The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular
"The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular"
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Episode Information
"The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular" is the tenth episode of the Simpsons' seventh season.
In honor of the 138th episode of "The Simpsons", Troy McClure hosts a TV special looking back at the history of the show. The opening has "I Will Only Do This Onec A Year" as a chalkboard gag and the couch gags from A Streetcar Named Marge (also used In Last Exit to Springfield,) Lisa The Beauty Queen (also used in Duffless,) Marge vs The Monorail, Homer's Triple Bypass(also used in Marge in Chains,) Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk (also used in The Otto Show,) Homer Goes To College (also used in Lisa vs Malibu Stacy,) A Star Is Burns (also used in Round Springfield,) Homer The Great (also used in The PTA Disbands,) Homer Badman (also used in Two Dozen and One Greyhounds,) Lisa's Rival (also used in Bart vs Australia,) Bart's Comet (also used in Lemon of Troy) and Lisa's First Word (also used in The Front, Cape Feare and Fear Of Flying.) The first act is composed of various Tracey Ullman shorts, like Good Night, The Perfect Crime, Space Patrol, World War III (in 1987), and Bathtime in 1989. Troy also has a "talk" with the "real" Matt Groening.
Next, Troy answers some viewer mail. One person asks whats the deal with Smithers. The answer is Smithers being Mr. Burns' assistant and his alleged and closeted homosexuality, and someone else asks if Homer is getting dumber each season from Season 2 to Season 6.
The final act is made up of a deleted scenes reel, in episodes such as Krusty Gets Kancelled, $pringfield, Homer and Apu and Burns' Heir. The alternate ending to Who Shot Mr. Burns is also shown, which reveals Smithers is the shooter. There are also unaired scenes involving Barney, Tito Puente, Moe, Apu and Santa's Little Helper shooting Mr. Burns each with different guns.
It at the end mentions two new possible episodes for the next series, neither of which came.