Skinner's Sense of Snow/References
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Cultural references[edit]
- The episode title is a pun on the 1997 film Smilla's Sense of Snow.
- The Cirque de Purée is a parody of the Cirque du Soleil.
- The school mentioned on the radio "Springfield Elementary My Dear Watson Detective School" is a reference to Sherlock Holmes and his catchphrase, "Elementary, my dear Watson" (a phrase which Holmes never actually said in the original stories).
- The song that plays during the bus ride is "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!".
- When introducing The Christmas That Almost Wasn't But Then Was, Principal Skinner references the Grinch.
- Little Bo Peep is a character in the song "Little Bo-Peep".
- When Skinner's fellow prisoner in the Vietnam flashback says "Sarge, let's make a break for it while the guards are partying with Jane Fonda", it is a reference to her opposition to the Vietnam War.
- Homer sings along to "Feel Like Makin' Love" by Bad Company.
- When the children take over the school, "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns N' Roses plays.
- The Shawshank Redemption: When Skinner finds Bart's attempted escape tunnel and glowers into it at a still-digging Bart, it is a reference to the scene where Warden Norton discovers Andy Dufresne's tunnel.
- When Bart pokes Skinner with a stick saying "Didi mau!" it is a reference to what the Vietnamese guards said to their prisoners getting them to hurry up playing Russian roulette in The Deer Hunter.
- This episode premiered 11 years after the series premiere with the episode "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire", on December 17, 1989.
- In the couch gag, Bart is wearing his football outfit from "Bart Star".
- As Ned Flanders and Homer get ready to go rescue the kids from being stranded at Springfield Elementary School, Ned asks what happened to the plow from his old snowplow business (from the episode "Mr. Plow"). Homer denies ever having had a snowplow business, but (as Ned points out) he's wearing the jacket. As they start driving, Homer sings the jingle.
- Bart's permanent record says "Underachiever and proud of it", a reference to the episode "Bart Gets an "F"". He wonders how old the report is, referencing how "Bart Gets an "F"" was aired 10 years prior.
- When the children are in flour sacks as they go to sleep, Bart rests his head on his red jacket. When Skinner switches the light off, it turns gray.
- Principal Skinner decided to open Springfield Elementary, even though Superintendents are the people who would decide that.
- When the kids are burning literature, someone throws Huckleberry Finn into the fire. Skinner says that "It took me hours to cross out all the sass back", but his lips don't match the words.
- Lisa is uncharacteristically against going to (and being stuck in) school.
- Nibbles' hamster-ball crashed through Ned's' car windscreen, but when the vehicle hit the salt silo, it was intact.
- When Skinner was trying to call the kids' parents, the telephone hook was gray, but when he hangs it up, the hook turns to blue.