The Color Yellow/References
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< The Color Yellow
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Cultural references
- The episode title is a reference to the Alice Walker novel and the 1985 film The Color Purple.
- Elmo (from Sesame Street) and Buzz Lightyear (from Toy Story) appear in a picture Ralph drew.
- According to the episode "Much Apu About Nothing", the Simpsons didn't arrive in America until the early 1900s when Abe was a child.
- There is a lack of continuity between this episode and the episode "Lisa the Simpson", where it is revealed only the males of the Simpson family are failures, whereas the females are often successful and highly intelligent.
- Mabel and Virgil could not cross the "Canadian border" in 1860 as Canada did not become a country until 1867. When they left the United States, they entered an area that was still a British colony at the time.
- The Canadian flag that appears in the episode is not the official flag of Canada until 1965.
- The waltz played at the ball in the flashback to 1860 is "The Blue Danube" by Johann Strauss II, which was not written until 1867.
- When Bart and Lisa mention that they were 1/64th black, Homer thinks he's 1/64th black as well, when really he would be 1/32nd black.
- When the kids gasp at Milhouse calling Lisa's story a fairy tale, Lewis is in his normal attire with his usual haircut, then after Milhouse tells the story of Milford Van Houten, Lewis is wearing an Obama suit with matching haircut.
- When Lisa goes to the attic, many objects from previous episodes can be seen, including:
- A Pin Pals picture ("Team Homer")
- An "I Didn't Do It" T-shirt ("Bart Gets Famous")
- Homer's Astrolabe ("'Tis the Fifteenth Season")
- Homer's Spacesuit ("Deep Space Homer")
- A large model rocket, taped back together ("She of Little Faith")
- A calendar with Marge posing on the cover ("The Devil Wears Nada")
- Funzo ("Grift of the Magi")
- A Princess Penelope doll ("Once Upon a Time in Springfield")
- The stone head of Xtapolapocetl ("Blood Feud")
- Homer's Grammy and a Be Sharps record ("Homer's Barbershop Quartet")
- The statue of a Golem ("Treehouse of Horror XVII")
- Homer's Mr. Plow jacket ("Mr. Plow")
- The vibrating chair given to Homer by Herb Powell ("Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?")
- One of Marge's paintings of Ringo Starr ("Brush with Greatness")
- The upper half of Homer's homemade bear protection suit ("The Fat and the Furriest")
- Bart's guitar ("The Otto Show")
- The Mary Worth telephone ("Lady Bouvier's Lover")