa's First Word Homer's Triple Bypass Marge vs. the Monorail Selma's Choice Brother from the Same Planet I Love Lisa Duffless Last Exit to Springfield So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show The Front Whacking Day Marge in Chains Krusty Gets Kancelled