Treehouse of Horror XIII/References
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292 "Treehouse of Horror XIII"
Cultural References
Send in the Clones
The Island of Dr. Hibbert
- Dr. Hibbert's lab is called the "House of Pain", the same as Moreau's lab in the 1977 film adaption of The Island of Dr. Moreau.
- The music playing in the scene where Homer has been transformed into a walrus is reminiscent of the theme music from Fantasy Island.
- Seen among the crowd of Homer's clones are the following:
- This is the third Treehouse of Horror episode not to have the credits littered with "scary names" (the previous two were I and XII). This may have prompted some complaints from longtime fans, as the scary names were reinstated the following year.
- This is the first Halloween episode to have the name Treehouse of Horror.
- Bart, Homer and Maggie are each revealed as owning several guns.
- This episode is titled "Treehouse of Horror 13" as opposed to "Treehouse of Horror XIII".
- Animals in the island
- Homer - Walrus
- Fat Tony - Beaver
- Kearney - Mandrill
- Jimbo - Parrot
- Marge - Panther
- Bart - Spider
- Lisa - Owl
- Maggie - Anteater
- Blue Haired Lawyer - Moose
- Gil Gunderson - Giraffe
- Mr. Burns - Fox
- Mr. Smithers - Flamingo
- Principal Skinner and Mrs. Skinner - Kangaroo and Joey
- McCallister - Crocodile
- Milhouse - Snail
- Raphael - Chameleon
- Old Jewish Man - Vulture
- Miss Springfield - Racoon
- Lenny - Pelican
- Carl - Armadillo
- Krusty - Lion
- Moe - Frog
- Cletus - Sloth
- Chief Wiggum & Sarah Wiggum - Pigs
- Nelson - Wolf
- Otto- Camel
- Professor Frink- Turkey
- Mayor Quimby - Panda
- Manjula - Antelope
- Reverend Lovejoy- Coyote
- Snake - Skunk
- Kent Brockman - Rhino
- Selma - Elephant
- Arnie Pye - Eagle
- Patty - Leopard
- Jasper - Goat
- Kirk Van Houten - Aardvark
- Lindsey Naegle - Meerkat
- Dolph - Tiger
- Grampa - Rooster
- Dr. Nick - Squirrel
- Herman Hermann - Lizard
- Sideshow Mel - Lemur
- Judge Snyder - Hippo
- Cookie Kwan - Deer
- Squeaky Voiced Teen - Donkey
- Hans Moleman - Turtle
- Comic Book Guy - Goat
- Martin - Sheep
- Dewey Largo - Bat
- Allison Taylor - Zebra
- Groundskeeper Willie - Ape
- Rich Texan - Buffalo
- Helen Lovejoy - Horse
- Mrs. Krabappel - Hyena
- Duffman - Koala
- Disco Stu - Shrew
- Eddie - Dog
- Lou - Cheetah
- Rod and Todd Flanders - Penguins
- Ned Flanders - Cow
- Wolfcastle - Rabbit
- Apu and the octuplets - Possums
- Barney Gumble - Warthog
- Gary Chalmers - Bear
- Lugi - Guinea Pig
- In "The Island of Dr. Hibbert", Chief Wiggum throws his tattered pants into the fire, but in the next scene when Homer calls the human/animal creatures freaks, Wiggum is wearing the pants again.
- In the third segment, Captain Horatio McCallister as a crocodile speaks. If you look closely, you can see Groundskeeper Willie in his normal looks, but he is meant to be bushy, all red.
- The beers Homer puts under the hammock vanish when the hammock breaks, and Homer falls to the floor.
- The people standing to the left of the rock, as Comic Book Guy (as a faun) walks onto it, changes. In the first shot the police officers and Ralph stand there, in the second shot it's a panda.
- When Homer starts to strangle his clone, the clone throws the boxes it was carrying, to the floor. In a following shot the boxes have vanished.
- When Homer is playing the piano, and Marge is playing the cello, Professor Frink grabs Homer and pulls him into the room. However the playing of the piano continues, even after Homer is pulled away.