Duff Days
Duff Days is a festival that was held in Springfield to celebrate Duff Beer. A banner proclaimed the event to be "A lost weekend for the whole family!"
Homer took the family to the festival, where they were greeted by Surly Duff loudly calling out "Drink Duff!" and then adding "responsibly" in a voice that was barely above a whisper. A festival worker asked who the family's designated driver was. When Marge said it was her, she was placed in the "Designated Drivers' Rockin Fun Zone" along with the other adults who weren't drinking. The "Fun Zone", however, was actually a fenced and locked enclosure that was topped with barbed wire and resembled a chicken coop.
Attractions at Duff Days included a ride called the Tipsy-Whirl, which was designed to induce symptoms of drunkenness. Bart took a ride on it and found that it worked exactly as designed.
Moe also attended Duff Days. He entered the "Beer-Tender of the Year" contest. In spite of losing the first two events (due to contest judge Duffman being blatantly biased in favor of Titania), Moe won the contest by virtue of winning the last event, the "Drunk Toss". Moe tossed Barney Gumble, and when he landed, his tongue lolled out, giving Moe the distance he needed to win.
Episode – "Pygmoelian"
[show] Duff Beer