The following is a list of all episodes banned, for one reason or another, in one or more regions, temporarily on indefinitely, including ones where only a part of it is banned.
"Stark Raving Dad"
In March 2019, following the sexual abuse allegations against Michael Jackson that publicly came to light in the documentary Leaving Neverland, the producers of the show decided to pull "Stark Raving Dad" from syndication,, Disney+, and future DVD releases, resulting in the season beginning with "Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington" instead.[1]
"Cape Feare"
Due to the scenes of violence against a child and a character having the rank of Obergruppenführer, as it's against the law to make Nazi references or use symbols unless for educational or historical purposes.[1]
"The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson"
Due to the 9/11 attacks and the prominent presence of the World Trade Center in the episode, the episode was pulled or censored many times (especially the scenes at the towers), and the phrase "they stick all the jerks in Tower One." was removed altogether until the Disney+ release.[1]
"The Cartridge Family"
United Kingdom
Due to the soccer riot and the depiction of guns in the episode, though it was shown on a VHS (The Simpsons: Too Hot for TV) and on the Season 9 DVD. It aired on Sky, but the final scene with Maggie was censored to make it look like she gets rid of it.[1]
"Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo"
Due to scenes depicting content offensive to their culture: for example, the Hello Kitty factory and the Battling Seizure Robots (referencing the episode of Pokémon, which was banned in Japan due to the seizures caused by Pikachu's attack). The episode was later aired in South Korea for the same reason but was not banned.[1]
"Little Big Mom"
Due to the leprosy subplot and the segregation element, which are sensitive topics in Japan.[1]
"Day of the Jackanapes"
United Kingdom (temporarely)
On TV due to Bart's suicide bombing attempt at Krusty. The ban was lifted in 2004.[2]
"Blame It on Lisa"
Brazil (temporarily)
Due to the portrayal of the country and Rio de Janeiro after protests in the city. It started airing uncensored in 2012 and was put on DVD.[1]
"Weekend at Burnsie's"
United Kingdom (temporarily)
Due to the use and reference of marijuana and the attack of crows on Homer.[1]
"Goo Goo Gai Pan"
China Hong Kong
Due to the portrayal of China.[1]
The Simpsons Movie
Due to heavy usage of the colors yellow and red.[3]
"E. Pluribus Wiggum"
Most of Latin America (temporarily)
Due to mentioning Juan Perón as a dictator until the Disney+ release.[1]
"Treehouse of Horror XXVII"
Due to the violent scenes involving children.
New Zealand (temporarily)
Was released at a later date and time for the same reason.[2]
"Treehouse of Horror XXVIII"
On TV for two years due to the content of "Mmm... Homer," before being added to Disney+ in 2020 and then aired in 2021 on TV.[4]
"A Made Maggie"
Czech Republic
Due to heavy themes surrounding christianity.[1]
"One Angry Lisa"
Hong Kong
On Disney+ for the dialogue "Behold the wonders of China. Bitcoin mines, forced labor camps where children make smartphones, and romance."[5]